Legal Removal Requests

If you've come across content on Google that may violate the law, let us know and we'll carefully review the material and consider blocking, removing or restricting access to it. Abusive content on Google's services may also violate Google's product policies, so before sending us a legal request, consider flagging the post, image or video for one of our content teams to review. For more information on our product and privacy policies, our commitment to transparency and how to submit a valid legal notice to Google, read on below.

Finding support for your issue

Make sure you've visited the many resources at Google's Product Support Centre. There, you can find answers to frequently asked questions or search our community help forum.

You can also learn more about Google's security and privacy tools at our Policies and Principles page.

Protecting your information

We aim to provide you with the world’s strongest security and privacy tools. Security and privacy matter to us, we know how important they are to you and we work hard to get them right.

Read Google's Privacy Policy to learn how Google uses information and the ways in which you can protect your privacy.

Our Good to Know site helps you and your family stay safe online. Visit to learn more and understand how Google helps protect you, your computer and the Internet from cybercrime.

Transparency in our process

Transparency is a core value at Google. As a company we feel it is our responsibility to ensure that we maximise transparency around the flow of information related to our tools and services. We believe that more information means more choice, more freedom and ultimately more power for the individual.

As part of our efforts to remain transparent, a copy of each legal notice we receive may be sent to the Lumen project for publication and annotation. Lumen is a joint project among U.S. law schools that seeks to provide resources about free speech online and intellectual property law. It's also a database of requests to remove content from the internet. Lumen will redact the submitter's personal contact information (i.e. phone number, e-mail and address).

You can see an example of such a publication here.

We may also publish similar information from your notice to our Transparency Report. The Transparency Report provides data on the requests we receive from copyright owners and governments to remove information from our services.

Understanding copyright

It is Google's policy to comply with notices of copyright infringement pursuant to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. To read more about our copyright, Google's policies and the requirements of a complete notice, please visit our Copyright Help Centre.

Submit a Legal Request

This tool will guide you through the process of reporting content that you believe warrants removal from Google's services based on applicable laws. Completing the appropriate form will help ensure that we have all of the information necessary to investigate your specific enquiry and resolve it as quickly as possible.

If your legal request involves multiple Google products,  please note that you must submit a notice for each product affected.