Two women examine samples under a microscope.

The PMI Africa IRS Project recently appointed gender focal persons in each AIRS country to promote gender inclusion and overcome socio-cultural barriers that prevent the participation of women.

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A mother holds her child.

Malaria is a major health problem in Madagascar; although its epidemiology varies considerably in different regions of the country, the entire population is considered to be at risk.

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Cover image of the 9th annual PMI Report to Congress

The fight against malaria is making historic gains across sub-Saharan Africa, thanks to the contributions of PMI and other partners.

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PMI Fast Facts

Map of Africa with percentages over each country
Read more about how the U.S. Government, through PMI, is investing in sustained efforts to drive down malaria transmission and reduce malaria deaths and illnesses.

[PDF, 343KB]

Photo sources: Diana Mrazikova/NetWorks, Jessica Scranton/Abt Associates, Maggie Hallahan Photography.