Tide Chat Summary: December 3rd

This post summarizes the 30-minute Tide status update and open floor discussion from December 3rd in the #tide Slack channel (agenda, Slack archive).

Reminder that the current Tide focus is integrating PHP Compatibility data from Tide into WordPress.org.  Once PHP Compatibility is integrated into WordPress.org, we’ll assess the next focus to provide the biggest impact to the community.


  • @derekherman been sidelined by work travel and holidays, will work to merge in various PRs (wptide#198, ) and deploy to GCP
  • Discussion continues on wptide#178 on whether its an update to the keys in the env file or if a code change is needed
  • Will reasses issues remaining in our next meeting after @derekherman merges existing PRs

Next meeting

The next meeting, a 2-hour active working session, will take place on December 17, 2019 at 20:00 UTC in the #tide Slack channel.  Please feel free to drop in with any updates or questions.  If you have items to discuss but cannot make the meeting, please leave a comment on this post so that we can take them into account.

#summary, #tide-chat

Tide Chat Agenda: December 3rd

This is the agenda for the 30-minute Tide status update and open floor discussion on December 3, 2019 at 20:00 UTC:

  • 1.0.0
    • Updates on progress of open PRs and issues in the milestone
  • Open floor

If you have anything to propose to add to the agenda or specific items related to the above, please leave a comment below. See you there!

#agenda, #tide-chat

Tide Chat Summary: November 19th

This post summarizes the 2-hour Tide active working session from November 19th in the #tide Slack channel (agenda, Slack archive).

Reminder that the current Tide focus is integrating PHP Compatibility data from Tide into WordPress.org.  Once PHP Compatibility is integrated into WordPress.org, we’ll assess the next focus to provide the biggest impact to the community.


Next meeting

The next meeting, a 30-minute update/open floor session, will take place on December 3, 2019 at 20:00 UTC in the #tide Slack channel.  Please feel free to drop in with any updates or questions.  If you have items to discuss but cannot make the meeting, please leave a comment on this post so that we can take them into account.

#summary, #tide-chat

Tide Chat Agenda: November 19th

This is the agenda for the 2-hour Tide active working session on November 19, 2019 at 20:00 UTC:

  • 1.0.0
    • Review open PRs for issues blocking merging, commit to owners to resolve those, aiming to get to merge by end of the working session
    • Review open issues needing PRs, commit to owners to submit those PRs, aiming to get to code review and possibly merge by end of the working session

If you have anything to propose to add to the agenda or specific items related to the above, please leave a comment below. See you there!

#agenda, #tide-chat

CANCELLED Tide Chat: November 12th

Reminder that during the November 5th Tidechat we agreed to a proposal to switch to meeting every other week (alternating between a 2-hour working session and 30-minute update/open floor session). As such, there is no Tidechat this week.

Our next meeting is scheduled as a 2-hour active working session on November 19, 2019 at 20:00 UTC, we hope to see you then!

#agenda, #tide-chat

Tide Chat Summary: November 5th

This post summarizes the Tide chat meeting from November 5th in the #tide Slack channel (agenda, Slack archive).

Reminder that the current Tide focus is integrating PHP Compatibility data from Tide into WordPress.org.  Once PHP Compatibility is integrated into WordPress.org, we’ll assess the next focus to provide the biggest impact to the community.


  • Significant progress at WCUS Contributor Day working through open issues and PRs in the 1.0.0 milestone
  • @valendesigns in offsite meetings all week, aiming to resolve any issues in PRs and get those to merge and a v1.0 RC later this month

Proposal to adjust Tidechat scheduling

  • Proposal from @jeffpaul to adjust Tidechat scheduling to every 2 weeks, alternating between a status update/open floor session and a working session.
  • One week we’d have a regular update meeting / open floor session for 30 minutes, then 2 weeks later we’d have a mini-Contributor Day-like working session for 2 hours (possibly via video-chat with fall-backs to audio-only and text-only as contributors prefer) with folks who show up to work through an issue together (ideally decided upon in the previous tidechat).
  • Part of the reasoning is that our weekly meetings have gotten repetitive in what’s happened since the previous weeks, hoping to give folks an extra week to work on contributions, and also that we tend to see the biggest jump in contributions when we’re working together on a topic.
  • This proposal came out of discussions at WCUS Contributor Day as something worth trying to improve our progress towards v1.0.
  • It would mean that our next tidechat would be on November 19th and would be an active working session. Then December 3rd would be an update/open floor session. And our final tidechat for the year on December 17th would be another working session.
  • Our first meeting in 2020 to be January 7th as an update/open floor where we discuss how this adjusted tidechat schedule has worked and what further tweaks we’d want to make.
  • @valendesigns @kkoppenhaver @williampatton @fahimmurshed concurred with the proposal so we’ll shift to that starting immediately

Open floor

  • Thanks to all everyone who showed up to the Tide table at WCUS Contributor Day this weekend. Your contributions and input are greatly appreciated!

Next meeting

The next meeting, a 2-hour active working session, will take place on November 19, 2019 at 20:00 UTC in the #tide Slack channel.  Please feel free to drop in with any updates or questions.  If you have items to discuss but cannot make the meeting, please leave a comment on this post so that we can take them into account.

#summary, #tide-chat

Tide Chat Agenda: November 5th

This is the agenda for the weekly Tide meeting on November 5, 2019 at 20:00 UTC:

  • 1.0.0
  • Proposal to adjust Tidechat scheduling to every 2 weeks, alternating between a status update/open floor session and a working session
  • Open floor

If you have anything to propose to add to the agenda or specific items related to the above, please leave a comment below. See you there!

#agenda, #tide-chat

Tide Chat Summary: October 29th

This post summarizes the Tide chat meeting from October 29th in the #tide Slack channel (agenda, Slack archive).

Reminder that the current Tide focus is integrating PHP Compatibility data from Tide into WordPress.org.  Once PHP Compatibility is integrated into WordPress.org, we’ll assess the next focus to provide the biggest impact to the community.


Open floor

  • Plan for WCUS Contributor Day (besides items noted above) is to spend the first hour getting folks on-boarded, working through issues/PRs, and defining our roadmap
  • Second half of Contributor Day, @valendesigns and @jeffpaul will meet with other teams to see how they might integrate/interact with Tide to further inform our roadmap
  • Ideal outcome is deploying a stable Tide v1.0 by the end of the day

Next meeting

The next meeting will take place on November 4, 2019 at 20:00 UTC in the #tide Slack channel.  Please feel free to drop in with any updates or questions.  If you have items to discuss but cannot make the meeting, please leave a comment on this post so that we can take them into account.

#summary, #tide-chat

Tide Chat Agenda: October 29th

This is the agenda for the weekly Tide meeting on October 29, 2019 at 20:00 UTC:

  • 1.0.0
  • Open floor

If you have anything to propose to add to the agenda or specific items related to the above, please leave a comment below. See you there!

#agenda, #tide-chat

Tide Chat Agenda: October 22nd

This is the agenda for the weekly Tide meeting on October 22, 2019 at 20:00 UTC:

  • 1.0.0
  • Open floor

If you have anything to propose to add to the agenda or specific items related to the above, please leave a comment below. See you there!

#agenda, #tide-chat