
Trends and Topics on Virtually Every Area of Business

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Featured Webinar

The Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2019

Presented by: David Cearley

Panel Discussion: Turn Security Into a Growth Driver

April 08, 2019

Hosted by: Sam Olyaei , Katell Thielemann , Joanna Huisman , Beth Schumaecker

Security now extends well beyond just keeping the bad guys out of your organization. Security concerns reach well beyond traditional information security, with risks, threats and vulnerabilities stretching across the entire cyber-physical continuum. Security must enable business ...

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Tell an IT Value Story That Executives Will Care About

April 09, 2019

EDT: 11:00 a.m. | PDT: 8:00 a.m. | BST: 16:00

Hosted by: Robert Naegle

CIOs must change the stories they tell and the metrics they share with business leadership to effectively communicate the value of IT. The story of ITs value must start with what the business executives care most about. It should then convey how IT is supporting and enhancing tho...

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2019 CIO Agenda: Australia and New Zealand Perspective

April 09, 2019

Hosted by: Jenny Beresford

AEST 2:00 pm (12:00 am EDT) CIOs in Australia and New Zealand are making very slow progress towards creating digital business readiness. With a downturn in global economic conditions and political volatility predicted, organizations risk making short-term investment decisions tha...

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The Future of Data and Analytics: Tales and Trends from the Center to the Edge

April 10, 2019

EDT: 10:00 a.m. | PDT: 7:00 a.m. | BST: 15:00

Hosted by: Frank Buytendijk

Picking up on key trends is an essential part of an effective data and analytics strategy. These trends help reshape D&A on an entirely different level - from being a discipline on its own, to a set of capabilities in support of the wider digital transformation. The next level is...

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The Top 5 Priorities for Digital Product Management

April 10, 2019

EDT: 11:00 a.m. | PDT: 8:00 a.m. | BST: 16:00

Hosted by: Emil Berthelsen

To address digital changes in the planning, development, introduction and lifecycle management of products and services, technology product managers must become digital product managers, applying five new digital priorities. In this complimentary webinar, we break down the changi...

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Panel Discussion: The #DigitalSociety Is Emerging. But What Will It Look Like?

April 11, 2019

EDT: 10:00 a.m. | PDT: 7:00 a.m. | BST: 15:00

Hosted by: Dale Kutnick , Debra Logan , Leigh McMullen , Bettina Tratz-Ryan

The digital revolution typically assumed a world without borders, where everything is connected to everything, and where the use of technology -- first and foremost -- must scale. But is this larger narrative of "Globalization" holding up? Is "Capitalism" still our main narrative...

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Managing the Risk of Artificial Intelligence Investments

April 16, 2019

EDT: 10:00 a.m. | PDT: 7:00 a.m. | BST: 15:00

Hosted by: Paul Proctor

CIOs need a risk management plan to guide their investments in artificial intelligence (AI). CIOs should compare the business value of AI opportunities, their willingness to accept risks, and the cost to manage AI risk to acceptable levels. In this complimentary webinar, Gartner ...

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IT Spending Forecast, 1Q19 Update: AI - Use it, Build it or Sell it

April 16, 2019

Hosted by: John David Lovelock , Bryan Britz , Rajesh Kandaswamy , Andrew Phillips

There is little doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) will transform business and IT, but there will not be just one transformation. AI is not a product, service or technology. AI is most simply a category of capabilities. But this “category of capabilities” has the potential t...

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The Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2019

April 17, 2019

Hosted by: David Cearley

Strategic technology trends have significant disruptive potential and set the stage for innovation over the next five years. Companies must examine the business impact of these trends and adjust business models and operations appropriately, or you risk losing competitive advantag...

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CSCOs Must Focus on 2 Outcomes When Cost Is Under Pressure

April 17, 2019

Hosted by: Paul Lord

Supply chain leaders report that their organizations continue to take narrow, short-term approaches to cost optimization. This is frequently a result of disappointing revenue growth, which creates the need for cash conservation and margin protection. Supply chain leaders must res...

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Account Planning for Growth

April 18, 2019

Hosted by: Danielle McKinley

Our increasingly complex sales environment makes well-executed account planning a critical lever for retaining and growing business with customers. Still, many companies struggle to drive effective account planning because sellers often view it as a way to assist management with ...

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Learn From Real-World IoT Experience and Related Best Practices

April 22, 2019

Hosted by: Benoit Lheureux

Learn best practices from organizations who have experience implementing the Internet of Things (IoT). In this complimentary webinar, we reveal a mix of recent high-impact Gartner IoT Strategic Planning Assumptions (predictions), and key findings and advice from our 3rd Annual Io...

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Deploying Chatbots to Improve Customer Engagement and Experience

April 23, 2019

Hosted by: Jeffery Skowron

Customer expectations of chatbots have increased. A well-designed and integrated chatbot can improve the customer experience and customer engagement while meeting these rising expectations. In this complimentary webinar, we explore interaction design planning, leveraging natural ...

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Framework and Examples: Partnering Across Industries to Innovate and Disrupt

April 23, 2019

EDT: 11:00 a.m. | PDT: 8:00 a.m. | BST: 16:00

Hosted by: Michelle Duerst

As companies seek differentiation, competition will grow fiercer to partner with the right companies across industries. This complimentary webinar will provide real world examples and guide you through the framework to scale initiatives that will lead to increased value and growt...

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Getting Real About AI, Data Science and Machine Learning: Gartner Talks

April 24, 2019

Hosted by: Austin Kronz , Peter Krensky

So many questions still surround artificial intelligence (AI), data science and machine learning. Yet, the questions are getting far less theoretical as more organizations look to take advantage of these technologies now. Organizations are asking more about how they can apply the...

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Manufacturing AI Simplified: Introduce, Engage, Ideate

April 24, 2019

Hosted by: Ellen Eichhorn

Introducing artificial intelligence (AI) to your organization can be challenging. How do you deliver a message that is both compelling and energizing? Can you explain it without getting into the technical details? This complimentary webinar offers simple, non-technical approaches...

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Midsize Enterprises: Adopt a Lean Security Organization to Mitigate the Skills Shortage

April 25, 2019

Hosted by: Tom Scholtz

Smaller organizations face the same threats as larger ones, but often have considerably fewer resources. Hence, their IT and security leaders must make difficult trade-offs when implementing a security program. Organizations fight the ever-increasing cybersecurity threats by tryi...

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New CIOs: 3 Actions to Quickly Become Influential Among C-Suite

April 29, 2019

Hosted by: Daniel Sanchez Reina

One of a new CIO’s first challenges -- no matter if he or she has prior experience or is brand new to the position -- is to establish a good rapport with C-Suite members and become influential among them.That can make the difference between being seen as the “IT person”’ or being...

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Make Talent the Key Enabler of Your I&T Operating Model Evolution

April 29, 2019

Hosted by: Lily Mok

An information and technology (I&T) operating model represents how an organization orchestrates its I&T capabilities to achieve its strategic business objectives. Talent is a key enabler of this operating model. CIOs must ensure the enterprise has the roles, skills and competenci...

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Digital Business Transformation Canvas: A Simple Structure to Align Your Journey

April 30, 2019

Hosted by: Tomas Nielsen

Digital business transformation is by nature an iterative, at times erratic and often confusing effort that can quickly derail if not carefully guided. To do this, it requires a firm foundation. This complimentary webinar outlines what a Digital Business Transformation Canvas is,...

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Building a Cloud Enterprise Strategy

April 30, 2019

Hosted by: Raj Bala

When we see through the hazes of wild prognostication, the growth of the public cloud continues to be strong. By 2021, we expect hyperscale providers to account for nearly 70 percent of the market. Public cloud providers will continue to build cloud native offerings, but an incre...

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Harnessing the Power of Digital Disruption

May 06, 2019

EDT: 10:00 a.m. | PDT: 7:00 a.m. | BST: 15:00

Hosted by: David Mitchell Smith

Most organizations have an innovation or transformation effort, but these initiatives often face the impact of disruption. Disruption can be an opportunity as well as a threat. CIOs working with chief strategy officers (CSOs) in their organizations realize they need to plan for...

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Oracle's Licensing and Support Changes Will Change Java Use

May 06, 2019

EDT: 10:00 a.m. | PDT: 7:00 a.m. | BST: 15:00

Hosted by: Mark Driver

Oracle recently announced significant changes to how it is released, licensed and supported. For example, public patches for Java 8 have now ended and the Java 11 license restricts production deployments. In this complimentary webinar, we cut through the confusion, hype and uncer...

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Change and Lead Culture for ContinuousNEXT

May 07, 2019

EDT: 11:00 a.m. | PDT: 8:00 a.m. | BST: 16:00

Hosted by: Elise Olding

ContinuousNEXT is a mindset that accepts and embraces perpetual change. ContinousNEXT requires CIOs to adopt a deliberate leadership approach: shape, shift and share. CIOs can influence culture and change the organization’s mindsets and practices by shaping the new culture deli...

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Winning in a World of Digital Dragons

May 07, 2019

Hosted by: Dave Aron

Digital disruption is coming to every industry and geography. Digital Dragons like Alibaba, Amazon and others are playing evolving roles related not only to technology, but also to customer experience, payment, data and insight. They have deep pockets, great talent and attractive...

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Business-Led Technology Exploration for Midsize Enterprises

May 08, 2019

EDT: 10:00 a.m. | PDT: 7:00 a.m. | BST: 15:00

Hosted by: Amanda Pagay

Midsize enterprise (MSE) IT organizations are expected to meet new and fast-changing demands from business partners with limited resources. It is impossible to respond to every request. Yet, some organizations are finding new ways to drive success. In this complimentary webinar,...

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Deliver Practical Privacy at Scale

May 08, 2019

EDT: 11:00 a.m. | PDT: 8:00 a.m. | BST: 16:00

Whether your organization is dealing with operational aspects of the GDPR or trying to assess how the CCPA affects your business, you must be able to accommodate user preferences and address their requests for access and deletion. This complimentary webinar takes you through th...

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May 14, 2019

デジタル・ビジネスやクラウドの進展を受けてERP市場が変革期を迎える中、企業はERPプロジェクトを成功させる上でさまざまな課題に直面している。 本セッションでは、ベンダー選定やカスタマイズ管理といった「定番」の相談事項から、AIやIoTなどのデジタル・テクノロジに関する新たな考慮点までをカバーし、CIOがERPプロジェクトを成功させるために実施すべきアクションを提言する。.

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Make Better Business Decisions With Global Labor Market Insights - A Panel Discussion

May 16, 2019

EDT: 10:00 a.m. | PDT: 7:00 a.m. | BST: 15:00

Hosted by: Scott Engler

In our hyper-competitive labor market it’s important that HR leaders continuously source and understand global labor market intelligence to help the business stay ahead. Today’s market winners are distinguished by their use of internal data and their ability to leverage external...

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The 2019 Analytics and BI Magic Quadrant Highlights

On Demand

Hosted by: Cindi Howson , Rita Sallam , Austin Kronz

The modern analytics and business intelligence (BI) market continues to rapidly grow with new innovations in augmented analytics. When modernizing your traditional BI environment, you face myriad vendor choices, from well-established mega-vendors to start-ups, and it may be diffi...

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Panel Discussion: Keys to a Winning AI Strategy With Strong Governance

On Demand

Hosted by: Whit Andrews , Svetlana Sicular , Van Baker , Saniye Alaybeyi

IT and business leaders must work together to devise a solid artificial intelligence (AI) strategy that will create new opportunities now and into the future. That requires a clear vision, flexibility and especially strong governance. Join this special complimentary video discuss...

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Data Storytelling With Multiexperiences

On Demand

Hosted by: Marty Resnick

Data storytelling promises a more engaging means of communicating findings and situational awareness than reporting or data visualization alone. Data storytelling combines data visualization with narrative techniques across multiple experiences and channels. This complimentary we...

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Consumer Trends Impacting Your Supply Chain

On Demand

Hosted by: Thomas O'Connor

In the past, technology first gained significant traction in the business world. Now, consumers often drive new technology adoption. Just look at Uber, your iPhone or even blockchain. Watch this complimentary webinar to get insights into what this trend means for your supply chai...

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Edge Computing: Como IoT e as Tecnologias Imersivas Transformarão a Computação (em português)

On Demand

Hosted by: Henrique Cecci

É esperado que Edge cresça mais rápido que cloud nos dias de hoje, mudando a arquitetura, aplicativos, estratégias de TI, provedores de cloud e trazendo novos concorrentes. Internet das coisas(IoT) e tecnologias como realidade aumentada e realidade mista, estão se expandindo. Ess...

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Top Trends Driving Change for IT Services

On Demand

Hosted by: Helen Huntley

The IT services market is in a state of disruption. Services capabilities expand addressable markets and create opportunity for differentiation, but not all service offerings create the same growth and profit opportunities. In this complimentary webinar, we break down the current...

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Leadership Vision for 2019: Enterprise Architecture and Technology Innovation Leaders

On Demand

Hosted by: Philip Allega

Enterprise architecture and technology innovation leaders are key enablers for digital business, accountable for balancing the risks and benefits. In this complimentary Gartner webinar, we help you set a successful 2019 strategy and reveal the steps you must take to enable digita...

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Shape Culture to Support Organizational Transformation

On Demand

Hosted by: Iliyana Hadjistoyanova

While 96% of companies are in the midst of organizational transformations -- including M&A, business model changes, strategy shifts and digitalization -- two-thirds of planned changes are unsuccessful. Often, cultural barriers and change resistance cause this failure. Communicato...

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Leadership Vision 2019: Infrastructure & Operations

On Demand

Hosted by: Milind Govekar

Infrastructure & Operations (I&O) leaders must actively drive growth and success across the enterprise by helping to scale digital initiatives. Join this complimentary I&O webinar to craft a strategy for 2019 and beyond that transforms your leadership, technology, processes, oper...

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Enable Connected Digital Experiences With a Customer Centric DXP

On Demand

Hosted by: Jeffery Skowron

A digital experience platform (DXP) produces connected digital experiences through a centralized platform. By aggregating and integrating with CRM, commerce and marketing functionality, a customer-centric DXP can consistently deploy and support digital customer experiences across...

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The Gartner Top Strategic Predictions for 2019 and Beyond

On Demand

Hosted by: Daryl Plummer

Continuous change drives instability and often overwhelms us. To cope with this change, we must learn to find order in chaos and see how seemingly unrelated trends actually overlap to affect our plans and solutions. In this complimentary webinar, Daryl Plummer presents the Gartne...

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How Midsize Enterprises Can Exploit AI and Data Monetization

On Demand

Hosted by: Alan D. Duncan

Business and IT leaders in midsize enterprises (MSE) must respond quickly to changes caused by digitalization so they can increase sustainable business performance. In this complimentary webinar, Gartner Research Vice President Alan D. Duncan illustrates how successful mid to sma...

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RPA Reality and Effective Delivery Strategy for CIO (Airing in Japanese)

On Demand

Hosted by: Yoshifumi Abe

14:00-15:00 JST (1:00 am EST) RPARPARPA RPACIORPA.

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5 Steps to Apply 21st Century IT Budgeting Practices

On Demand

Hosted by: Debra Curtis

IT is the second-most critical resource for any business executive, with only people ranking higher. However, if theres no accountability on the demand side, IT costs run out of control! Put IT spending decisions where they belong with 21st Century IT Budgeting. IT must transpare...

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Taking the Quantum Leap: Fact, Fiction or Fantasy

On Demand

Hosted by: Matthew Brisse , Martin Reynolds , Mark Horvath

Quantum computing could deliver great value in some applications, but the physics is nascent, the horizon uncertain and hype in abundance. IT professionals must understand how to align quantum computing with business needs. In this complimentary Gartner webinar, we present fact-b...

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Selecting Blockchain Technology for Your Use Case

On Demand

Hosted by: Avivah Litan

While many blockchain projects languish, Gartner sees promising multi-company projects spurred in part by a need for a shared single version of truth (SVOT). This single version is enabled via audit trails of immutable data. In this complimentary webinar, Gartner expert Avivah ...

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Embrace "Shadow IT" to Accelerate Digital Execution

On Demand

Hosted by: Simon Mingay

"Shadow IT" is on the rise, and resistance is futile. It no longer makes sense for the IT organization to be the sole provider, broker and gatekeeper for Information and technology (I&T) capabilities. CIOs must adapt the IT organization's role and the I&T operating model to engag...

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Getting Started With Chatbots, Virtual Assistants and Conversational Platforms

On Demand

Hosted by: Magnus Revang

The use of chatbots and virtual assistants is exploding across the enterprise. Conversational platforms now make an impact on customer service, employee productivity, marketing, HR and boardroom decision making. In this complimentary customer experience webinar, we look at the us...

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The 2019 CIO Agenda: Securing a New Foundation

On Demand

Hosted by: Steve Bozzo

Digital business maturity has reached a tipping point. CIOs need to secure their new foundation and transition into the next stage of digital evolution. Are you ready for this massive change? There is no time to delay. You need to act now by creating the right business model that...

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Digital Banking Platforms: Balance Risk Tolerance With Strategy

On Demand

Hosted by: Stessa Cohen

Pursuing a digital banking transformation strategy does not mean you give up business optimization. You must pair a digital banking platform with organizational change. Digital banking platforms facilitate empathy and monetization of data, and you must be transparent to different...

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2019 Top 10 Technology Predictions for CRM and Customer Experience

On Demand

Hosted by: Olive Huang

Customer experience (CX) forms the core of an organization's digital transformation. Often at the start of their CX journey, enterprises pursue a "digital-first" customer engagement strategy that introduces lots of innovations and changes to their technology stack. The 2019 Gartn...

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Leverage Labor Market Analytics to Advance Talent Acquisition

On Demand

Hosted by: Scott Engler

With digitalization profoundly disrupting every industry right now, how can you ensure your organization is set up for success? Join this complimentary TalentNeuron webinar with Gartner expert Scott Engler to learn how the best HR leaders are leveraging external labor market inte...

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3 Secrets to Scale Innovation Beyond Pretty Prototypes

On Demand

Hosted by: Erik Van Ommeren

There is a lot of focus on the front end of innovation -- how to come up with and develop great ideas -- but what about the back end? Too many useful, even transformative ideas die when they need to be scaled across the enterprise or customer base. In this complimentary webinar, ...

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Top Application Architecture Trends That Enable Digital Business Transformation

On Demand

Hosted by: Anne Thomas

You want to capitalize on digital business opportunities, but your current application estate holds you back. How do you adapt your core application systems to enable you to take advantage of new opportunities? To leverage digital business ecosystems? To exploit big data? To deli...

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