Redefine IT’s Business Value

CIOs must change how they communicate IT value in the digital era 

CIOs struggle to communicate the business value of IT

Digitalization puts information technology at the center of business growth, placing greater scrutiny on IT performance. IT collects lots of performance metrics, but if you're like most IT leaders, you struggle to make those metrics meaningful to those outside IT. 

Turn metrics into a compelling business story

CIOs must change the way they communicate to business leaders to make clear the better business outcomes IT creates. Successful CIOs draw clear connections between IT and business value, and communicate that value effectively to business stakeholders.

CIOs need to become better storytellers to become better persuaders. Businesspeople need to see the value and results in compelling ways, not just be told the many steps and the technology in too much detail.

Bruce Robertson

Vice President and Distinguished Analyst, Gartner Research

Insights You Can Use

Transform from delivery executive to business executive

CIOs are shifting from controlling cost to driving revenue, and from gathering data to exploiting it for better business outcomes. As a result, they are changing the way they communicate to business leaders to make clear the better business outcomes IT creates.

Focus on the right metrics

IT collects all sorts of performance metrics — uptime, availability, budget allocation, etc. — but operational or functional performance metrics are often not relevant to business partners. Improved business performance is the one true measure of the business value of IT.

Tell them a story

Use value stories to show how IT impacts key enterprise priorities. By telling IT value stories, CIOs build credibility and demonstrate how IT supports digital transformation and other critical business priorities.



CIOs must become digital leaders

Leadership is the key word for CIOs and IT executives in the digital age. To become digital leaders, CIOs must also become better storytellers. Businesspeople need to see the value and results in compelling ways, not just be told the many steps and the technology in too much detail.

Unlock the business value of digital

Turn your vision into action at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo®, where the world’s top CIOs gain a strategic view of the emerging trends shaping IT and business. An unparalleled gathering of Gartner analysts, industry experts, peers and solution providers lets you explore new ways to approach critical challenges, make decisions with confidence and achieve greater impact as a leader.

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