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browsing language continuity is broken (?)

Wladek92 (talkcontribs)

Hi all, Something strange on (for example) page The language of my MediaWiki web interface is set to FRançais. I open the page hereabove and it displays the ENglish text - ok normal since I dont request the /fr version. Then I select a link for example "sysop permission" at beginning of "...anyone with sysop permission". The requested page I see from the EN one, is now in the FR page of the link. I am surprised since I expected the coherence of language with the root EN page. Do we agree this break is a normal behaviour ? May be documented it somewhere ?

Malyacko (talkcontribs)

This is normal behavior when you go to "Special:MyLanguage" pages so I don't see anything broken.

Wladek92 (talkcontribs)

For the reader lambda, the discontinuity comes since you start with english language and you land on a foreign one.

Malyacko (talkcontribs)
Reply to "browsing language continuity is broken (?)"

Switch language of interface

Want (talkcontribs)

Does anyone know why an anonymous user can't switch the interface language?

I was surprised that doesn't work for including templates into localization page according to the interface language. I use on my wiki more four years the really easy trick for it. I use the system message Langcode, what do return language code accordance with a current choice language interface of the user.

But in messages of MediaWiki core was nothing the message similar for this use. I created a message Langcode in localization files for it and sent it for a review into Gerrit. I hope for a merging.

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

Why don't you change the following files?

  • chy.json
  • cr.json
  • de-at.json
  • de-formal.json
  • eml.json
  • en-ca.json
  • gan.json
  • ii.json
  • ik.json
  • ki.json
  • kk.json
  • ks-deva.json
  • ku-arab.json
  • lbe.json
  • nl-informal.json
  • om.json
  • pih.json
  • rw.json
  • tw.json
  • zh.json
  • zh-sg.json
  • zh-tw.json
Want (talkcontribs)

I added missing languages.

Want (talkcontribs)

User:Dvorapa came up with a better solution. His patch has be add new magic word {{USERLANGUAGE}}. If you may support to be included, do it please. Thank you.

Dvorapa (talkcontribs)

Another solution would be to generate {{int:Lang}} by some MediaWiki extension automatically instead of a magic word or changing all json files

Want (talkcontribs)

Oops. I changed files over command line by script with using the message 'searchbutton' as anchors, and this message apparently is not present in all files.

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

{{int:lang}} returns the user interface language code.

Want (talkcontribs)

Thanks. But it not generally usable, because for another languages missing language code. I tryed it on Sandbox. I.e. polski exists, but for čeština not. It is only local solution. Moreover without documentation. I not found any info about message {{int:lang}} before send my changes into Gerrit.

Original name which I use on my wiki is MediaWiki:LanguageCode. Here is MediaWiki:Lang.

I want add message "langcode" into MediaWiki core as universally solution for all instances MediaWiki for all languages.

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
Want (talkcontribs)
Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
Want (talkcontribs)

Yes, now it is ok.

Want (talkcontribs)

And my question about switch language of interface by anonymous users? Has any reason, for disable?

I think that is good feature for new visitors, because they may read content in native language. Is not easy find language name in header of page, if is page translated into much languages.

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
Want (talkcontribs)

Ok. Cite from page Universal Language Selector/FAQ: "We are looking into making this possible in the future. There is no timeline for this." I see, that task Phabricator:T134592 is open 3 years. But I yet not fully understand a flows for acceptation of changes.

Reply to "Switch language of interface"

Trying to update "dead link" on skin tutorial pages

Summary by Tomybrz

Just a false positive about Special:AbuseFilter/12.

AlistairMcMillan (talkcontribs)

Source tutorial is now sitting at

"dead link" pointing to old url is down at the bottom of Manual:Skinning Part 1

AlistairMcMillan (talkcontribs)

Oh, never mind. I was getting an error before. Now it's let me update the pages. :)

Summary by Lucamauri

The procedure was explained by user Reedy in the change page

Lucamauri (talkcontribs)

Because of the modifications discussed here I would need to modify the text shown here that is referenced to in the opening of the sites XML files:

<sites version="1.0" xmlns="">

I would need to create a new page with a similar description text pointing to the new sitelist-1.1.xsd file.

I have no idea where this modification must be proposed, can you please explain how to do so or point me to the necessary documentation?

Thanks --Luca Mauri (talk) 14:26, 4 May 2019 (UTC)

Fukahire0212 (talkcontribs)

want's to add zh page on Extension:YouTube,thoguth I might probably just add some section to easily browse the page for zh user.

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

I think you can now translate it

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

Yes Done

Template PhpTags : dead links to

Wladek92 (talkcontribs)
AKlapper (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Remove them, I'd say.

Wladek92 (talkcontribs)

I cannot leave empty tags. I delete T8 and T9.

* {{ll|Extension:PhpTags/Performance|<translate><!--T:7--> Performance</translate>}} 
<translate><!--T:8--> </translate>
<translate><!--T:9--> </translate>

Missing < translate > sections in -> /wiki/Project:Support_desk/Header

Summary by Wladek92


Wladek92 (talkcontribs)
Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
Tomybrz (talkcontribs)

After some details by email, i marked this page for translations, we can add a link for "view in your language". Regards

Wladek92 (talkcontribs)

To give a professional aspect to our translated pages, the principle to tend to -when a page is created- is to keep the complete language coherence all along it. This has two main advantages: 1) maintenance: it shows no parts have been forgotten by translators 2) readers can enjoy the articles in their own language and pleasantly follow the links in a transparent way (thanks to Special:MyLanguage) when target pages are aligned.

I have no objection about target pages left in ENglish because we must restrict since translation itself is a hudge work and although of the system open structure, volunteers are higly appreciated.

On the other side what is translated is a mirror of what is on the EN page (comments apart). We cannot conceive translated pages to have hidden parts visible/understandable only by EN readers. In this case let us put the text into comments - but for everyone.

Thank you all for your work and support.

Multilingual Templates and Modules project has started!

Yurik (talkcontribs)

Following up on a popular wishlist proposal, I have implemented a way to write multilingual templates and modules. See project page.

Reply to "Multilingual Templates and Modules project has started!"
Tomybrz (talkcontribs)
Tomybrz (talkcontribs)

I think translation don't work on flow description, i put a new header version directly on Project:Support desk (to repair my damage... )

94rain (talkcontribs)
Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)