Babak Khorramdin

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Babak Khorramdin
Papak Xorramdin.jpg
Statue of Babak Khorramdin in Babek city, Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan
Native name
بابک خرمدین
Born795 or 798
Bilalabad, Azerbaijan, Iran
Died7 January 838 (age 40 or 43)[1]
Years active23 years
Known forLeader of the Khorram-Dinān
Opponent(s)Abbasid Caliphate

Bābak Khorramdin (Formally known as "Pāpak" meaning "Young Father") (Persian: بابک خرمدین‎, alternative spelling: Pāpak Khorramdin; 795, according to some other sources 798— January 838) was one of the main Iranian[2][3] revolutionary leaders of the Iranian[4] Khorram-Dinān ("Those of the joyous religion"), which was a local freedom movement fighting the Abbasid Caliphate. Khorramdin appears to be a compound analogous to dorustdin "orthodoxy" and Behdin "Good Religion" (Zoroastrianism),[1] and are considered an offshoot of neo-Mazdakism.[5] Babak's Iranianizing[6] rebellion, from its base in Azerbaijan in northwestern Iran,[7] called for a return of the political glories of the Iranian[8] past. The Khorramdin rebellion of Babak spread to the Western and Central parts of Iran and lasted more than twenty years before it was defeated when Babak was betrayed. Babak's uprising showed the continuing strength in Azerbaijan of ancestral Iranian local feelings.[2]


Bābak (بابک) is a New Persian name meaning "father", which is derived from the Middle Persian Pāpak/Pābag (𐭯𐭠𐭯𐭪𐭩), a common name in pre-Islamic Iran and also the hereditary name of the Sasanian Empire, whose founder Ardashir I (r. 224–242), was the son of a prince named Papak.[3][9] The original name of Babak was al-Hasan.[3]


Map of Azerbaijan in the 9th-century.

Babak was born in 795 (or 798) in Bilalabad in the Mimadh district of the Ardabil area, which was part of Azerbaijan, a region in north-western Iran.[10] The Mimadh district had provided the Sasanian marzban ("margrave") of Ardabil with troops during the Muslim conquest of Iran in 633–654, which resulted in the fall of the Sasanians and the conquest of Azerbaijan. The region was briefly occupied by the Khazars in 730–731, and had since the mid 8th-century been under colonization by the Arab Rawadid clan.[11] Azerbaijan was populated by an Iranian people known as the Adhari, who although closely related, were distinct from the Persians.[3] They spoke Adhari, which according to the 10th-century geographer al-Maqdisi, was similar to Persian.[12]

Babak was most likely himself not of pure Persian extraction, but of Adhari.[3] His mother, Mahru (meaning "Moon-Face") was a non-Muslim wet-nurse from Azerbaijan. She is described as being "one-eyed" in Muslim sources, which is a fabrication made in order to disgrace Babak.[10] Babak's father was an Aramean peddler from al-Mada'in, who had settled in Azerbaijan.[13][10] His name was Abdallah, Amir ibn Abdallah, or Amir ibn Ahad, which suggests that he was seemingly a Muslim. Likewise, Babak's father is also the subject of derogatory fabrication in Muslim sources.[10]

The original faith of Babak is uncertain; he was born with the Muslim name of al-Hasan, and his three brothers, Mu'awiya, Abdallah, and Ishaq, also had Muslim names. Although having Muslim name was not in itself proof of any religious beliefs, as it was not uncommon for people to have an Muslim name in order "to move freely in Muslim society by virtue of their high position in their own community, such as the Armenian princes" (Crone).[14] Babak's parents, who were no more than landless villagers, most likely learned that Babak and his brothers future lay with the Arab warlords of Azerbaijan, and thus as a way of "adapting to the standards of new the world" (Crone), they raised them as Muslims.[14]

Early life[edit]

During Babak's youth, his travelling father was killed near Sabalan.[10] Till the age of twelve, Babak worked as a cowherd, and afterwards entered the service of an Arab warlord named Shibl ibn al-Muthanna al-Azdi in Sarab, where he worked as a groom and servant. The ghilman ("slaves") of Shibl taught Babak how to play the lute. Babak also learned to recite poetry, probably in the local Adhari dialect.[10] According to the 11th-century writer Abu'l Ma'ali, Babak played the lute and sang songs for the locals whilst working as a fruit vendor in the village.[1] Babak later established himself in the city of Tabriz. There he worked under another Arab warlord, Muhammad ibn Rawwad Azdi for two years, until he reached adulthood and left for his village, Bilalabad. There Babak encountered a wealthy and influential landlord named Javidhan, who was reportedly impressed with the latters cleverness, and as result recruited him into his service. Unlike the previous men Babak had served, Javidhan was a local Iranian, and the leader of one of the two Khurramite movements in Azerbaijan.[15][1] The leader of the other Khurramite movement was a certain Abu Imran, who often clashed with Javidhans forces. During one of the clashes, Abu Imran was defeated and killed, whilst Javidhan was mortally wounded, dying three days later. Javidhan was succeeded by Babak, who had already converted to Khurramism under the latters service. It was most probably during this period that Babak changed his name from al-Hasan to Babak.[16]


View of the landscape from the castle.
Babak Castle.
Babak Castle.
Babak Castle.
The castle could be seen at the peak between fog.
The castle from the camp.

In 755, Abu Muslim was murdered. Although he had helped the Abbasids to defeat the former Caliphs, the Umayyad dynasty, the ruling Caliph had given the order to kill him, probably because of his increasing popularity among Iranians and Non-Muslims.[1] Many Iranians, who had expected more freedom and more rights from the new rulers, could not believe that their hero was killed by the ruling Caliph whom they had considered a friend of Iran and Iranians.[17]

This incident led to many revolts, mostly by angry Khurramiyyah (Khorram-Dinān) and some Zoroastrians. This, in turn, forced the Caliphs to use more violence against the Iranian population in order to keep the eastern provinces under control. The constant revolts did not come to an end in the following decades, and the Iranian population of the Caliphate was constantly being oppressed.

Babak joined the Khurramiyyah (Khorram-Dinān). The story of joining the Khorrami movement is being told in Waqed's account, in summary, as follows:

Under the direction of his mentor Javidhan, a leader of one of the sects of the Khorramdin, Babak's knowledge of history, geography, and the latest battle tactics strengthened his position as a favorite candidate for commander during the early wars against the Arab occupiers.

Bābak was a highly spiritual person who respected his Zoroastrian heritage. He made every possible effort to bring Iranians together and also with leaders such as Maziar to form a united front against the Arab Caliph. According to the medieval historian, Ibn Esfandyar, who composed the book Tarikh-e Tabaristan "History of Tabaristan", Maziar said:

However, one of the most dramatic periods in the history of Iran was set under Bābak's leadership between 816–837. During these most crucial years, they not only fought against the Caliphate, but also for the preservation of Persian language and culture.

After the death of Javidhan, Babak married Javidhan's wife and became the Khorramis' leader, sometime in the year 816-17 during al-Ma'mun's reign. Babak incited his followers to rise in rebellion against the caliphal regime. The reports state that Babak called Persians to arms, seized castles and strong points, thereby barring roads to his enemies. Gradually a large multitude joined him.[1]

According to Vladimir Minorsky, around the 9th–10th century:[19]

There had long been groups of Khorramis scattered in Isfahan, Adharbayjan, Ray, Hamadan, Armenia, Gorgan, and elsewhere in Iran,[1] and there had been some earlier Khorrami revolts, e.g., in Gorgan jointly with Red Banner (Sorkh-'alamān) Bātenis in the caliph Al-Mahdi's reign in 778-79, when 'Amr b. 'Ala', the governor of Tabarestān, was ordered to repulse them, and at Isfahan, Ray, Hamadan, and elsewhere in Harun al-Rashid's realm, when 'Abd-Allah b. Malek and Abu Dolaf 'Ejli put them down on caliph's behalf – but none had the scale and duration of Babak's revolt, which pinned down caliphal armies for twenty years. After Babak's emergence, the Khorrami movement was centered in Adharbayjan and reinforced with volunteers from elsewhere, probably including descendants of Abu Muslim's supporters and other Iranian enemies of the 'Abbasid caliphate. The figures given for the strength of Babak's Khorramdinan army, such as 100,000 men (Abu'l-Ma'ali), 200,000 (Mas'udi), or innumerable (Baghdadi) are doubtless highly exaggerated but at least indicate that it was large.[1] At that time of Babak, there were Khorramis scattered in many regions of Iran, besides Adharbayjan, reportedly in Tabarestan, Khorasan, Balkh, Isfahan, Kashan, Qom, Ray, Karaj, Hamadan, Lorestan, Khuzestan as well as in Basra, and Armenia.[1]

Tabari records that Babak claimed he possessed Javadan's spirit and that Babak became active in 816–817. In 819–820 Yahya ibn Mu'adh fought against Babak, but could not defeat him. Two years later Babak vanquished the forces of Isa ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Khalid. In 824–825 the caliphal general Ahmad ibn al Junayd was sent against Babak. Babak defeated and captured him.

In 827–828 Muhammad ibn Humayd Tusi was dispatched to fight Babak. He won a victory and sent some captured enemy, but not Babak, to al-Ma'mun. However, about two years later, on June 9, 829, Babak won a decisive victory over this general at Hashtadsar. Muhammad ibn Humayd lost his life. Many of his soldiers were killed. The survivors fled in disarray.

In 835–836 the caliph al-Mu'tasim sent his outstanding general Afshin against Babak. Afshin rebuilt fortresses. He employed a relay system to protect supply caravans. Babak tried to capture the money being sent to pay Afshin's army, but was himself surprised, lost many men and barely escaped. He did succeed in capturing some supplies and inflicting some hardship on his enemies. Amongst Babak's commander, various names have been mentioned including Azin, Rostam, Tarkhan, Mua’wiyah and Abdullah.[20]

The next year Babak routed the forces of Afshin's subordinate, Bugha al-Kabir. In 837–838 al-Mu'tasim reinforced Afshin and provided him clear military instructions. Patiently following these enabled Afshin to capture Babak's stronghold of Badhdh. Babak escaped. Al-Mu'tasim sent a safety guarantee for Babak to Afshin. This was taken to Babak who was very displeased. He said:

"Better to live for just a single day as a ruler than to live for forty years as an abject slave."

He decided to leave the country for the Byzantine Empire and on his way Babak met Sahl Smbatean (Sahl ibn Sunbat in Arab sources), Prince of Khachen, who was Armenian due to the Armenian historiography and Caucasian Albanian due to the Adharbayjani historiography. Sahl Smbatian, however, handed Babak over to Afshin in return for a large reward. Al-Mu'tasim commanded his general to bring Babak to him. Afshin informed Babak of this and told him since Babak might never return, this was the time to take a last look around. At Babak's request, Afshin allowed his prisoner to go to Badhdh. There Babak walked through his ruined stronghold one night until dawn.

Eventually, Bābak, his wife, and his warriors were forced to leave Ghaleye Bābak after 23 years of constant campaigns.


He was eventually betrayed by Afshin and was handed over to the Abbasid Caliph. During Bābak's execution, the Caliph's henchmen first cut off his legs and hands in order to convey the most devastating message to his followers. The legend says that Bābak bravely rinsed his face with the drained blood pouring out of his cuts, thus depriving the Caliph and the rest of the Abbasid army from seeing his pale face, a result of the heavy loss of blood.[1][21] He was then gibbeted alive whilst sewn into a cow's skin with the horns at ear level to gradually crush his head as it dried out.[22]


Babak Khorramdin was not well known outside academia until the 20th century; however, due to Soviet nation building efforts and Babak's following of teaching of Mazdak with its pseudo-communist and socialist themes, Babak Khorramdin was proclaimed a national hero in the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic. For example, the Soviet era scholar Ziya Bunyadov, claimed that "Babak was a national hero of Azerbaijani people" while the Russian ethnologist, historian and anthropologist Victor Schnirelmann dismisses Bunyadov's theory, criticizing Bunyadov for not mentioning that Babak spoke Persian, and ignoring the witness accounts of Babak's contemporaries who call him Persian.[23] To this day, in the modern Republic of Azerbaijan, Babak is a cult figure and celebrated as a national hero.[24] In modern Iran, due to the rise of nationalism in the 20th century, and renewed interest in pre-Islamic Iran, Babak Khorramdin was rediscovered during the reign of Reza Shah, and is celebrated as a national hero.[25][26] However, Babak remains a controversial figure in the Islamic Republic, whose idolization is criticized by some Shia clerics.[25][27]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Yusofi 2011, pp. 299–306.
  2. ^ a b Bosworth 1987, pp. 224-231.
  3. ^ a b c d e Bahramian, Hirtenstein & Gholami 2013.
  4. ^ Bernard Lewis (1991), "The Political Language of Islam", University of Chicago Press, pp 314. "The last and most nearly successful of the Iranian movements, however was that of Babak, who established his independence in Adharbayjan early in al-Mamun's reign."
  5. ^ Dr Farhad Daftary C. E. Bosworth, Afshin; accessed March 15, 2007.
  6. ^ Bernard Lewis (1991), "The Political Language of Islam", University of Chicago Press, pp 482):""Babak's Iranianizing rebellion in Azerbaijan gave occasion for sentiments at the capital to harden against men who were sympathetic to the more explicitly Iranian tradition"
  7. ^ F. Daftary (1999) Sectarian and National Movements in Iran, Khurasan and Transoxania During Umayyad and Early 'Abbasid Times In History of Civilizations of Central Asia, vol. IV, part One, ed. M. S. Asimov and C. E. Bosworth. Paris: UNESCO Publishing, pp. 41–60. excerpt from pg 50: "The activities of the Khurammiya reached their peak in the movement of Babak al-Khurrami, whose protracted rebellion based in north-western Iran seriously threatened the stability of the Abbassid caliphate.... This revolt lasting for more than twenty years, soon spread from Azerbaijan (North/West Iran) to western and central parts of Iran.
  8. ^ Kathryn Babayan, "Mystics, monarchs, and messiahs ", Harvard CMES, 2002. pg 138: "Babak revolted in Azerbaijan (816–838), evoking Abu Muslim as a heroic symbol..and called for a return to the Iranian past"
  9. ^ Frye 1988, pp. 298-299.
  10. ^ a b c d e f Crone 2012, p. 48.
  11. ^ Crone 2012, p. 61.
  12. ^ Yarshater 1988, pp. 238-245.
  13. ^ Crone 2011.
  14. ^ a b Crone 2012, p. 51.
  15. ^ Crone 2012, p. 49.
  16. ^ Crone 2012, pp. 49-50.
  17. ^ CAIS News, Restoration of Fortress of Babak Khorramdin to Continue, May 16, 2004.
  18. ^ Said Nafisi, Babak Khorramdin Delawar-e-Azerbaijan (Babak Khorramdin, the braveheart of Azerbaijan), Tabesh Publishers, Tehran 1955, pg 57, actual quote from Ibn Esanfiyar: Persian: من (مازیار) و افشين خيدر بن کاوس و بابک هر سه از دير باز عهد و بيعت کرده ايم و قرار داده بر آن که دولت از عرب بازستانيم و ملک و جهانداري با خاندان کسرويان نقل کنيم
  19. ^ V. Minorsky, Studies in Caucasian History, Cambridge University Press, 1957, pg 112
  20. ^ Said Nafisi, Babak Khorramdin Delawar-e-Azerbaijan (Babak Khorramdin, the brave-heart of Azerbaijan), Tabesh Publishers, Tehran 1955
  21. ^ CAIS News, Restoration of Fortress of Babak Khorramdin to Continue, May 16, 2004
  22. ^ The golden age of Islam by Maurice Lombard, page 152, ISBN 1-55876-322-8, ISBN 978-1-55876-322-7
  23. ^ Shnirelman, V.A.(2001), 'The value of the Past: Myths, Identity and Politics in Transcaucasia', Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.pp 123: "Having claimed that, Buniiatov failed to mention that Babek spoke Persian, and ignored the witnesses of contemporaries who called him the "Persian".
  24. ^ David Menashri. Central Asia Meets the Middle East. Portland Frank Cass, 1998
  25. ^ a b Michael M.J. Fischer, Mehdi Abedi, "Debating Muslims: cultural diologues in postmodern and tradition", University of Wisconsin Press, 1990. pg 191
  26. ^ Zabiollah Safa,"Daliraan-i Jaanbaaz" (Brave Heroes), Firdawsi Publishers, Tehran, 1998.
  27. ^ Ahmed Hashim, International Institute for Strategic Studies, p80
