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Kani waa maqaal ku saabsan magaalada Detroit, Mishiigan, Maraykanka.
Dhetroyt, Mishiigan
—  Caasimad  —
Caasimada Dhetroyt
Kor ilaa hoos, bidix ilaa midig: Caasimada Dhetroyt, dhismayaasha ugu dhaadheer caasimada ee ku garab yaala Webiga Dhetroyt, Shaneeno Fox, Aqalka Dorothy H. Turkel, Belle Isle Conservatory, Ruuxda Caasimada Dhetroyt, Dhismaha Fisher, Suuqa Bari ee Dhetroyt, Dhismihii hore ee Jaamacada Wayne State University, Biriijka Ambassador, iyo Dhismaha Hidaha iyo Dhaqanka


Magac loogu yeero: Caasimada Mootooyinka, Motown, Caasimada Cilmiga, Caasimada Horumarka, Magaalada D, Caasimada Hockeytown, Caasimada Farsamayooninka Caalamka, Caasimada Heesaha Rocky, Magaalo 313
Halkudhig: Speramus Meliora; Resurget Cineribus
(Turjumaan: Waxaan rajaynaynaa Horumar; Kaasi oo ka soo bilaabmaya dambaska)
Meesha kaga taalo Degmada Wayne iyo gobolka Michigan
Dhetroyt, Mishiigan is located in Maraykanka
Dhetroyt, Mishiigan
Dhetroyt, Mishiigan
Meesha kaga taalo Maraykanka
Dhacdaa: 42°19′53″N 83°02′45″W / 42.33139°N 83.04583°W / 42.33139; -83.04583Isuduwe: 42°19′53″N 83°02′45″W / 42.33139°N 83.04583°W / 42.33139; -83.04583[2]
Gobol Michigan
Degmo Wayne
La aasaasay 1701
Dowlad hoose 1806
 • Nooca Golaha Duqa-magaalada
 • Qaabka Golaha Deegaanka Caasimada Dhetroyt
 • Duqa-magaalada Mike Duggan (Xisbiga Dimuqraadiga)
 • Golaha Caasimada Dhetroyt
 • Caasimad 142.87 sq mi (370.03 km2)
 • Dhul 138.75 sq mi (359.36 km2)
 • Biyo 4.12 sq mi (10.67 km2)
 • Urban 1,295 sq mi (3,350 km2)
 • Metro 3,913 sq mi (10,130 km2)
Joogga[2] 600 ft (200 m)
Tirada dadka (2013)[4][5]
 • Caasimad 680,250 [1]
 • Rank US: 18aad
 • Tiro Badnaan 5,142/sq mi (1,985/km2)
 • Urban 3,734,090 (US: 11aad)
 • Magaalo 4,292,060 (US: 14aad)
 • CSA 5,311,449 (US: 12aad)
Magac uyeel Detroiter
Saacad EST (UTC−5)
 • Xagaa (DST) EDT (UTC−4)
Area code(s) Area kodhe 313
Astaanta FIPS 26-22000
Astaanta GNIS 1617959[2]

Dhetroyt, Detroit (/trɔɪt/[6]) waa caasimada ugu dadka badan gobolka Michigan wadanka Maraykanka, iyo magaalada ugu weyn ee xigta xadka Maraykanka iyo Kanada. Sidoo kale Dhetroyt waa fadhiga dowlada degmada Wayne, goobta ganacsi, dhaqan, dhaqaale, gaadiid iyo dhaqdhaqaaq badan gobolkaasi Mishiigaan.

Dhinaca kale, Caasimada Dhetroyt marka lagu daro deegaanada nawaaxigeeda ah waa metropolitanka ugu weyn ee gobolada loo yaqaano "Midwestern" ee wadanka Maraykanka, kuwaasi oo hooy u ah bulsho dhan 5.3 milyan (sida lagu ogaaday tirokoob dowlada Maraykanku sameeysay sanadkii 2010ka). Intaasi waxaa dheer, caasimadani waa xudunta Webiga Dhetroyt, Harta Great ee ku xidhanta Saint Lawrence Seaway.

Caasimada Dhetroyt waxaa la aasaasay Luulyo 24, 1701; waxaana aasaasay sahamiyayaal u dhashay wadanka Faransiiska oo lagu magacaabi jirey Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac iyo koox la socotey.

Guud ahaan, caasimada Dhetroyt waa xarunta dhaqaalaha sadexaad ee gobolka Midwest; waxaa ka horeeya magaalooyinka Chicago iyo Minneapolis.[7] Magaaladu waxay si fiican u soo shaacbaxdey horaantii qarnigii 21aad, goortaasi ooy ka faa'iideysatey dhismaha wadooyinka tareenka, laamiyada waaweyn iyo wadooyinka isku xidha gaadiidka taasi oo suurtogelisay socodka alaabaha iyo ganacsiga magaalada.[5][8][9] Deegaanka waqooyi ee Caasimada Dhetroyt ee loo yaqaano Dhetroyt-Windson waa xarunta xidhiidhisa wadanka Maraykanka iyo dalka Kanada, taasi oo leh bulsho dhan 5,700,000.[10] The Detroit metropolitan region holds roughly one-half of Michigan's population.[4][9]

Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Caasimada Dhetroyt waxaa aduunka looga yaqaanaa "Caasimada Gaadiidka", sababtoo ah waa deegaanka koowaad ee ugu soo saarid badan guud ahaan gaadiidka lagu isticmaalo wadanka Maraykanka gudahiisa iyo kuwa loo dhoofiyo caalamka intiisa kale.[11] Wershadaha gaadiidka ee magaalada Dhetroyt waxay waligeedba u ahayd lafdhabar miisaanka wadanka Maraykanku ku leeyahay beesha caalamka, taasi oo magaaladani ahayd meeshii ugu soo saarka badneyd gawaadhiga dagaalka wakhtigii Dagaalkii Labaad ee Aduunka.[12]

Waxaa intaas dheer, Caasimada Dhetroyt waxay caan ku tahay heesaha, taasi oo lagu naaneyso Caasimada Heesaha iyo Motown oo looga dan leeyahay sida dadka magaaladu ugu qoto dheer yihiin fanka iyo suugaanta wadanka Maraykanka.[13] Sanadihii u dhexeeyay 2000 ilaa 2010ka waxaa isbedel xoog leh ku yimid bulshada magaalada, taasi oo hoos u dhac ku yimid ilaa 25%, midaasi oo ka saartey booskii marka hore ku jirtey ee caasimada 10aad ee ugu dadka badan oo ay noqotey mida 18aad ee wadanka Maraykanka. Waxaana tirokoob la sameeyay sanadkii 2010, lagu ogaaday in bulshada magaaladu tahay 713,777, halka sanadkii 1950ka ay ka lahayd bulsho 1.8 milyan oo dad ah. Hoos u dhaca bulshada waxaa lagu eedeyaa hoos u dhac ku yimid dhaqaalaha, shaqooyinka iyo wershadaha magaalada; kuwaasi oo keenay in dad badan ka guuraan ayagoo raadsanaya meelo dhaqaale dhaama.[4] Si looga hortago bulsho yaraanta soo waajahday magaalada ayaa dowladaha gobolka iyo federaalka wadanka ayaa iska kaashaday sidii loo abuuri lahaa fursado shaqo, loo kobcin lahaa dhaqaalaha iyo adeega bulshada. Waxaa dowlada gobolka Mishiigaan oo kaashanaysa dowlada Federaalku ku guulaysatay ineey abuurto goobo dhiirigeliya dhaqaalaha, horumarka iyo adeega bulshada. In kastoo horumarku iska koobnaa, laakiin talaabooyinkaasi waxay baajiyen in caasiamda Dhetroyt hoos u dhac weyn sii sameeyso, waxaana sanadan dambe muuqda hidiilo iyo horumar kor u soo kicid ah.

Muuqaalka Dhetroyt[Wax ka bedel | wax ka bedel xogta]

Muuqaalka farasmagaalaha Caasimada Dhetroyt

Muuqaalka habeenkii ee Caasimada Dhetroyt

Magaalooyinka Maraykanka[Wax ka bedel | wax ka bedel xogta]

Magaalooyinka Maraykanka Gobolada Isku Tegay ee Ameerika
Atlanta === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Austin === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Boston === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Baltimore === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Bloomington === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Kolumbus, Ohio === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Chicago === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Dallas === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Denver === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Detroit === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Houston === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Honolulu === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Kansas City === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Los Angeles === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Las Vegas === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Memphis === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Miami === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Minneapolis=== Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
New York === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Nashville === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Oakland === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Omaha === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Orlando === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Phoenix, Arizona === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Portland === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Philadelphia === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Rochester === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
San Antonio === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Saint Paul === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
San Diego === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Seattle === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
San Fransisko === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Washington D.C

Gobolada Maraykanka Gobolada Isku Tegay ee Ameerika
Alabama === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Alaska === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Arizona === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Arkansas === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Delaware === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Florida === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Fermont === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Firjiniya === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Houston === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Gobolka Joorjiya === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Gasiirada Rhode === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Galbeedka Firjiniya === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Hawaii === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Idaho === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Illinois === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Indiana === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Iowa=== Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Kansas === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Kentucky === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Kalifornia === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Kolorado === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Konektikat === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Koonfur Karolina === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Koonfur Dakota === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Louisiana === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Maine === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Maryland === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Massachusetts === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Mishiigan === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Minnesota === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Mississippi === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Missouri === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Montana === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Nebraska === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Nevada === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Hampshire Cusub === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Jersey Cusub === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Meksiko Cusub === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
New York (gobol) === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Ohio === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Oklahoma === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Oregon === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Pennsylvania === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Tennessee === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Tegsas (Texas) === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Utah === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Wyoming === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Washington (gobol) === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Waqooyi Karolina === Usage ===

Template:Infobox newspaper

{{Infobox newspaper
| name                 = 
| logo                 = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| type                 = 
| format               = 
| owners               = 
| founder              = 
| publisher            = 
| editor               = 
| chiefeditor          = 
| assoceditor          = 
| maneditor            = 
| newseditor           = 
| managingeditordesign = 
| campuseditor         = 
| campuschief          = 
| opeditor             = 
| sportseditor         = 
| photoeditor          = 
| staff                = 
| foundation           = 
| political            = 
| language             = 
| ceased publication   = 
| relaunched           =
| headquarters         = 
| circulation          = 
| sister newspapers    = 
| ISSN                 = 
| oclc                 = 
| website              = 
Waqooyi Dakota

Tixraac[Wax ka bedel | wax ka bedel xogta]

  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 cite gnis|1617959|Detroit|2009-07-2.
  3. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Gazetteer files
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 "2010 Census Interactive Population Search". U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved March 3, 2012. 
  5. 5.0 5.1 "Table 2. Annual Estimates of the Population of Combined Statistical Areas: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2012". U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved June 11, 2013. 
  6. "Detroit – Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary". April 25, 2007. Retrieved July 1, 2010. 
  7. Gullickson, Ryan. "U.S. Metro Economies". IHS Global Insight. IHS Global Insight. 
  8. Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau Archived Febraayo 2, 2015 // Wayback Machine
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Population of Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011". U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved September 14, 2012. 
  10. World Agglomerations Retrieved on May 5, 2009.
  11. "Michigan Cities". Encyclopædia Britannica. Archived from the original on September 19, 2010. Retrieved April 8, 2007. [Detroit] is the automobile capital of the world 
  12. Davis, Michael W. R. (2007). Detroit's Wartime Industry: Arsenal of Democracy (Images of America). Arcadia Publishing. ISBN 0-7385-5164-3. 
  13. "SAE World Congress convenes in Detroit". Retrieved April 12, 2007.