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             You are hereHome » About » Our People Our People     FacebookTwitter>Print>Email                     Staff Elie Hassenfeld | Co-Founder and Executive Director. Elie graduated from Columbia University in 2004 with a degree in religion, and spent the next several years in the hedge fund industry. He co-founded GiveWell in mid-2007.

 Natalie Crispin | Senior Research Manager. Natalie graduated from Swarthmore College in 2009 with a degree in economics. She joined GiveWell in July 2009.

 Josh Rosenberg | Senior Research Manager. Josh graduated from Pomona College in 2013 with a B.A. in philosophy and economics. He joined GiveWell in July 2013.

 Devin Jacob | Technical Project Manager. Devin graduated from UC Berkeley in 2005 with a B.A. in history. He received an M.A. in history from New York University in 2012 after five years in the history Ph.D program. In addition to teaching history to college students, he has worked as a bibliographer, used book seller, geology lab assistant, and commercial salmon fisherman. He joined GiveWell in September 2014.

 Catherine Hollander | Senior Research Analyst, Outreach Focus. Catherine graduated from Yale University with a B.A. in history. She has worked as a journalist covering economics and health care for National Journal, and as editorial director for Beacon, an independent funding platform for journalism. She joined GiveWell in May 2015.

 Andrew Martin | Senior Research Analyst. Andrew graduated from the University of North Carolina in 2009 with a B.A. in English and received an M.P.A. from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Washington in 2015. He joined GiveWell in August 2015.

 Tracy Williams | Senior Research Analyst, Outreach Focus. Tracy graduated from Stanford University in 2015 with a B.A. in political science. He joined GiveWell in September 2015.

 Ahmed Alkhatib | Donations Assistant. Ahmed graduated from the University of San Francisco in 2011 with a B.S. in marketing. He has experience in strategic planning, international relations, and nonprofit administration. Ahmed is passionate about humanitarian aid provision and aviation. He joined GiveWell in March 2016.

 Aaron Kavanaugh | Office Manager. Aaron graduated from UC Berkeley in 2012 with a B.A. in anthropology. He spent the next several years working for the STD Control Branch at the California Department of Public Health. He joined GiveWell in August 2016.

 Isabel Arjmand | Research Analyst. Isabel graduated from Stanford University in 2016 with a B.S. with honors in management science & engineering. She studied global development and public health in Cape Town and Barcelona. She joined GiveWell in September 2016.

 Erin Wolff | Donor Relations Associate. Erin graduated from UC Berkeley in 2013 with a B.A. in psychology. She spent the next several years working at an insurance and benefits brokerage firm. She joined GiveWell in March 2017. 

 Caitlin McGugan | Senior Fellow. Caitlin graduated from Williams College in 2009 with a B.A. in economics and mathematics & statistics. After working in economic consulting for several years, she earned a Ph.D in economics from Princeton University with a research focus on health interventions in developing countries. She joined GiveWell in September 2017.

 Charlene Abellana | Controller. Charlene graduated from San Francisco State University in 2011 with a Bachelors in business accounting. Upon graduation, she worked as an auditor specializing in Alternative Investment Funds at Rothstein Kass and KPMG. She then worked on investments and philanthropic funds in the family office of Eric Schmidt before joining a hedge fund in San Francisco. Charlene joined GiveWell in September 2017.

 Nicole Zok | Research Analyst. Nicole graduated from Whitman College with a B.A. in English. She began doing contract work for GiveWell in April 2015 and joined GiveWell as a Research Analyst in November 2017.

 Whitney Shinkle | Director of Operations. Whitney graduated from Princeton University in 1999 with a major in history and certificate in women’s studies. She earned her Master’s degree from the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. She has worked on education, food security, conflict management, anti-human trafficking, and economic development initiatives both domestically and internationally. She has also been an adjunct professor at Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service. She joined GiveWell in April 2018.

 Dan Brown | Senior Fellow. Dan graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2011 with a B.A. in economics. He earned an M.Sc in economics for development from the University of Oxford, spent a year as an exchange student at Harvard University before completing a Ph.D in economics at Oxford in 2017. He joined GiveWell in May 2018.

 Ben Bateman | Head of Growth. Ben graduated from Lewis & Clark College in 2009 with a major in English literature. He spent the next several years in tech growing Indiegogo’s consumer electronics business before leading the company’s expansion into China. He joined GiveWell in June 2018.

 Olivia Larsen | Research Analyst, Outreach Focus. Olivia graduated from Williams College in 2017 with a B.A. in English and economics. She is currently on leave from Yale School of Management, where she is pursuing an MBA. She joined GiveWell in September 2018. 

 Taylor Smith | Content Editor. Taylor graduated from Middlebury College in 2012 with a B.A. in philosophy. He began doing contract work for GiveWell in March 2014 and joined GiveWell as a Content Editor in September 2018.

 Robin Dey | Content Editor. Robin graduated from the University of Southern California in 2017 with a B.S. in business administration. He began doing contract work for GiveWell in May 2017 and joined GiveWell as a Content Editor in September 2018.

 Stephan Guyenet | Senior Fellow. Stephan graduated from the University of Virginia in 2002 with a B.S. in biochemistry. He then completed a Ph.D in neurobiology at the University of Washington studying neurodegenerative disease. As a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington, he studied the neurobiology of obesity and became interested in public health. Since his postdoctoral work, he has been a science writer and consultant, bringing research to a general audience and helping organizations such as GiveWell and Open Philanthropy Project rigorously evaluate evidence for the public good. He began doing contract work for GiveWell in September 2017 and joined GiveWell as a Senior Fellow in September 2018.

 Grace Hultquist | Research Analyst. Grace graduated from Stanford University in 2016 with a B.A. in human biology. She began doing contract work for GiveWell in March 2018 and joined GiveWell as a Content Editor in September 2018 and then as a Research Analyst in May 2019.

 Amar Radia | Senior Research Analyst. Amar graduated from the University of Oxford in 2008 with a degree in philosophy, politics and economics, before completing a M.Phil in economics, also at Oxford, in 2010. He then joined the Bank of England, where he spent eight years working as an economist, manager and senior manager. He joined GiveWell in October 2018. 

 Stephanie Stojanovic | Major Gifts Officer. Steph graduated from the University of Technology, Sydney in 2008 with a B.A., and from the University of Sydney in 2011 with a LL.B. She spent the next several years working in development for arts and education nonprofits. She joined GiveWell in April 2019.

 James Snowden | Senior Research Analyst. James graduated from the University of Oxford in 2011 with a degree in philosophy, politics and economics, and holds an M.Sc in philosophy and economics from the London School of Economics. His previous experience includes several years working as a strategy consultant, and as a researcher at Giving What We Can and the Centre for Effective Altruism. He began doing consulting work for GiveWell in March 2017 and joined GiveWell as a Senior Research Analyst in May 2019.

 Tom Sittler | Research Analyst. Tom graduated from the University of Oxford in 2018 with a degree in philosophy, politics and economics. He joined GiveWell in May 2019.

 Michael Eddy | Senior Advisor. Michael graduated from Tufts University in 2008 with a major in international relations and economics. He earned a MPA/ID from Harvard Kennedy School in 2012. He co-founded Instiglio, a non-profit that improves poverty-fighting programs by tying funding to measurable results. In addition, he's worked for MIT's Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) in India & South America, the World Bank in South Sudan, the Government of Bhutan and the Global Innovation Fund. He joined GiveWell in June 2019. 

 Other contributors John Birchall | Website Technical Support.  John Birchall made his first web page in 1997, for internal use while on the staff of the Oxford English Dictionary. After building his first Drupal website in 2008, he quickly started building and supporting Drupal and Wordpress sites professionally, and took over support of GiveWell's sites in 2012. He studied at King's College London and UCL (Ph.D in ancient Greek, 1996), and is a member of the English Bar.

 David Roodman | Senior Advisor. David graduated from Harvard College in 1990 after majoring in theoretical math. He spent eight years at the Worldwatch Institute, rising to Senior Researcher, and eleven at the Center for Global Development, where he became a Senior Fellow. David spent academic year 1998-99 in Vietnam on a Fulbright. In 2013, he served the Gates Foundation as a Senior Economic Advisor. David has written two books, The Natural Wealth of Nations: Harnessing the Market for the Environment and Due Diligence: An Impertinent Inquiry into Microfinance. 

 Marinella Capriati | Research Consultant. Marinella graduated from the University of Oxford with a degree in philosophy, politics and economics in 2009, before completing a B.Phil and D.Phil in philosophy, also at Oxford. She then worked as a researcher at the Centre for Effective Altruism and as a Research Director at Founders Pledge.

 Board of Directors Holden Karnofsky | GiveWell Co-Founder (Vice Chair). Holden graduated from Harvard University in 2003 with a degree in social studies, and spent the next several years in the hedge fund industry. He co-founded GiveWell in mid-2007. Holden is the Executive Director of the Open Philanthropy Project.

 Elie Hassenfeld see bio above.

 Timothy Ogden (Chair) is Managing Director of the Financial Access Initiative, a research center focused on financial services for low-income households around the world, and an adjunct professor at NYU-Wagner. He is also founder and executive partner of Sona Partners, a thought leadership communications firm, and a senior fellow of the Aspen Institute’s Economic Opportunities Program. Formerly, he was managing director of the US Financial Diaries project, Chief Knowledge Officer of Geneva Global, a philanthropy advisory firm, and a vice president at Gartner.

 Cari Tuna is the President of Good Ventures, a San Francisco-based charitable foundation. She is also the President of the Open Philanthropy Project.

 Julia Wise is Community Liaison at the Centre for Effective Altruism. She writes about effective altruism at Giving Gladly.

 See a list of former board members here.

                            Home Contact Stay updated FAQ For Charities Site map Privacy Policy       Follow Us: Facebook Twitter RSS   Subscribe to email updates:  GiveWell, aka The Clear Fund (a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity), was founded in 2007. We serve donors across the Globe; GiveWell's donors are based primarily in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Canada. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share alike 3.0 United States License         try { clicky.init(78566); }catch(e){} 

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