‘SEO’ Videos

  • Quentin Clarenne: Comment optimiser au mieux WordPress pour le référencement

    Quentin Clarenne: Comment optimiser au mieux WordPress pour le référencement

    WordCamp Montreal 2018Speaker: Quentin Clarenne

    March 18, 2019 — Installer WordPress, c’est très facile. Cependant, le rendre performant afin que les moteurs de recherche l’indexent rapidement et correctement, c’est autre chose! Nous allons donc passer en revue certains éléments à ne pas oublier: HTTPS/AMP/schema.org, sans oublier les bases comme le robots.txt/sitemap/… ou encore les réseaux sociaux.

  • Myriam Jessier: Technical SEO for WordPress Dev (and Other Code Tinkerers)

    Myriam Jessier: Technical SEO for WordPress Dev (and Other Code Tinkerers)

    WordCamp Montreal 2018Speaker: Myriam Jessier

    March 18, 2019 — This talk is a short, straight to the point recap of all the important SEO points a developer should know. WordPress is one of the best platforms for SEO. Sadly, most of us think that installing an SEO plugin will fix everything. That’s not the case! So here’s your cheat sheet to technical SEO for WordPress!

  • Art Enke: Technical SEO for eCommerce & Large WordPress Sites

    Art Enke: Technical SEO for eCommerce & Large WordPress Sites

    WordCamp Phoenix 2019Speaker: Art Enke

    March 11, 2019 — Do you have a website with more than 5,000 pages indexed in Google? Do you struggle to achieve rankings on key category or product pages with your eCommerce? Do you have a duplicate content problem (i.e. too many pages indexed in Google)?

    I’ve worked on HomeDepot.com and other large eCommerce projects and can help you overcome unintentional duplicate content using a variety of tactics including, but not limited to:

    – Effective use of rel=canonical
    – Where and how to control content with noindex, nofollow meta robots
    – XML sitemap and Robots.txt review
    – Screaming Frog insights for the technical SEO person

  • 林紘緯 / Harris: How to Grow Your Blog with SEO-based Strategy / 以 SEO 為導向,成為人氣知名部落客

    林紘緯 / Harris: How to Grow Your Blog with SEO-based Strategy / 以 SEO 為導向,成為人氣知名部落客

    WordCamp Taipei 2018Speaker: 林紘緯 / Harris

    February 23, 2019 — 很謝謝這次 WordCamp的邀約,
    這次活動參與的人很多、WordCamp 的工作人員也很辛苦,
    未來也請讓我們一起把台灣的行銷跟數位產業變得更好吧 : )

  • Suraya Zainudin: Grow your audience with SEO - How the writing process looks like

    Suraya Zainudin: Grow your audience with SEO – How the writing process looks like

    WordCamp Kuala Lumpur 2018Speaker: Suraya Zainudin

    February 7, 2019 — The first time I googled a term and found my article listed as the first result, I was elated. Search engine optimisation does work!

    In fact, SEO works so well that it contributes the majority of my website’s traffic. I didn’t have to do extra work to attract 7 out of 10 readers to my humble website. This has convinced me that SEO is the best and cheapest way to get an audience!

    In this presentation, I will share how I write articles with SEO in mind. Once you discover the core principle behind it, SEO will become easy and even intuitive to implement.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Marieke van de Rakt: Why site structure is important for SEO

    Marieke van de Rakt: Why site structure is important for SEO

    WordCamp Porto 2018Speaker: Marieke van de Rakt

    February 1, 2019 — Site structure is a vital aspect of your SEO strategy. After all, the structure of your website shows Google what articles and pages are most important. You can influence which articles will rank highest in the search engines, with your site’s structure. So, it’s important to get it right! It also is a very actionable part of your SEO strategy. You can all start improving your site structure today! In this talk, I’ll explain the importance of site structure for your site’s SEO and I’ll give three quick tips on how to start improving your site’s structure.

  • Fernando Tellado: Secretos y trucos del SEO de contenidos que igual nadie te ha contado antes

    Fernando Tellado: Secretos y trucos del SEO de contenidos que igual nadie te ha contado antes

    WordCamp Zaragoza 2019Speaker: Fernando Tellado

    January 28, 2019 — Después de más de 15 años publicando artículos y noticias en blogs quiero compartir contigo algunas cosas que he aprendido, en mi experiencia, sobre la realidad del SEO, los contenidos, y cómo utilizar WordPress para posicionar de manera natural en los buscadores.

    En esta ponencia te enseñaré trucos, básicos y avanzados que me han ayudado a ganar posiciones en los resultados de búsqueda (SERP) durante años, tanto en mis blogs personales como en redes de blogs profesionales temáticos que he dirigido.

  • Pam Ann Aungst: Killer Keywords: How to Write Content for Both Humans and Search Engines

    Pam Ann Aungst: Killer Keywords: How to Write Content for Both Humans and Search Engines

    WordCamp Atlanta 2018Speaker: Pam Ann Aungst

    January 25, 2019 — “Your website content has two audiences: Human readers and search engines. Writing website content that appeals to both is something that all writers and website owners should know how to do.

    Whether you’re a professional copywriter or a small business owner who writes for your own website, knowing how to write content that satisfies both of these audiences is an essential (and profitable!) skill. This presentation will teach you exactly how to do that, using modern-day approaches to semantic and contextual keyword optimization.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Alejandro Sanchez: How To Make Your Site Fast For Your Users And SEO

    Alejandro Sanchez: How To Make Your Site Fast For Your Users And SEO

    WordCamp Miami 2018Speaker: Alejandro Sanchez

    January 23, 2019 — Optimizing your WordPress is always a challenge and google is more demanding about it every day: During the session, I will go over all the details to make your theme hit 100%: 1) Loading fonts, 2) Optimizing your theme for Above-The-Fold/Below-The-Fold styles loading, 3) Loading styles asynchronously, 4) using Webpack to bundle your theme with WordPress. 5) Using SVGs and loading them like template parts (cached). 6) There are many other tricks and things to take into consideration. I will work with one initial theme and make it hit 100%. Everything will be measured to show the typical “before and after”.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Frank Corso: Speeding Up WordPress

    Frank Corso: Speeding Up WordPress

    WordCamp Atlanta 2018Speaker: Frank Corso

    January 23, 2019 — “Having your site load quickly is important for many reasons. Having a faster site impacts your SEO, sales, and user engagement. In fact, a 1-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions!

    In this talk, we will be discussing the reasons why your WordPress site may be slow and showing you ways to make your site faster. You will learn about different tools to test your site speed as well as how you can make the changes these tools suggest.”