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Read the latest issue of the quarterly journal for finance, risk and strategy leaders is a journal designed to help your organization address challenges that require broad mobilization of the C-suite and executive teams. Published quarterly, the journal features the latest research, interviews, profiles and infographics. Complete the form to download the latest issue. Previous issues are also available for download.

Drive forward with the workforce you have

Download the latest issue to get guidance on:

  • How workforce decisions impact, and are influenced by, other functions in the business, such as audit, risk, strategy and finance
  • The case for reshaping the jobs in addition to reshaping people
  • How to develop employees so they learn skills 25% faster and are 420% more likely to remain with the company
  • Overhauling innovation practices to bring more employees into meaningful ideation and scaling (companies who do this well are 130% more likely to meet profit goals)


Unlock the potential of your workforce

Learn surprising ways to upgrade and teach employees new skills at speed and scale.

Retain critical talent

Explore employee retention best practices from audit, finance, information security and legal executives.

Answer to others about your talent plans

Gain insight into what investors and auditors want to know about your talent strategy.

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