We have recently updated our end-user license agreements and our terms of service have been updated as well. We are also about to update our privacy statement, effective on February 20, 2019, with the intention of making it easier to read and understand. We have made changes for our users living outside the European Economic...

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We are happy to announce that our applications are now covered by the Google Play Security Reward Program. Researchers are invited to help us improve the security of our chosen products in return for fame and up to $5,000! First, be sure to become familiar with the rules of the bug bounty program. At the...

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Some of you may already be familiar with Flow, the new feature that allows you to quickly and seamlessly share images, links and videos between your Opera browser for computers and your Opera Touch mobile browser (currently available for Android and coming soon to iOS). Flow is very easy to set up: all you need...

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Every year, researchers offer us their assistance to help enhance the security of our websites. We would like to thank those who discovered and reported security issues in 2018. EDIT: The list of researchers was moved to our new site, the Hall of Fame. Visit this site to see the names of people who have...

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There is a lot of uncertainty right now about the impact of the hardware security issue named Meltdown. There will be a scheduled release of Opera which will contain a first set of workarounds as soon as the browser is properly tested and ready for release. This will most likely be at the end of...

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Domains are an integral part of the internet. Similar to how people write different languages using different characters or scripts, domain names can be composed of various scripts in whole or in part, and are called Internationalized Domain Names (IDN). It is possible to create labels which look similar to combining characters from different scripts....

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