• Pneumococcal AMC

in page functions
  • Innovative financing mechanism accelerates global roll out of vaccine against world’s leading cause of child deaths

  • Pneumococcal vaccines are complex vaccines that would normally reach low-income countries 10-15 years after their introduction in industrialised countries.

    Thanks to the pneumococcal Advance Market Commitment, children in 60 Gavi-eligible countries are being immunised against the main cause of pneumonia today.

  • Manufacturers

    If you represent a vaccine manufacturer and are interested in participating in the pneumococcal AMC, this section explains how to make your offer.

    Suppliers must sign a registration agreement relating to the AMC terms and conditions. 

    UNICEF issues Calls for Supply Offers following the publication of the Strategic Demand Forecast.

  • About the pneumococcal AMC

    Nicaragua 2010

    Innovative mechanism makes vaccines available for children in developing countries at the right price, in the right quantity and at the right time.

  • How the pneumococcal AMC works

    AMC process

    Step by step guide to the method behind the AMC mechanism linking donors, the World Bank, WHO, UNICEF and developing country governments.

  • How Gavi countries apply

    GAVI Vietnam Jeff Holt 1041

    Gavi-eligible countries should apply for Gavi pneumococcal vaccine support in the usual way. Countries that are in transition or no longer eligible for other forms of Gavi support, should follow separate application guidelines.

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