Nebraska isn’t poor and Nebraskans aren’t naive

David Brooks writes in the New York Times that we should figure out how to bottle the civic health southwest Nebraska enjoys:

Everybody says rural America is collapsing. But I keep going to places with more moral coherence and social commitment than we have in booming urban areas. These visits prompt the same question: How can we spread the civic mind-set they have in abundance?

For example, I spent this week in Nebraska, in towns like McCook and Grand Island. These places are not rich. At many of the schools, 50 percent of the students receive free or reduced-cost lunch. But they don’t have the pathologies we associate with poverty.

Maybe that’s because those places aren’t high in poverty! The poverty rate in McCook is 9.6%; in Grand Island it’s 15%. The national rate is 12.3%. Here’s a Census page with those numbers. What about the lunches? 50 percent of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch sounds like a lot, unless you know that slightly more than half of all US public school students are eligible for free and reduced-price lunch. (Brooks says “receive,” not “are eligible for,” but it’s the latter statistics that are widely reported and I’m guessing that’s what he means; apologies if I’m wrong.)

Crime is low. Many people leave their homes and cars unlocked.

Is it? And do they? I didn’t immediately find city-level crime data that looked rock solid to me, but if you trust, crime in Grand Island roughly tracks national levels while crime in McCook is a little lower. And long-time Grand Island resident Gary Christensen has a different take than Brooks does:

Gary Christensen, a Grand Island resident for over 68 years says times are changing.
“It was a community that you could leave you doors open leave the keys in your car and that kind of thing, and nobody ever bothered it. But those days are long gone,” said Gary Christensen, resident.

One way you can respond to this is to say I’m missing the point of Brooks’s article. Isn’t he just saying civic involvement is important and it’s healthy when people feel a sense of community with their neighbors? Are the statistics really that important?

Yes. They’re important. Because what Brooks is really doing here is inviting us to lower ourselves into a warm comfortable stereotype; that where the civic virtues are to be found in full bloom, where people are “just folks,” are in the rural parts of Nebraska, not in New Orleans, or Seattle, or Laredo, or Madison, and most definitely not in Brooklyn or Brookline or Bethesda. But he can’t just say “you know how those people are.” There needs to be some vaguely evidentiary throat-clearing before you launch into what you were going to say anyway.

Which is that Nebraska people are simple dewy real Americans, not like you, urbanized coastal reader of the New York Times. I don’t buy it. McCook, Nebraska sounds nice; but it sounds nice in the same way that urbanized coastal communities are nice. You go someplace and talk to a guy who’s on the city council, you’re gonna be talking to a guy who cares about his community and thinks a lot about how to improve it. Even in Bethesda.

Constantly they are thinking: Does this help my town or hurt it? And when you tell them that this pervasive civic mind-set is an unusual way to be, they look at you blankly because they can’t fathom any other.

There’s Brooks in a nutshell. The only good people are the people who don’t know any better than to be good. By saying so, he condescends to his subjects, his readers, and himself all at once. I don’t buy it. I’ll bet people in southwest Nebraska can fathom a lot more than Brooks thinks they can. I think they probably fathom David Brooks better than he fathoms them.

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6 thoughts on “Nebraska isn’t poor and Nebraskans aren’t naive

  1. JSE says:

    Various stuff that didn’t fit in the post. Brooks points out right after the part I quoted that Nebraska has the 6th lowest unemployment rate in the country. Why does he think some Nebraska secret is required to explain why life there is pretty good? Why does he think it requires explanation that these places don’t seem like poverty-striken wastelands? There are jobs for everyone!

  2. JSE says:

    Brooks doesn’t talk much about race except to say that when a white Nebraskan said something on Facebook that reduced her Latina neighbor to tears, that was an example of “national viciousness tear[ing] local bonds.” Brooks cannot actually think racial conflict wouldn’t exist in the prairie states if not for agitation from the coastal media!

  3. JSE says:

    And of course there’s the matter that the places David Brooks holds up as exemplars of what we all ought to be striving for are having trouble keeping people in town. Red Willow County, of which McCook is the seat, lost 2% of its population from 2010 to 2017, while the US population grew, as did Nebraska’s as a whole. (Population growth in Grand Island’s county was roughly Nebraska average and a little below the US rate.)

  4. Edward Dunne says:

    I gave up reading David Brooks years ago. Stop torturing yourself!

  5. Green Jello Brand says:

    David Brooks has always been a hack. And don’t even mention Thomas Friedman…

  6. Jim says:

    I read “Our Kids” by Robert Putnam (“Bowling Alone”) a couple years ago and its thesis is that our societal fabric is being shredded along with the middle class. Those ills that struck the underclasses (drugs, single parents, poor education, etc.) in the 60’s have now penetrated the white middle/working class and rural neighborhoods. I doubt people in Nebraska are any more or less civil than any other, just a little later to the game…

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