Video Indexer

Unlock video insights

Benefits and Features
Benefits and Features

Unlock video insights

Upload your video, and go

Start turning your video into insights right away. No more tedious and error-prone manual indexing. And no need for specialized expertise. With Video Indexer, just upload your video, and start finding insights right away, without writing a single line of code.

Easily create intelligent apps

Now, the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) is within reach of every enterprise with Video Indexer. Simplify your development by using the language of your choice, easily embedding widgets, and eliminating the need for glue code.

Make your content more discoverable

Quickly and easily extract insights from videos using artificial intelligence. Enhance content discovery experiences such as search results by detecting spoken words, faces, characters, and emotions.

Improve engagement with your videos

Metadata extracted by Video Indexer can be used to build powerful engagement experiences with recommendations, highlight clips, and interactive videos.

Trigger workflows and automate tasks

When Video Indexer sees, hears, or detects what you’re looking for, it can set off an automated chain of business processes, without manual intervention. So you can create workflows and automate your downstream tasks easily using the scale and breadth of Azure.