Letter to my Two Sons on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court

  My sons. You are 9 and 6, old enough to understand certain aspects of consent, but not quite old enough for me to tell you all the things I want to tell you about what’s going on right now with the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. So I’m writing it here, for posterity, so you can read it and so I can later remember how I felt in this moment. As you grow, and as your dreams and desires bump up against the people and world around you, you will be faced … Continue reading Letter to my Two Sons on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court

Solving the Gun Crisis: a modest proposal

I’m so impressed and inspired by the Parkland highschoolers fighting the NRA and urging common sense gun regulation. They’ve done so much more in 2 weeks than the rest of us combined in 2 decades. I will support them any way I can. I’m worried about what happens next. The NRA isn’t going down without a fight. How do we get to a lasting solution that radically addresses our gun addiction while also finding a way for the NRA to win? I’m worried that if we don’t, they will simply come back harder and stronger, once gun regulation momentum wanes. … Continue reading Solving the Gun Crisis: a modest proposal

Meltdown & Spectre for non-techies

As you’ve probably heard by now, a very serious CPU bug was disclosed a few days ago. Lots of folks have tried to explain it in non-technical terms. I’ve not been satisfied with any of these, and as someone who believes it is a solemn responsibility of experts to make important topics accessible to all, that bugs me. So I spent some time reading up on the issues and coming up with my own explanation by analogy.

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