Russians at NATOVerifizierter Account


Twitter Feed of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO

Brussels, Belgium
Beigetreten September 2010


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  1. hat retweetet
    9. Mai

    Ambassador Vladimir , staff of with family members took part in the solemn ceremony of laying wreaths at the Memorial and tombs of Soviet soldiers who died in Belgium during the and the Memorial of members of partisans of the Belgian Resistance.

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    8. Mai

    FM Sergey 💬The war was horrible. It took an unparalleled courage on the part of all anti-fascists, primarily the peoples of the Soviet Union, to break the back of Hitler’s “plague of brown-shirts” ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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    9. Mai

    🇷🇺 President Vladimir attended the military marking the 74th anniversary of in the 1941–1945 Great Patriotic War. 🔗

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  4. 8. Mai

    's practical contribution to nuclear disarmament is well known: by implementing a number of agreements, Russia's nuclear arsenal has been reduced by more than 85% compared to the peak of the Cold War.

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    4. Mai

    Statement by the representative of the Russian Federation at the 3rd Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons on the Issues of Nuclear Disarmament

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    29. Apr.

    Deputy FM Sergey 💬 is one of the cornerstones of the modern international security system ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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    🇷🇺 Выступление на брифинге для заместителя Министра иностранных дел России С.А.Рябкова по вопросам подготовки к Обзорной конференции 2020 года. 🔗 Читайте стенограмму на сайте:

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    26. Apr.
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    A large number of participants evidences that in today's international environment there is an urgent need for a dialogue, and that there is acute shortage of it – Russian Deputy Defence Minister during the forum's summing-up

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    Russian/Chinese relations are raising to a new, unprecedentedly high level and becoming an important factor of promoting peace and international security – while meetimg with Chinese Defence Minister within

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    The platform helps prevent deterioration of the situation on the line of Russia/ contact, said Russian Defence Minister while meeting with the Secretary General of the on the margins of

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    Military cooperation between Russia and Iran has reached a high level and matters a lot in settling the situation in – Russian Defence Minister during the talks with the Iranian colleague within

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    Moscow is ready for a deeper military-technical cooperation with Ulaanbaatar, said the Russian Defence Minister, General of the Army while meeting with his Mongolian colleague within

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    General of the Army , while meeting with the Armed Forces Chief , expressed his appreciation for respect paid by the military-political leadership of the Republic to the fallen Soviet warriors

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    A hope on further strengthening of the traditionally friendly relations between Russia and Vietnam was expressed by the Chief of the General Staff of and his Vietnamese colleague

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    On the margins of was held a meeting between the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Army General and the Pakistani Deputy Defence Minister

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    24. Apr.

    FM Sergey 💬Russia is interested in combining efforts to stabilise the situation in the world and to discover the best answers to the many problems of our time ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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    Military and technical cooperation between Moscow and Belgrade has become dynamic and multifaceted, Russian Defence Minister said during talks with Serbian Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin within

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    from the 2nd plenary session of on the outcomes of defeat in and – now on

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