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Creative Commons
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Creative Commons 10m
Replying to @KeepOnTryon
Eek! I've let our developers know about this! We'll be in touch.
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Creative Commons 51m
With great code comes great responsibility. Congratulations to Stage 1 winners of Responsible Computer Science Challenge! CEO helped judge this competition, and we are proud to support.
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Creative Commons 4h
Replying to @eLearningTechie
Thank you for your feedback! We're constantly trying to improve the product. Here's our feedback form for CC Search:
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Creative Commons 4h
Have you tried the new CC Image search yet? 300 million images from 19 collections. Check it out!
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Creative Commons 22h
Replying to @galerialldm
Thank you for reporting. I cannot replicate that bug but have put in a ticket for our team!
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Creative Commons 24h
Replying to @galerialldm
You can access the old search on the front page of the new search in the upper right corner.
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Creative Commons May 1
Replying to @liza @ryanmerkley
Thanks, Liza! We couldn't have done it without you!
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Creative Commons May 1
Replying to @adzebill
It's top of the list to be added. Check out the Hacker News post:
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Creative Commons May 1
Our Director of Engineering addresses this (and a lot of other questions!) on Hacker news:
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Creative Commons Apr 30
Replying to @JerryMcTexas
Sorry you feel disappointed with the search! You can always use the old interface, which is available in the top right of the screen, or you can provide feedback to the team:
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Creative Commons Apr 30
Great coverage of new CC Search from ! Search and discover with this open, collaborative tool.
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Creative Commons Apr 30
Replying to @SV1XV @ipernity
The best way to suggest features for the search site is to file a feature request:
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Creative Commons Apr 30
Experience the new CC Search, now with 300 million images from 19 collections, easier attribution, an elegant redesign, faster load times, and more relevant results. 🔍
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Creative Commons retweeted
Shareable Apr 29
From , Plays Well with Others is a podcast about the art and science of collaboration. Check it out:
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Creative Commons retweeted
Don MacAskill Apr 29
Upcoming , , and photowalk in Lisbon, Portugal. Hope you can join us!
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Creative Commons Apr 29
Last call! Only a few tickets left for this year's CC Summit in Lisbon from May 9-11! Join 400+ activists, advocates, librarians, educators, lawyers, technologists, and more for 3 days of programming, discussion, debate, and parties. Register now:
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Creative Commons Apr 24
Congratulations to our friends on another report! 🎉 Hear from stalwart internet defenders and CC community members in this year's edition. Share your favorite articles below! 👇
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Creative Commons Apr 23
Replying to @creativecommons
In addition to teaching the Yorùbá language on , Yoòbá is a volunteer translator. In 2018, he collated more than a hundred pieces of oral literature of the Yorùbá, which is now archived. Join Ọmọ and 400 commoners at the CC Summit!
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Creative Commons Apr 23
Replying to @creativecommons
As an advocate of multilingualism and internet universality, Yoòbá has worked with stakeholders in the effort to bridge the digital divide, giving minority languages a voice on the Internet of Things, and marginalised society access to digital resources.
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Creative Commons Apr 23
At the CC Global Summit, we'll also be welcoming as a Community Keynote! Ọmọ Yoòbá is a journalist with eleven years professional experience. He has dedicated eight years to the propagation of the Yorùbá culture in the digital space.
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