VIII Moscow Conference on International Security
The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation is organizing the annual Conference on International Security, which will be held in Moscow on April 23-25, 2019.
The Conference agenda will encompass the problems of utmost significance in terms of shaping views on the international security. Separate plenary sessions will offer space to exchange views on modern military challenges and threats, including the improvement of the arms control system. Situation in the Middle East will be discussed with an emphasis on nation-wide stabilization of Syria. Subject-matter panel sessions will consider peacekeeping, military-to-military engagements, regional security in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Along with traditional plenary sessions and panel discussions we are arranging a series of «round tables» to expand meaningful views exchange among experts.
The Conference participants will enjoy familiarization tour of the Military-patriotic recreation park of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation “Patriot” (Kubinka, Moscow Region).
Brochure of VIII Moscow Conference on
International Security MCIS-2019 (PDF, 7.2 Mb)