Other reporting options

If flagging a video does not accurately capture your issue, we have a number of additional reporting mechanisms for you to explore.

Reporting tool

Flagging is a great way to report a video that you think violates our Community Guidelines, but sometimes you may need to report more than one piece of content or may wish to submit a more detailed report for review. Using the reporting tool, you can highlight a user’s comments, videos and provide additional information about your concern. If you feel that you have been targeted for abuse, this tool is your best option to report content.

Report abuse via our Reporting Tool.

Privacy reporting

To file a privacy complaint, start the Privacy Complaint Process. Your privacy is always respected in this process.

Legal reporting

If you need to report a legal issue on behalf of yourself or your client, you may contact us via our Legal Webforms. To expedite our ability to investigate your claim, we encourage you to submit your claim using our webform, rather than by fax or post.

Please note, abuse of our legal forms may result in the termination of your YouTube account.

Moment of death or critical injury footage

We attempt to respect the wishes of families in regards to footage of their loved ones being critically injured. If you've identified content showing a family member during the moment of death or critical injury, and you wish to request removal of this content, please contact us using our webform. We carefully review each request, but please note that we take public interest and newsworthiness into account when determining if content will be removed.

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