Matt Mullenweg hat einen Beitrag geteilt.

I recorded a video with TED talking about how work is evolving and some practical tips any company can do to operate in a more distributed fashion, which is the future.

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Why Working from Home Is Better for Business
488.263 Aufrufe
The Way We Work — mit Dropbox.

This company is so dedicated to remote working that they literally don't have an office. Here's why a "distributed" workforce is better for business — and employees:

It's a two-Portland week for me, now on the East Coast will be meeting folks in Maine this Friday:…/…/256212528/ #Meetup #Westbrook #WordPress
Fri, Nov 9, 2018, 5:00 PM: Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress and CEO of Automattic will be joining us for a meet and greet and to answer your questions. We’ll spend 30 minutes chatting, and then