You have 80,000 hours in your career.

Make the right career choices, and you can help solve the world’s most pressing problems, as well as have a more rewarding, interesting life.

We’re here to give you the information you need to find that fulfilling, high-impact career. Our advice is all free, tailored for talented graduates & young professionals, and based on five years of research alongside academics at Oxford.

Join over 150,000 subscribers, and get one part of our career guide sent to your inbox each week.

Key ideas

We’ve tried to think through social impact career choice from first principles. These articles discuss some of the key questions you should consider if you want to maximise your chances of doing exceptionally valuable work.

We present more key ideas in our career guide and advanced series.


Our ongoing research aims to highlight the most important ideas and information you need in order to lead a high impact career.

Problem profiles

The issue you choose to work on is probably the most important factor that determines the expected value of your career. If you want to maximise your chance of having a big positive impact, you should work on an issue that’s large in scale, solvable and neglected. Our problem profile series analyses a number of global problems in these terms.

Read problem profiles

Career reviews

The highest-impact careers are those which allow you to make the biggest contribution to solving the world’s most pressing problems. Our career review series investigates specific career paths that may do this.

See also our article on roles to consider if you have existing expertise.

Read career reviews

High impact vacancies

Our job board contains a short, curated list of the most promising publicly advertised vacancies we know about right now. They’re all high-impact opportunities at organisations that are working on some of the world’s most pressing problems.

View the job board

Job board screenshot

Who are we?

We started 80,000 Hours because we couldn’t find any sources of advice on how to do good with our own working lives. Since 2011, we’ve been on a mission to figure out how best to choose a career with high social impact.

About us

How come this is all free?

We’re an independent nonprofit funded by individual donors. They give to us so that we can help people like you have a greater impact. We don’t accept any corporate sponsorship or advertising fees.

Our donors

Who is this for?

Ultimately, we want to help everyone in the world have a big social impact in their career. Right now, we’re focusing on giving advice to talented and ambitious graduates in their twenties and thirties.

Find a fulfilling career that does good.

Receive part of our career guide in your inbox each week, for nine weeks.
It’s based on five years of research alongside academics at Oxford.

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