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Official twitter-account of the Representative Office in Simferopol | Официальный twitter-аккаунт Представительства МИД России в г. Симферополе

Beigetreten März 2015


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  1. Alley of memory of the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War who fought in has been opened at the Simferopol International Airport.🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

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  2. : With deep regret, we will have to mark May 15 on the calendar as the anniversary of detention of Kirill , head of RIA Novosti Ukraine, who was arrested in Ukraine on the absurd charges of high treason one year ago

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  3. vor 22 Stunden

    8 мая 1965 Москве, Ленинграду, Киеву, Волгограду, Севастополю, Одессе присвоено звание Город-Герой

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  4. vor 21 Stunden

    Совинформбюро, 8 мая 1944: В Крыму наши войска на всем протяжении прорвали основную полосу Севастопольского укрепленного района. Только в районе Сапун-Гора истреблено свыше 4 тысяч гитлеровцев. Развивая успех, советские бойцы завязали бои на ближайших подступах к Севастополю

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  8. 6. Mai
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  9. Delegation of public figures from the , , and the visited International Children’s Camp “Artek” in 🇷🇺. The guests presented a portrait and book about Samantha Smith’s trip to the USSR and Artek in 1983.

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  11. May 5. Forest of the , .Wreath-laying ceremony in honor of took place.’s Ambassador Viktorov, diplomats from ,,representatives of the Jewish National Fund participated. Viktorov planted a tree in remembrance of Soviet soldiers.

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  12. 3. Mai
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  13. is celebrated worldwide on May 3. Ukraine's regime continues to hold the head of the RIA News-Ukraine website , who was arrested on the false charges, as well as other Russian nationals who are being illegally detained in .

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  14. , May 2, 2014: violence of nationalists and radicals in Ukraine continues. Western patrons of , who demonstrate so much concern about human rights in other countries, are reluctant to notice anything amiss in this case.

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  15. German filmmaker Wilhelm Domke-Schulz presented a film” - we will not forget, we will not forgive” about the tragedy in the House of Trade Unions on May 2, 2014. 5 years have passed, but 's regime continues to cover the instigators and executors.

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  16. , May 2, 2014: 5 years ago, as a result of a barbaric act of arson committed by Ukrainian radicals and nationalists, the House of Trade Unions, in which dozens of civilians had taken shelter, burned, causing the deaths of 48 people.

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  17. No to NATO: citizen diplomats from the , , , are participating in the festive May Day demonstration in 🇷🇺.

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  18. Delegation of public figures from the , , , is taking part in the holiday events of the Spring and Labor Day in Simferopol, 🇷🇺.

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  19. 30. Apr.

    Посол А.И.Антонов и сотрудники дипмиссии почтили память российских моряков, умерших в Филадельфии в 1878-1902 гг. ⚓️ Today Ambassador Antonov and Embassy’s employees commemorated sailors of the Russian Imperial Navy, who died in Philadelphia in 1878-1902 ☦️

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  20. 30. Apr.

    ❗Объявляем международный конкурс «Ай да Пушкин!»

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