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Motor Cruising

Motor cruising is a fun and sociable way to explore new places in comfort and you don’t need to worry about the wind! Equipped with powerful engines you’ll travel large distances quickly and can also sleep on board so the adventure lasts as long as you want it to.

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RIBs & Sports Boats

RIBs and sports boats provide speed, excitement, versatility and fun for the whole family. They’re usually open boats powered by one or two engines and are most suitable for day excursions.

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Personal Watercraft (PW)

Personal Watercrafts (also known as jet skis) are about speed, thrills and excitement, all of which can be delivered at the turn of a key. Delivering high speed and fast acceleration, a PW will provide you with a real adrenaline rush and guarantees a day out full of excitement.

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Canal & River Boat Cruising

Peaceful surroundings, time to relax and the excitement of exploring new places, all set in beautiful surroundings. There can’t be many more enjoyable experiences than meandering through the countryside in a classic canal boat or river cruiser.

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