Stephane KasrielVarmennettu tili


CEO of (, ). Co-chair, Global Future Council on Gender, Education and Work. Internet exec, serial entrepreneur & product guy.

Mountain View, CA
Liittynyt toukokuu 2007

@skasriel on estetty

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  1. 10. helmikuuta

    “Workers Flocking To Cities With Lower Cost Of Living" - end of the location paradox?

  2. 10. helmikuuta

    Relieved that thinks only 25% of my job can be automated and that we haven't reached "Peak Jobs" -

  3. 8. helmikuuta

    Multilingual Web Design, and : 12 Questions to Ask Before Starting Out

  4. 7. helmikuuta

    How to Close a Gender Gap: Let Employees Control Their Schedules

  5. 7. helmikuuta

    “Talent is distributed equally around the world, but opportunity isn’t.” on how changes that:

  6. 7. helmikuuta

    I dunno. If nativism and hostility to outsiders was a path to economic development, maybe Arkansas wouldn't be so poor?

  7. 6. helmikuuta

    “Talent is distributed equally around the world, but opportunity isn’t.” on how changes that:

  8. 6. helmikuuta

    Relaunching a high-ranking website can be scary. Here's how to do it right.

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    Why app developers are choosing to freelance

  10. 6. helmikuuta

    . team members left our 2017 kick-off feeling excited, inspired, and ready to take on the year!

  11. 3. helmikuuta
  12. 31. tammikuuta

    In 1980, it took 25 jobs to generate $1 million in manufacturing output. Today, it takes 5

  13. 2. helmikuuta

    In a tight labor market, manufacturers invest again in training workers. via

  14. 2. helmikuuta

    “Can I automate it? If not, can I outsource it? If not, can I give it to a ... freelancer?” The end of the employee:

  15. 1. helmikuuta

    .'s identifies top 5 tech business trends. Among them: workforce marketplaces like

  16. 1. helmikuuta

    The state of the IT contractor job market in 2017

  17. 28. tammikuuta

    Open doors brings all of US together. Closing doors further divides US. Let's all find ways to connect people, not separate them.

  18. 27. tammikuuta

    iOS developers are switching to , according to 's Quarterly Skills Index via

  19. 27. tammikuuta

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