Recomendado por 17 pessoas
Absolutely the best place to learn where you can donate to make the most difference in the world. Th...ey do fantastic work and keep getting better every year. Ver mais
Truly amazing page and great posts. Share with everyone.
"Truly amazing page and great posts. Share with everyone."
Love their "straight to the point" topics and analysis. It is time to get serious about the effecti...veness of our giving. The modern day "Mother Theresa's" should not get drowned out by the big professional marketing and fund-raising companies. Ver mais

We discuss experiments in GiveWell communication in a new blog post:
We're planning to try new kinds of communication. We hope to reach people who haven't heard of or connected with GiveWell in the past, and to increase retention of our current donors by making the experience of donating through GiveWell more compelling.

Add your questions for GiveWell to our June 2019 open thread:
Our quarterly open threads give blog readers an opportunity to publicly raise comments or questions about GiveWell or related topics.