Define Your Artificial Intelligence Strategy

Use artificial intelligence to grow your business revenue and achieve business goals

Maximize the AI opportunity

Artificial intelligence (AI) drives value based on business outcomes around customer experience, cost reduction and revenue generation. Successful CIOs understand that AI applications are more than technical and tactical projects — and that the application of AI as a technological capability can enable new opportunities and help achieve business goals.

Craft your artificial intelligence strategy

As a CIO, you don't need to be a mathematics genius to make sense of AI for your business. Draw on the experience and expertise you already have, in two key ways: Assess which business outcomes would benefit most from AI and evaluate AI as simply the latest advanced analytical technology that might help achieve those outcomes.

Insights You Can Use

Plan for AI’s competitive advantage now

Artificial intelligence is a transformative technology that will drive sustainable competitive advantage and business value. Take action now to employ AI technology and connect it to critical business outcomes.

Ready or not, AI is coming to you

As vendors exploit AI software capabilities within business suites, enterprise applications, infrastructure support services and the customer experience, your organization will need new or updated strategies.

Learn from early AI experiments

Gain practical experience from AI pilots, AI experiments and early production systems — and then use this experience to revise your plans and set realistic business objectives.


Answers to your AI questions

“Our clients say one of the most significant obstacles for AI projects is that they’re challenged to established a use case, a measurement and a return-on-investment plan that they feel is credible. And for good reason: Only 1 in 25 CIOs today tell us that they’re employing AI now.�

Turn your vision into action

Turn your vision into action at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo®, where the world’s top CIOs gain a strategic view of the emerging trends shaping IT and business. Through an unparalleled intersection of Gartner analysts, industry experts, peers and solution providers, you’ll explore new ways to approach critical challenges, make decisions with confidence and achieve greater impact as a leader.


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Learn how to build the strategy and business case to implement AI
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    Smarter with Gartner

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    Gartner is a trusted advisor and an objective resource for more than 15,000 organizations in 100+ countries.

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