The International Center for Research on Women's (ICRW) mission is to empower women, advance gender equity and inclusion, and fight poverty worldwide.

Washington, DC
Uniuse en xullo de 2009


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  1. Chío pegado
    25 de mar.

    After 8 years of research, the consortium is hosting an event, "Addressing the Structural Drivers of in the Context of Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals ()." Join us April 4th in Washington, DC. RSVP: .

  2. rechouchiou
    hai 21 horas

    . advocates for legislative and constitutional reforms to ensure women’s fair access to political spheres—as voters, candidates, elected officials, and civil service members.

  3. rechouchiou
    hai 21 horas

    Can we take a moment this morning to celebrate our friends in who just elected their first .Even better, President Caputova voiced support for minority communities in her country and called for more LGBT rights during her campaign.

  4. rechouchiou
    31 de mar.

    Dear trans and gender nonconforming people, you are a miracle. Happy .

  5. rechouchiou
    31 de mar.

    Today may be the last day of March, but every month is for us all who are in the fight for gender equality and witness amazing women make history every day.

  6. rechouchiou
    31 de mar.
    En resposta a and

    Sustainable & inclusive access to can help catalyze social-economic development & promote better educated, healthier, more productive communities. A look at our work on that emphasizes the need for a lens in this realm:

  7. rechouchiou
    30 de mar.

    Washington DC! Can’t wait to see you on the tour. I’ll be in convo on Monday with the amazing Soraya Chemaly, author of Rage Becomes Her.

  8. rechouchiou
    30 de mar.

    How does climate change impact women? Do solutions for climate change consider women's daily lives? Are these solutions accessible by women? Are they responsive to women's needs?

  9. 30 de mar.
  10. rechouchiou
    25 de mar.

    After 8 years of research, the consortium is hosting an event, "Addressing the Structural Drivers of in the Context of Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals ()." Join us April 4th in Washington, DC. RSVP: .

  11. rechouchiou
    29 de mar.

    "...the reason we put more qualifiers and softeners and exclamation points into our emails is not some natural proclivity, but a result of living and working in a society that expects women to behave in a certain way."

  12. rechouchiou
    29 de mar.

    Early this week attended a meeting organized by in Nairobi, Kenya which was aimed at increasing greater advocacy with regards to Government budgeting around child marriage. We are ever so committed to

    , , e 6 máis
  13. 29 de mar.
  14. rechouchiou
    28 de mar.

    What's the current state of feminist leadership & progress advancing gender equality at ? At the March 14th policy forum with ICRW, Campaign & , we amplified perspectives on progress as well as remaining challenges.

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  15. rechouchiou
    29 de mar.

    We’re so excited about this! Check what our office is doing, and follow!

  16. rechouchiou
    29 de mar.

    Yes, engagement and conversations that sensitize media houses will go a long way to change the manner in which women in sports are seen and discussed. Will also help in breaking stereotypes and common narratives around women in sports

  17. rechouchiou
    29 de mar.
    En resposta a and

    These debates come in handy in demystifying myths and misconceptions around women and sport that act as a barrier in womens participation in sport

  18. rechouchiou
    29 de mar.

    Third question- gender-equality debate within sports has become a focal point for recent conversations. How is that helping in advancing and expanding opportunities for women and girls in the field of sports?

    , , e 4 máis
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  19. rechouchiou
    29 de mar.
    En resposta a and

    Yes! It's quite visible! Sports are generally seen as men's realm,we hardly see girls venturing out. Even when they do, support from family, community, peers is quite less. Programs have tried & succeeded in engaging girls in sports but sustainability is always a challenge.

  20. rechouchiou
    29 de mar.

    And we have begun! Our first question to all of you- Gender norms and stereotypes have restricted women and girls in many communities, thereby terming sports as a 'masculine' activity. Thoughts?

    , , e 7 máis
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  21. rechouchiou
    29 de mar.

    And we are beginning in another 15 mins! Follow the thread to join us for a on 'Redefining Feminism in Sports' as we engage in crucial conversations around gender equality + discrimination for women in sports.

    , , e 5 máis
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