Providing group & 1-2-1 support for dads experiencing mental health concerns related to pregnancy & birth or supporting their partner (part of )

Bristol, Bath, Devon England
Дата приєднання: січень 2017


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  1. Закріплений твіт
    26 лют. 2017

    "Being a dad is wonderful" "Being a dad is terrifying" fairytale vs reality 1 in 10 find their#mentalhealth is affected in parenthood

  2. ретвітнув(ла)
    12 черв.
    У відповідь , і ще

    I don’t think people appreciate just how hard it can be for men as well as women. More needs to be done to look after their mental health too!

  3. ретвітнув(ла)
    12 черв.

    We need to expand services and model organisations from the work of for dad's struggling during this time! I'm positive one day everyone with extra services will be asking

  4. ретвітнув(ла)
    12 черв.
    У відповідь ,

    Couldn't agree more. Think all new Dads regardless of how their partner is should have a 6 week check as mums and babies do and chance to talk both with and without mum if possible. Plan to raise this with my local MP as a campaigning issue.

  5. ретвітнув(ла)
    12 черв.

    So important that dads are included in conversations about wellbeing. It takes moments to ask and that simple thing could help a dad know he matters & hopefully encourage open conversation on

  6. ретвітнув(ла)
    12 черв.
    У відповідь

    I don't think anyone asked how partner was after my daughter's birth. I nearly had to have an emergency c section and watching the huge no of people around me must have been so traumatic for him.

  7. ретвітнув(ла)
    12 черв.
  8. 12 черв.

    Take a look at tonight if you’re a Dad or anyone interested in paternal mental health 8-9pm. Good to see more awareness of Dads’ mental health and if you need 1-2-1 or group support then can help in Bristol, Bath & soon also Devon.

  9. ретвітнув(ла)
    12 черв.

    Looking forward to 2019. Raising awareness globally for fathers' . Let me know if you have a resource you would like to share

  10. ретвітнув(ла)
    12 черв.

    Well done Gareth!! Another father opening up about the struggles of Postnatal Depression in Dad's Ahead of International Fathers Mental Health Day June 17th. Man opens up on battling post natal depression after becoming first time dad

    Показати цей потік
  11. 12 черв.

    Parenthood is one of the biggest transitions in life we ever make & isolation has a huge impact on emotional wellbeing, leading to higher stress levels if we don’t have supportive networks around us. Good to see research from into this

  12. ретвітнув(ла)
    11 черв.
  13. 10 черв.

    Really good to be launching this new service for Dads on - if you’re a Dad in Bath & NE Somerset or a health professional who’d like to find out more, then please come along and meet us - details at Dads in Mind Facebook

  14. ретвітнув(ла)
    8 черв.

    Sweden Finds a Simple Way to Improve New Mothers’ Health. It Involves Fathers. Always good to see research but this is hardly surprising surely & in ideal world would be a given?! Of course not every new mum has a partner, so social networks are also vital

  15. ретвітнув(ла)
    8 черв.
  16. 8 черв.

    Excellent piece, lots of insightful observations for fathers & partners as well!

  17. ретвітнув(ла)
    6 черв.

    Yes! Lots! In training, talks, with parents, in inductions with new team members & volunteers and with funders to demonstrate the need. It’s a great tool, which is universal & can be shown to anyone who wants to understand more

  18. ретвітнув(ла)
    7 черв.

    Thanks so much to all who have completed our surveys and shared views and experiences about involving and supporting partners, co-parents and other family in specialist services. The surveys are now closed &compiling these findings for the guidance

  19. ретвітнув(ла)
    7 черв.

    Looking forward to 2019. Raising awareness globally for fathers' . Let me know if you have a resource you would like to share

  20. ретвітнув(ла)
    3 черв.

    Date set, June 17th 6-8pm for launch of Bath & NE Somerset at central Bath venue, more details to follow. Invitation open to Dads, professionals & anyone interested to know more about plans for supporting dads’ mental health related to pregnancy & birth

  21. 3 черв.

    Date set, June 17th 6-8pm for launch of Bath & NE Somerset at central Bath venue, more details to follow. Invitation open to Dads, professionals & anyone interested to know more about plans for supporting dads’ mental health related to pregnancy & birth


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