ERNOP Conference 2019

Please download the ERNOP Conference 2019 Program.


9th International Research Conference of the European Research Network On Philanthropy

Philanthropy in the Spotlight? Resources, Reputation and Achievements.


4-5 July, 2019


University of Basel, Switzerland

Practical information, hotels and local transportation:

Practical information regarding the location, hotels and local transportation can be found here. If you are interested in exhibiting your work and/or organization, advertise during the conference or interested in sponsoring this conference, you can find more information here.


In recent years the public profile of philanthropy has increased. Across Europe (and beyond) philanthropic actors take the lead in addressing societal issues and the contribution of philanthropy is being (re)discovered by public actors. While philanthropy is not a new phenomenon, its heightened visibility  has raised questions about the background and motives of philanthropic organizations and donors, the place of philanthropy within (European) welfare states, and the relationship of philanthropy to other actors that aim to solve societal issues and/or put issues on the societal agenda. An increase in visibility seems to call for more transparency and a better understanding of the achievements, impacts and limitations of philanthropy: we should look the philanthropic gift horse in the mouth.

Hosted by the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) at the University of Basel in Switzerland, the conference will gather scholars from various disciplines sharing a motivation to discuss the achievements of philanthropy in the present day, and to generate new questions about how philanthropy might develop in the future. Participants are especially encouraged to send in proposals addressing questions related to the financial and other sources of philanthropy related to the reputation of philanthropic organizations and projects and/or achievements of philanthropy. In doing so, the conference aims to intitiate a lively debate about the multifaceted character of philanthropy  in the past, present and future.

ERNOP welcomes papers addressing questions from a micro- meso- and/or macro perspective and from questions addressing the background, contents and/or output of philanthropy. Papers can be either empirical – using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method approaches – or theoretical. Topics at the conference include (but are not limited to this alphabetical list):

  • Altruism and generosity
  • Bequests and intergenerational transfers
  • Cross-country studies of philanthropy
  • Corporate philanthropy and CSR
  • Cross-sector collaboration with for profit organizations or governments
  • Diaspora and community philanthropy
  • Economics of philanthropy
  • Efficacy, efficiency and performance evaluation
  • European philanthropy (or philanthropies)
  • Family philanthropy
  • Fundraising strategies and practices
  • Foundation roles and strategies
  • Governance of foundations
  • High net worth philanthropy
  • Impact, outcomes and outputs of philanthropy
  • Legal and fiscal issues in philanthropy
  • Methodology for philanthropy research
  • Morality and ethics of giving
  • New frontiers and innovation in philanthropy
  • Philanthropy and democracy
  • Private and public foundations
  • Social innovation, crowdfunding and philanthropy
  • Strategies for philanthropy
  • Theories of giving and volunteering
  • Venture philanthropy, social investment and impact investment
  • Volunteering, giving time

For who:

  • Researchers in all academic disciplines
  • Professionals from and working with the philanthropy sector – including nonprofit executives and staff, foundation staff, consultants, and policymakers.
  • Non-presenters are welcome

Keynote speakers:

Rob Reich

Rob Reich is professor of political science and, by courtesy, professor of philosophy and at the Graduate School of Education, at Stanford University. He is the director of the Center for Ethics in Society and faculty co-director of the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (publisher of the Stanford Social Innovation Review), both at Stanford University. He is the author of the book, Just Giving: Why Philanthropy is Failing Democracy and How It Can Do Better and the recent Philanthropy in Democratic Societies (edited with Chiara Cordelli and Lucy Bernholz). His current work focuses on ethics and technology, and he is editing a new volume called Digital Technology and Democratic Theory (with Lucy Bernholz and Helene Landemore). He is also a board member of and the magazine Boston Review.

Pamala Wiepking

Pamala Wiepking is the Visiting Stead Family Chair in International Philanthropy and Visiting Associate Professor of Philanthropy at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI in Indianapolis. In 2017 she was recipient of the UMD SPP Do Good Institute-ARNOVA Award for Global Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership. With Femida Handy she co-edited the new standard reference work on global philanthropy, the Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy, which won ARNOVA’s 2016 Virginia Hodgkinson Research Book Prize. Dr. Wiepking is also one of the founding members of the European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP). Dr. Wiepking’s research focuses on cross-national and interdisciplinary explanations of philanthropy. She is a member of the editorial board for NVSQ and the International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing.


ERNOP welcomes presenters and non-presenters


For presenting your individual work at the ERNOP Conference 2019,  you are highly encouraged to submit your full paper before the conference. This will enable conference participants to read your work before your session and to provide you with valuable feedback and will increase the quality of your session. Furthermore, submission of your full conference paper by June 9 is required for your paper to be considered for the ERNOP Best Conference Paper Award and the special ERNOP Conference issue of VOLUNTAS.

Submit conference paper

VOLUNTAS offers a possibility to publish a special issue based on the best papers presented at ERNOP 2019. If you are willing to submit your final papers for publication, we advise you to use the guidelines for authors.

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