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Notre-Dame Cathedral holds mass two months after devastating fire

World news Earlier today
Two months to the day since a fire at Paris' Notre-Dame Cathedral, a small mass was held. The congregation and clergy wore safety helmets while doing so in the East Wing of the building.

The Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris will host its first mass today, exactly two months after the devastating blaze that shocked France and the world

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Two months to the day since fire engulfed Notre Dame Cathedral, the archbishop of Paris will offer the first Mass in the charred building

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Praise God!!! For the first time since the Notre-Dame fire, there will be a Mass today celebrated by Archishop Aupetit at 6pm in the Chapel of the Virgin which is in the East Wing. The Church of Jesus Christ lives on!

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C’est peu de dire que nous sommes heureux de célébrer cette messe pour rendre à Dieu ce qui est à Dieu et à l’homme sa vocation sublime.

7 replies 120 retweets 327 likes

Very touching to see Archbishop Aupetit celebrating Mass in Notre Dame for the first time since the helmet and all. Moving enough watching the livestream on an iPhone...God knows how it must feel for the Archbishop himself.

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Incredibly powerful homily from Mgr. Michel Aupetit during the first Mass at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris since the devasting fire in April.

3 replies 16 retweets 49 likes

Holy Mass at Notre Dame right now. Praise God!!!

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Quite the images—Wearing hard hats, the first Mass since the fire being celebrated in Notre Dame on the anniversary of the dedication of the Cathedral

1 reply 36 retweets 82 likes

A Paris fire official confirmed Notre-Dame's main structure, including its iconic towers, have been "saved and preserved."

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