ben adida

I'm a software engineer and architect. I care deeply about using technology to empower individuals and organizations, especially giving people control over their digital lives, using a combination of web technology, open data formats, and cryptography.

I am the CEO of VotingWorks. Previously, I led Engineering at Clever, Seller Engineering at Square, the Identity Team and Mozilla Persona project at Mozilla. I used to be an academic and ran a couple of small bootstrapped startups.

I'm on the Board of Creative Commons, a non-profit organization that enables low-friction, legal sharing to expand creativity and knowledge.

I created and maintain the Helios Voting System. If you're looking for help on running secure elections and surveys, check out Helios Labs.

I co-created the RDFa structured data standard.

I received a PhD in Computer Science from the Cryptography and Information Security group at MIT, where I was advised by Ron Rivest.

You can contact me at

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