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We had an amazing time at Dreamforce '15! What was your favorite moment from the week?



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Welcome to the Salesforce Facebook page. This is your page to engage with the team and fans of Salesforce. We encourage you to comment and share your experiences with Salesforce products and services.


These fan guidelines are designed to ensure that each of our fans has a positive and supportive experience on this site. Please take a... minute to read them, and then keep them in mind whenever you participate. We do review each post and reserve the right to remove any that are inappropriate or offensive.  


By using this page, you agree to comply with Facebook’s Terms and Conditions. Please note that while we encourage you to post and engage, posts by fans do not necessarily reflect the opinions of, nor does confirm their accuracy.


We welcome all questions and commentary, including constructive feedback. We don’t want to interfere with discussions taking place by moderating or removing content, but we do expect that participants post comments, content and commentary that is both relevant and respectful to the community as a whole. reserves the right to remove any posts that don’t adhere to these guidelines and to block anyone who violates them repeatedly. Specifically, we do not tolerate these kinds of posts:


• Abusive, harassing, stalking, threatening, or attacking others

• Defamatory, offensive, obscene, vulgar, or depicting violence

• Hateful in language targeting race/ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality, political beliefs, or sexual preference

• Fraudulent, deceptive, misleading, or unlawful

• Trolling or deliberate disruption of discussion

• Violations of intellectual property rights

• Spamming in nature

• Uploading files that contain viruses or programs that could damage the operation of other people’s computers

• Commercial solicitation or solicitation of donations

• Link baiting (embedding a link in your post to draw traffic to your own site)


Please remember that you may be providing content for an international audience. Things that do not seem abusive, obscene, or offensive to you might seem so to others. We reserve the right to remove any content submitted or posted by you to this fan page.


If you need assistance from Salesforce, we recommend that you visit and access Help in the upper right area of the page.


You may also want to review the general Terms of Use here:

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