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twitter-gobject allows you access Twitter's 1.1 REST API via a set of GObject based objects for easy integration with your GLib2 based code.
Branch: master
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Latest commit 34c763d May 26, 2013
Type Name Latest commit message Commit time
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tests Print tokens and secrets in oauth test Apr 4, 2013
twitter Add twr_error import May 26, 2013
AUTHORS Add initial files Mar 1, 2013
COPYING Add initial files Mar 1, 2013 Update README May 26, 2013
TODO Update TODO Apr 3, 2013
VERSION Release 0.4.5 May 26, 2013


twitter-gobject allows you access Twitter's 1.1 REST API via a set of GObject based objects for easy integration with your GLib2 based code.

What it covers so far:

  • Status (update, update_with_media, show, destroy, retweet, retweets)
  • Timeline (mentions_timeline, home_timeline)
  • Search (tweets)
  • Oauth (request_token, access_token)
  • examples/tests

What are the dependencies:

  • python 2.7
  • pycurl

Where is the documentation:

How can you help:

  • It is very easy to extend, feel free to do it. I will gladly accept contributions.
  • Send a message to tchx84 or drop a pull request.


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