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This page provides detailed information on the export control status of the Apache Software Foundation's products , as well as pointers to the open source code from which those products are built.

ASF projects and PMCs should consult our guide to handling cryptography in order to comply with our export policies.

Exporting ASF Products

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity based in the United States of America. All of our products are developed via online collaboration in public forums and distributed from a central server within the U.S. Therefore, U.S. export laws and regulations apply to our distributions and remain in force as products and technology are re-exported to different parties and places around the world. Information on export control classifications and associated restrictions may be required for exporting, re-exporting, record keeping, bundling/embedding of ASF products, encryption reporting, and shipping documentation. More information on U.S. Export Regulations can be found at " http://www.bis.doc.gov/ ".

The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) , a branch of the U.S. Department of Commerce, regulates exports through the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The regulations describe the export rules and restrictions on a wide range of commodities, technologies, and software. This document is no substitute for understanding those regulations; the ASF cannot anticipate how they might apply to third party distributions or for specific export decisions made by those parties. End-user, end-use and country of ultimate destination may affect export licensing requirements.

The ASF Product Classification Matrix is a general listing of ASF software products and their source links for which we have determined an export classification for that product as distributed by the Apache Software Foundation. The matrix is to be used in conjunction with the EAR to provide classification information in order to assist exporters in the export of ASF products and to provide guidance to BIS employees that seek the source code for ASF products. All export classification information contained in the matrix is subject to change without notice.

Embargoed Destinations

ASF software and/or technical data may NOT be exported/reexported, either directly or indirectly, to any destination subject to U.S. embargoes or trade sanctions unless formally authorized by the U.S. Government. Note that said embargoed destinations are subject to change and the scope of what technology is included in the embargo is specific to each embargoed country. For the most current information on U.S. embargoed and sanctioned countries, see the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and Treasury Department regulations.

Denied Parties Lists

U.S. export regulations require that all international and domestic transactions be screened against the U.S. Government listing of prohibited end users. Shipments to certain individuals, organizations, or institutions who have violated U.S. export laws are prohibited. The United States government maintains export prohibited lists , including but not limited to the Treasury Department's Specially Designated Nationals List and Commerce Department's Entity and Denied Persons Lists.

ASF Product Classification Matrix

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) makes NO WARRANTY or representation that the information contained in the ASF Product Classification Matrix is accurate, current, or complete. It is your obligation as the exporter to comply with the current applicable requirements of United States export rules and regulations. Any use of such information by you is without recourse to the ASF and is at your own risk. The ASF is in no way responsible for any damages, whether direct, consequential, incidental, or otherwise, suffered by you as a result of using or relying upon such information for any purpose.

Each ASF product is classified with an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) if it is believed to correspond to an entry in the Commerce Control List (CCL) and subject to the EAR. All ASF software is published in a publicly available source code form. Since software classified as ECCN 5d002 or 5D992 is subject to the EAR, all ASF software product versions that do not fit those two classifications are noted as ECCN "Not determined" or not included in the matrix.

Products classified as ECCN 5D002 , are exported by the ASF under the publicly available exempton found in EAR Section 742.15(b), which applies to software containing or designed for use with encryption software that is publicly available as open source. Note that exporters other than the ASF within the U.S. may or may not be eligible for the publicly available exemption in section 742.15(b), and it is each specific exporter's responsibility to understand and comply with all export regulations applicable within their jurisdiction.

Apache Accumulo Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Accumulo Projectdevelopment5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
1.6.0 and on5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
Apache ActiveMQ Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache ActiveMQdevelopment5D002ASF
4.1 and later5D002ASF
Apache Cameldevelopment5D002ASF
1.0.0 and later5D002ASF
Apache Ant Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Antdevelopment5D002ASF
1.1 and later5D002ASF
Apache Ivydevelopment5D002ASF
2.0.0-alpha-*-incubating-bin-with-deps5D002ASF, JCraft, Inc.
2.0.0-beta1-* and later5D002ASF
2.0.0-beta1-bin-with-deps and later5D002ASF, JCraft, Inc.
Apache Cassandra Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Cassandradevelopment5D002ASF, Oracle, The OpenSSL Project
0.8 and later5D002ASF, Oracle
Apache Cayenne Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Cayennedevelopment5D002ASF, Oracle
3.2.M2 and later5D002ASF, Oracle
Apache Commons Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Commons Compressdevelopment5D002ASF
1.6 and later5D002ASF
Apache Commons Cryptodevelopment5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project, Oracle
1.0.0 and later5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project, Oracle
Apache Commons OpenPGPdevelopment5D002ASF
Apache CouchDB Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache CouchDBdevelopment5D002ASF
0.9.0 and later5D002ASF, ibrowse
Apache CXF Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache CXFdevelopment5D002ASF, ASF, Bouncy Castle
all 2.*5D002ASF, ASF, Bouncy Castle
all 2.*-incubating5D002ASF, ASF, Bouncy Castle
Apache DB Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Derbydevelopment5D002ASF
Apache DdlUtilsdevelopment5D002ASF
ddlutils-1.0 and higher5D002ASF
Apache ObjectRelationalBridge - OJBdevelopment5D002ASF
ojb-1.0.0 and higher5D002ASF
Apache Torquedevelopment5D002ASF
torque-3.1 and later5D002ASF
Apache Directory Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Directory Serverdevelopment5D002ASF
1.0 and later5D002ASF
1.5 and later5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
Apache Directory Studio1.2 and later5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
Apache Drill
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Drill1.2 and later5D002ASF, Oracle, The Eclipse Foundation, The Cyrus SASL project, MIT, The OpenSSL Project
Apache Forrest Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Forrestdevelopment5D002ASF
apache-forrest-0.6 and later5D002ASF, JCraft, Inc.
Apache Geode Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Geodedevelopment5D002ASF, ASF, ASF, Oracle, The OpenSSL Project
all releases5D002ASF, ASF, ASF, Oracle, The OpenSSL Project
Apache Geronimo Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Geronimodevelopment5D002ASF
1.0 and later5D002ASF
Apache Hadoop Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Hadoopdevelopment5D002ASF
17.0 and later5D002ASF
Apache Harmony Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Harmonydevelopment5D002ASF
5.0M1 and later5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
Apache HAWQ (incubating) Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache HAWQ (incubating) Projectdevelopment5D002ASF
Apache Hive Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Hivedevelopment5D002ASF
1.3.0 and on5D002ASF
Apache HttpComponents Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache HttpComponents Coredevelopment5D002ASF
4.0 and later5D002ASF
Apache HttpComponents Clientdevelopment5D002ASF
4.0 and later5D002ASF
1.x, 2.x, 3.x5D002ASF
Apache HTTP Server Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache HTTP Serverdevelopment5D002ASF
apache_2.2.x-win32-*-openssl-*5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project
Apache Flooddevelopment5D002ASF
Apache libapreqdevelopment5D002ASF
Apache mod_ftpdevelopment5D002ASF
Apache mod_pythondevelopment5D002ASF
Apache Incubator Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Abderadevelopment5D002ASF
all 0.*-incubating5D002ASF, ASF, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Castle
Apache Airavatadevelopment5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle, The Cryptix project, Claymore Systems Puretls, Globus Project
Apache CloudStackdevelopment5D002JaSypt.org, Oracle, Bouncy Castle, ASF, OpenSwan.org, JCraft, Inc., ASF
Apache Impaladevelopment5D002ASF
2.7.0 and later5D002ASF
Apache MilagroDevelopment - C Library5D002ASF
Development - JavaScript Library5D002ASF
Development - Rust Library5D002ASF
Libraries and Servers 0.0.1 and later5D002ASF
Apache NiFidevelopment5D002JaSypt.org, Oracle, Bouncy Castle, JCraft, Inc., ASF
0.0.1-incubating and later5D002JaSypt.org, Oracle, Bouncy Castle, JCraft, Inc., ASF
Apache PDFBoxdevelopment5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Castle
Apache Pirkdevelopment5D002ASF
0.1.0-incubating and later5D002ASF
Apache Pulsardevelopment5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
1.20-incubating and greater5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
Apache Shindigdevelopment5D002ASF
Apache Sliderdevelopment5D002ASF, Oracle, The Eclipse Foundation
0.30-incubating5D002ASF, Oracle
0.40-incubating and later5D002ASF, Oracle, The Eclipse Foundation
Apache Tavernadevelopment5D002ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, Bouncy Castle, The Eclipse Foundation, Oracle, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, Dropbox, Google, Ruby Programming Language, The OpenSSL Project
all releases5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle, The Eclipse Foundation, Oracle, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, ASF, Dropbox, Google, Ruby Programming Language, The OpenSSL Project
Apache Trafodiondevelopment5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project, Oracle
all releases5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project, Oracle
Apache Whirrdevelopment5D002ASF
all 0.*-incubating5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle, JCraft, Inc., Not-Yet-Commons-SSL
Apache Jakarta JMeter Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Jakarta JMeter1.0 and later5D002ASF
Apache JAMES Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache JAMES Serverdevelopment5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
2.3.0 and later5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
Apache JAMES jDKIM0.1 and later5D002ASF, Not-Yet-Commons-SSL
Apache JAMES Mailet Crypto0.1 and later5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
Apache JAMES Mime4J0.4 and later5D002ASF
Apache Jena
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Jena (distribution)development5D002ASF
binary distribution5D002ASF, ASF
Apache Kafka Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Kafkadevelopment5D002ASF, Oracle
0.10.2 and later5D002ASF, Oracle
0.9.0 and later5D002ASF, Oracle
Apache Kudu Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Kududevelopment5D002ASF
1.1.0 and later5D002ASF
Apache Labs Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache BaDCAdevelopment5D002ASF
Apache Vysperdevelopment5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
Apache Lucene Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Nutchdevelopment5D002ASF
0.7 and later5D002ASF, PDFBox
Apache Solrdevelopment5D002ASF
1.4 and later5D002ASF, Apache Tika
Apache Tikadevelopment5D002ASF
0.2-incubating and later5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Castle
Apache MyFaces Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache MyFacesdevelopment5D002ASF
1.1.2 and later5D002ASF
Apache Mynewt (incubating) Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Mynewtdevelopment5D002ARM mbed, TinyCrypt, PolarSSL
Apache Oltu Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Oltudevelopment5D002ASF
Apache Open For Business Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Open For Businessdevelopment5D002ASF
4.0 release branch5D002ASF
Apache OpenEJB Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache OpenEJBdevelopment5D002ASF
1.0 and later5D002ASF
All 0.xn/a
Apache ORC Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache ORCdevelopment5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project
1.6.0 and on5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project
Apache Perl Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
mod_perlPerl-*-win32-bin-*.exe5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project
Apache POI Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache POIdevelopment5D002ASF
3.5 and later5D002ASF
Apache Polygene Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Polygenedevelopment5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
2.15D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
Apache Shiro Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Shirodevelopment5D002ASF
1.1 and later5D002ASF
All 0.xn/a
Apache ServiceMix Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache ServiceMix 3.xdevelopment5D002ASF, ASF, Bouncy Castle
All 3.x versions5D002ASF, ASF, Bouncy Castle
Apache ServiceMix 4.xdevelopment5D002ASF
Apache ServiceMix NMRdevelopment5D002ASF
1.0-m1, 1.0-m2n/a
Apache ServiceMix Kerneldevelopmentn/a
All 1.0 milestonesn/a
Apache ServiceComb Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache ServiceComb Java-Chassisdevelopment5D002ASF, Oracle, The OpenSSL Project
1.0.0-m1 and later5D002ASF, Oracle, The OpenSSL Project
Apache ServiceComb Service-Centerdevelopment5D002ASF, The golang Project
1.0.0-m1 and later5D002ASF, The golang Project
Apache ServiceComb Packdevelopment5D002ASF, Oracle, The OpenSSL Project
0.2.0 and later5D002ASF, Oracle, The OpenSSL Project
Apache Portable Runtime Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
0.9.x, 1.2.xn/a
1.4.x and later5D002ASF
Apache Santuario Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache XML Security for Javadevelopment5D002ASF
Apache XML Security for C++development5D002ASF
Apache SpamAssassin Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache SpamAssassindevelopment5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project, Steffen Ullrich
3.0.x and later5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project, Steffen Ullrich
Apache Spark Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Spark2.2.0 through 2.3.x5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
2.4.0 and later5D002ASF
Apache Tomcat Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Tomcatdevelopment5D002ASF
3.x and later5D002ASF
Apache Tomcat native connectordevelopment5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project
1.x and later5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project
Apache UIMA Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache UIMA-ASdevelopment5D002ASF
all releases starting with 2.2.2-incubating5D002ASF
Apache UIMA Addonsdevelopment5D002ASF
2.3.0 and later5D002ASF
Apache UIMA Addon Tika Annotatordevelopment5D002ASF
2.3.0 and later5D002ASF
Apache UIMA-DUCCdevelopment5D002ASF
all releases starting with 1.05D002ASF
Apache VCL Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache VCLdevelopment5D002ASF
2.1 to 2.2.25D002ASF
2.3 and later5D002ASF, phpseclib
Apache Web Services Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache WSS4Jdevelopment5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle, ASF
1.65D002ASF, Bouncy Castle, ASF
1.0 to 1.55D002ASF, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Castle, ASF
Apache Rampart/Javadevelopment5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Castle, Apache Santuario
1.1 and later5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Castle, Apache Santuario
Apache Rampart/Cdevelopment5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project
0.09 and later5D002ASF, The OpenSSL Project
Apache Synapse1.0, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, 2.0.05D002ASF, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Castle, Apache Santuario
Apache Synapse Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Synapsedevelopment5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Castle, Apache Santuario
1.1.1 and later5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy Castle, Apache Santuario
Apache Wicket Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Wicket1.3, development5D002ASF
Apache MINA Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache MINAdevelopment5D002ASF
1.0, 1.1, 2.05D002ASF
Apache Vysperdevelopment5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
Apache FtpServerdevelopment5D002ASF
Apache SSHDdevelopment5D002ASF, Bouncy Castle
Apache Wookie Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Wookiedevelopment5D002ASF, Apache Santuario
0.13 and later5D002ASF, Apache Santuario
Apache Ignite Project
Product NameVersionsECCNControlled Source
Apache Ignitedevelopment5D002ASF, Oracle, The OpenSSL Project, Microsoft, .NET Foundation, JCraft, Inc., The Eclipse Foundation
2.5.0 - latest5D002ASF, Oracle, The OpenSSL Project, Microsoft, .NET Foundation, JCraft, Inc., The Eclipse Foundation
2.4.05D002ASF, Oracle, Microsoft, .NET Foundation, JCraft, Inc., The Eclipse Foundation
1.0.0 - 2.3.05D002ASF, Oracle, JCraft, Inc., The Eclipse Foundation