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COVID-19 advisory For the health and safety of Meetup communities, we're advising that all events be hosted online in the coming weeks. Learn more.

Policy Center Overview

Welcome to the Meetup community. When you join our community, you become a member of a worldwide network of local Meetup groups. Our Terms of Service, including the policies and guidelines that are part of the Terms of Service, and our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, contain important information, and will help you have a great experience. Please review them carefully.

Our Terms of Service describes the legal rights and responsibilities of Meetup and you in connection with our Platform, and covers areas such as automatic subscription renewals, limitations of liability, resolution of disputes by mandatory arbitration rather than a judge or jury in a court of law, and a class action waiver. The Terms of Service, which includes our Usage and Content Policies, Group Policies, Organizer and Leadership Standards, Member Restrictions, and Trademark Usage Guidelines, form a legally binding agreement between you and Meetup.

Our Privacy Policy describes the information we collect from you and how we may (and may not) use and disclose that information.

Our Usage and Content Policies explains the general rules for using Meetup’s Platform. They will help you understand how you are permitted to use the Platform and what content you can post to it.

Our Group Policies explains the types of groups that are permitted on our Platform. Remember, Meetup helps people to do more of what they want to do in life by connecting them together in communities of shared interest. If your group does not fit within this vision, your group is not right for Meetup.

Our Organizer and Leadership Standards explain the practices we expect from Meetup organizers and their leadership team members.

Our Member Restrictions explains the types of individuals and organizations that are permitted to access or create a Meetup account.

Our Intellectual Property Dispute Policies explains the procedures for reporting a violation of your intellectual property rights or responding to a notice that your content violates someone else’s intellectual property rights.

Our Trademark Usage Guidelines explains how Meetup’s trademarks may be used by members in connection with their groups and by developers in connection with their applications.

Our API License describes the conditions for using our application programing interface to develop applications using Meetup data and tools. This API License is contained in Section 5.8 of the Terms of Service.

Our Cookie Policy describes how Meetup uses cookies and similar technologies to operate, improve, promote, and protect Meetup and our Platform.

Our Payment Policies describe when Meetup will issue certain refunds, and Meetup’s restrictions on use of payments processors.

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