CC Search: A New Vision, Strategy & Roadmap for 2019

At A Grand Re-Opening of the Public Domain at the Internet Archive, I teased a new product vision for CC Search that gets more specific than our ultimate goal of providing access to all 1.4 billion CC licensed and public domain works on the web.

Los Angeles: CC and a panel of VR experts tackle the issue of social change in emerging media

Watch or listen to the recording on Vimeo, YouTube, or Soundcloud. On February 15, Creative Commons hosted an evening of demos, discussion, and drinks in Los Angeles called, “CC as a Vehicle for Social Change in Emerging & Immersive Media.” With 200 guests registered, the evening featured demos of three virtual reality social impact projects. They were: … Read More “Los Angeles: CC and a panel of VR experts tackle the issue of social change in emerging media”


Announcing the new CC Search, now in Beta

Creative Commons’ goal is a vibrant, usable Commons powered by collaboration and gratitude. That work has taken us beyond the licenses to explore new tools for discovery, reuse and collaboration.