Online Work Tips & Best Practices

Why Disrupting Your Traditional Mindset is Actually Business Smart: Q&A with Director of Marketing Cara Bedford

July 10, 2019 by

In this Q&A; with Upwork, Cara Bedford, director of marketing at CompuVision, shares how she disrupted the traditional mindset of her colleagues to make working with freelancers part of their culture: "Every desk has a simple sheet that asks 'What can I Upwork today?' to encourage people to think about projects they can get freelancer help with." Read Full Article

Working Remotely

Netiquette And Networking: Professionalism When You Work Online

July 8, 2019 by

Working remotely grants professionals unprecedented freedom from traditional corporate restraints. However, if you’re looking to maximize your remote opportunities and want to be seen as a credible expert in your field, it’s important that you don’t become so distracted by the freedom of remote work that you forego presenting yourself like the professional you are. Read Full Article