Muzaffar Shah II

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Muzaffar Shah II
Sultan of Gujarat
Reign1511 - 1526
PredecessorMahmud Begada
SuccessorSikandar Shah
Died5 April 1526
IssueBahadur Khan, Sikandar Khan, Násir Khán
Full name
Shams-ud-Dīn Muzaffar Shah II
DynastyMuzaffarid dynasty of Gujarat
FatherMahmud Begada
Gujarat Sultanate
Muzaffarid dynasty
Gujarat under Delhi Sultanate (1298–1407)
Muzaffar Shah I (1391-1403)
Muhammad Shah I (1403-1404)
Muzaffar Shah I (1404-1411)
(2nd reign)
Ahmad Shah I (1411-1442)
Muhammad Shah II (1442-1451)
Ahmad Shah II (1451-1458)
Daud Shah (1458)
Mahmud Begada (1458-1511)
Muzaffar Shah II (1511-1526)
Sikandar Shah (1526)
Mahmud Shah II (1526)
Bahadur Shah (1526-1535)
Mughal Empire under Humayun (1535-1536)
Bahadur Shah (1536-1537)
(2nd reign)
Miran Muhammad Shah I
(Farooqi dynasty)
Mahmud Shah III (1537-1554)
Ahmad Shah III (1554-1561)
Muzaffar Shah III (1561-1573)
Mughal Empire under Akbar (1573-1584)
Muzaffar Shah III (1584)
(2nd reign)
Mughal Empire under Akbar (1584-1605)

Shams-ud-Dīn Muzaffar Shah II or Muzafar II, born Khalil Khan, was a ruler of the Muzaffarid dynasty, who reigned over the Gujarat Sultanate from 1511 to 1526. He subdued Idar but came in conflict with Rana Sanga of Mewar when he captured Malwa.


Mahmud Begada was a most prominent ruler of the Muzaffarids (Gujarat) dynasty. He had four sons; Khalíl Khán, Muhammad Kála, Ápá Khán, and Áhmed Khán. Mahmud Begada was succeeded by the eldest Khalíl Khán. Khalii Khan was the son of Ráni Hírábái, the daughter of a Rájput chieftain named Nága Rána who lived on the bank of the Mahi river. On ascending the throne, at the age of twenty-seven, Khalíl adopted the title of Muzaffar Sháh.[1]

For some time before his father’s death, Prince Khalíl Khán had been living at Baroda (now Vadodara) and shortly after his accession he visited that neighbourhood and founded a town which he named Daulatábád. In 1514 Ráo Bhím, the son of Ráo Bhán of Idar State, defeated Ain-ul-Mulk, governor of Pátan, who was coming to Áhmedábád to pay his respects to king. This officer had turned aside to punish the Ráo for some disturbance he had created, but failing in his purpose, was himself defeated. On the approach of Muzaffar Sháh, Ídar was abandoned by the Ráo, who made peace with difficulty only by agreeing to pay a heavy tribute. Meanwhile, the king marched to Godhra, and so to Malwa by way of Dahod, whose fort he caused to be repaired, and soon after went on to Dhar.[1]

In early 1514, Portuguese general Afonso de Albuquerque sent ambassadors to Muzaffar Shah II to seek permission to build a fort on Diu Island. Although this mission returned without any agreement, diplomatic gifts were exchanged, including an Indian rhinoceros named Ganda.[2] Alfonso further passed on the gifted Genda along with its Indian keeper named Ocem, to King Manuel I of Portugal.[3] This gift caused quiet a sensation in King Manuel's kingdom as nobody had seen a living rhinoceros in Europe. In late 1515, Manuel further sent Ganda as a gift to Pope Leo X in Rome, but the ship carrying the animal capsized . The memory of the rhino lived on thanks to the works of the artist Albrecht Dürer in 1515.


After a short stay in Málwa, seeking to take advantage of the distracted condition of Mahmúd of Málwa, who was at war with his nobles, Muzaffar returned to Muhammadábád (Champaner). At this time Ráimal, nephew of the late Ráo Bhím of Ídar, expelled the Ráo’s son Bhármal by the aid of his father-in-law Rana Sanga of Chitor, and succeeded to the chieftainship of Ídar. The king was displeased at the interference of the Rána, and directed Nizám Khán, the governor of Ahmednagar (now Himatnagar), to expel Ráimal and reinstate Bhármal. Nizám Khán took Ídar and gave it to Bhármal. Ráimal betook himself to the hills where Nizám Khán incautiously pursuing and engaging him lost many men. When the rains were over the Sultán visited Ídar. Shortly after, Nizám Khán, the governor of Ahmednagar, fell sick and was called to court. He left Ídar in charge of Zahír-ul-Mulk at the head of a hundred horse. Ráimal made a sudden raid on Ídar and killed Zahír-ul-Mulk and twenty-seven of his men. On hearing of this reverse Sultán Muzaffar ordered Nizám Khán to destroy Bijapur.[1]


In 1517, the nobles of Málwa besought Muzaffar’s interference, alleging that the minister Medini Rai was planning to depose the Málwa Sultán, Mahmud Khilji II, and usurp the throne. Muzaffar Sháh promised to come to their help, and shortly after Sultán Mahmúd Khilji, escaping from the surveillance of Medáni Rái, himself sought the aid of the Gujarát monarch. In 1518 Muzaffar Sháh marched by Godhra into Málwa, and on his arrival at Dhár, that town was evacuated by Medáni Rái. The Gujarát king next besieged Mándu and Medáni Rái summoned the Chitor Rána to his aid. When the Rána had reached Sarangpur, Muzaffar Sháh detaching a force caused the Rána to retire, while the Gujarát soldiers exerted themselves so strenuously that they captured Mándu, recovering the girdle which Qutb-ud-dín Ahmad Shah II had lost at the battle of Kapadvanj. This conquest virtually placed Málwa in Muzaffar’s power, but he honourably restored the kingdom to Sultán Mahmúd Khilji, and, withdrawing to Gujarát, proceeded to Muhammadábád. In 1519, news was received of the defeat and capture of Sultán Mahmúd Khilji by the Rána of Chitor. Muzaffar Sháh sent a force to protect Mándu. But the Rána, who distinguished himself by releasing the Sultán of Málwa and keeping his son in his stead as a hostage, enjoyed continued good fortune. Some time before these events a bhát or bard in the presence of Nizám Khán, the governor of Ídar, boasted that the Rána of Chitor would never fail to help Rána Ráimal of Ídar. The angry governor said "Whose dog is Rána Sánga to help Ráimal while we are here". Nizám Khán called a dog Sánga, chained him in the fort, and dared the Rána to carry him away. His successes enabled Sánga to answer the challenge. In consequence of dissensions at headquarters Nizám Khán withdrew to Ahmednagar leaving a small garrison in Ídar. When Rána Sánga appeared before Ídar the garrison resisted but were slain to a man. The Rána advanced to Ahmednagar and severely defeated Nizám Khán who withdrew to Ahmedabad, while the Rána plundered Vishálnagar (now Visnagar). In 1521, Malik Ayyaz Sultáni, the governor of Sorath, was sent with a large and carefully equipped force to revenge this inroad. Dissensions between Malik Ayyáz and the Gujarát nobles prevented this expedition doing more than burn and despoil both Dungarpur and Banswada. Muzaffar Sháh, greatly displeased with the result, was preparing to march against Chitor, when he was dissuaded by a submissive embassy from that chief, who sent his son to Áhmedábád with valuable presents for the king.[1][4]

Shortly afterwards, on the death of Malik Ayyáz, Muzaffar Sháh confirmed his elder son Malik Is-hák in his father’s rank and possessions. Malik Is-hák remained in Sorath which was confirmed as his jágir. In the following year the Sultán went about his dominions strengthening his frontier posts, especially the fort of Modasa, which he rebuilt. About 1524, prince Báhádur Khán, ostensibly dissatisfied with the smallness of his estates but really to remove himself from the jealousy of his brother Sikandar who being appointed heir-apparent was seeking his life, left Gujarát, first seeking refuge with Chittor, and then with Ibrahim Lodi.[1]

Death and succession[edit]

The shrine of Sheikh Áhmed Khattu at Sarkhej Roza where Muzaffar Shah II was buried.

Muzaffar Shah II, after formally appointing his son Sikandar Khán his heir, died at Ahmedabad on 5 April 1526 at the age of 51, after a reign of fourteen years and nine months. Before his death, he had travelled from Champaner to Baroda and then to Ahmedabad and lived at the palace at Kankaria lake. Muzaffar was buried in the shrine of Sheikh Áhmed Khattu at Sarkhej Roza near his father’s grave.[1][5][6] After Sikandar Sháh had been in power a few months he was murdered by Imád-ul-Mulk Khush Kadam, who seated a younger brother of Sikandar’s, named Násir Khán, on the throne with the title of Mahmúd Shah II and governed on his behalf. The only event of Sikandar’s reign was the destruction of an army sent against his brother Latíf Khán who was helped by Rána Bhím of Munga (now Chhota Udaipur). The nobles deserted Imád-ul-Mulk’s cause, and prince Báhádur Khán, returning to Gujarát from Hindustán, was joined by many supporters prominent among whom was Táj Khán, proprietor of Dhandhuka. Bahádur marched at once on Chámpáner, captured and executed Imád-ul-Mulk and poisoning Násir Khán ascended the throne in 1527 with the title of Bahádur Sháh.[1]


Copper coin of Muzaffar Shah II

He was the most educated and one of the most pious of the Áhmedábád Sultáns. So extreme an abstainer was he that not only during his whole life did he eschew intoxicating drugs and liquor but he never again rode a favourite horse because the horse was cured by a draught of wine. He was an accomplished musician, a finished horseman, a practised swordsman, and with all so modest and humble in his dress and temper that observing once to a favourite page how simple and yet graceful his own turban was the boy laughed: "Ay, if the turbans of Mullahs and Bohras are graceful, then is your Majesty’s." The Sultán said "I should have been proud to have my turban likened to a Mullah’s, why compare it with the headdress of a schismatic Bohra." Muzaffar was careful never to pain the feelings of those around him. He suspected Kiwám-ul-Mulk who was in charge of his drinking water but contented himself with breathing over the water one of the verses of the Quran which make poison harmless. During his reign cultivation increased so much in Jhalawad that it became necessary to reserve certain waste land for pasture. In 1526 the rains held off so long that famine began to rage. The Sultán exclaimed, "Oh Allah! If thou scourgest the country for the sins of its king take his life and spare thy creatures." The prayer was heard and it rained.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h James Macnabb Campbell, ed. (1896). "II. ÁHMEDÁBÁD KINGS. (A. D. 1403–1573.)". History of Gujarát. Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency. Volume I. Part II. The Government Central Press. pp. 251–254. This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  2. ^ Bedini, p. 112
  3. ^ História do famoso rhinocerus de Albrecht Dürer Archived 18 February 2009 at the Wayback Machine, Projecto Lambe-Lambe (in Portuguese).
  4. ^ Bayley's Gujarat, p. 264.
  5. ^ Majumdar, R.C. (2006). The Delhi Sultanate, Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, pp. 167-9
  6. ^ Commissariat, M. S. (1938). A History of Gujarat including a Survey of its Chief Architectural Monuments and Inscriptions. I. Longman, Greens & Co. p. 281.