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Digwyddiadau[golygu | golygu cod y dudalen]

Genedigaethau[golygu | golygu cod y dudalen]

Marwolaethau[golygu | golygu cod y dudalen]

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol (Pontypridd)[golygu | golygu cod y dudalen]

Digwyddiadau tywydd[golygu | golygu cod y dudalen]

Sychder, mes a pherygl i dda byw... Prydain, Hydref 1893

ACORN POISONING. The attention of the Board of Agriculture has been called to the unusual abundance of the crop of acorns this season, and it is considered desirable to warn stockowners who are accustomed to turn cattle into parks, on to commons, or other places where acorns are plentiful, that there is considerable risk of injurious effects arising from the consumption of large quantities of acorns, which in the present dearth of herbage, owing to the long drought, are certain to be eaten with avidity.[1]

Cyfeiriadau[golygu | golygu cod y dudalen]

  1. Aberystwyth Observer 12 Hydref 1893[1]