Official LinkedIn Blog - Your source for insights and information about LinkedIn

  • Military Spouses

    Expanding Support for Military Families and Veteran Caregivers

    April 24, 2019

    Today we’re expanding our military and veterans program to include more spouses, children, and caregivers across the country to better support service members and their families. Beginning next month, LinkedIn Premium will be available for spouses in every branch of the armed forces, regardless of where they are in their professional transition. Our commitment...

  • LinkedIn Has 20 Million Jobs and the Right One for You

    April 22, 2019

    Today’s workforce is changing, and it’s a great time to find the right job for you out of the 20 million on LinkedIn. Generation Z is stepping into their first jobs, while baby boomers are putting off retirement, but no generation in recent history is making more of an impact on today’s work culture than millennials. Not only are millennials the largest group in...

  • Transparency Report: Second Half of 2018

    April 18, 2019

    We share our Transparency Report twice a year to provide visibility into how we respond to government requests about our members or the content they share. As this report shows, the number of government requests for data about LinkedIn members continues to grow as our overall membership grows. As always, we continue to review each request carefully before taking...

  • Add Teammates: A New Way to Nurture Professional...

    April 16, 2019

    The people we work with are more than just teammates - they help us make it through the day and can also help us get ahead in our...

  • Introducing LinkedIn Reactions: More Ways to Express...

    April 11, 2019

    People come to LinkedIn every day to discover what’s happening in their professional communities and talk to one another about topics...

  • Flooding Across the Midwest Impacts the Region: April U.S. ...

    April 8, 2019

    Despite overall strong hiring and job creation around the country in March, the natural disasters across the Midwest had a negative...