Sarah Drinkwater

Lead, Tech and Society Solutions Lab

Sarah is director at the Tech and Society Solutions Lab at Omidyar Network, where she works to test and scale interventions that help maximize the tech industry's positive contributions to a healthy society. 

Prior to Omidyar Network, Sarah was head of Campus London, Google's first physical startup hub offering innovative education programs, a work and event space, and access to a vibrant startup community. Campus London was a pilot that has since scaled to six locations around the world, including Seoul and Sao Paulo. At Google, Sarah also built and led a global Google Maps community team.

Sarah previously worked in community and content roles for early-stage startups in Europe. She also advised brands such as Nokia on their social strategy and was a journalist for newspapers and magazines, including The Guardian. 

Sarah received her MA in Renaissance to Enlightenment from University College London. She earned her BA in English literature from the University of Reading. 
