Leaders in the creation of open payments, identity, and blockchain solutions for the Web.

Check out our product site at veres.io


Bedrock is an application platform that helps you get your ideas to market quickly by reducing the engineering effort of launching a new product. Finding, vetting, testing, and combining disparate technologies into a cohesive whole is a laborious and time consuming task. Bedrock has already done that work so that you can avoid fighting your technology stack and focus on adding value.

Inconsistency Filled-50  Modern

Bedrock helps you launch your ideas faster by bundling all the best-of-breed tooling that’s necessary to build a modern, scalable Web app. It creates a solid foundation on which you can build, letting you focus on your project-specific needs.

Module Filled-50  Modular

Bedrock uses a modular design to help keep code well-organized and provides guidelines for developers to follow that help break down problems and reduce cognitive load. Bedrock has a built-in testing infrastructure that makes sure your product is as solid as your idea.

Code Fork-48  Moldable

Bedrock’s organizing principles make Bedrock easy to learn yet flexible enough to empower a developer to innovate freely. Bedrock keeps its core simple while providing a powerful configuration system, an event-based API, and Linked Data-capabilities that help you quickly adapt to your changing business needs.

P3© is a software suite that supports the full lifecycle of payments processing using next generation Web Payment standards. From digital offers, to payment requests and processing, to digital receipts, loyalty cards, and coupon processing.

Happy-48  Freedom

Since our software is built on patent-free open standards, our payment solutions do not lock you in. This gives you more choice when it comes to finding solutions to your unique payments needs.

Parachute Filled-50  Safety

Multiple layers of cryptography protect all transactions in transit and at rest, ensuring peace of mind knowing that P3 is guarding your most valuable payment data.

Speed-52  Speed

With capabilities that include processing thousands of transactions per second and quickly searching through billions of records to find the one you want, P3 can process a deluge of transactions and manage the information your business needs without breaking a sweat.

Honest© Checkpoint enables credentials to be securely issued and verified via the web. Honest© Wallet stores your digital credentials along with your payments instruments. Digital credentials can be used to verify identity, a capability, or right to access protected data in a wide variety of situations including for: professional licenses, passports, membership information, single-sign-on for websites, or access to a particular set of an employer’s resources.

Shield-52  Bullet Proof

Honest, utilizes advanced cryptographic methods to secure high stakes credentials in way that is verifiable and non-reputable.

Price Tag-52  Economical

Web-based credentials can dramatically reduce administrative costs associated with issuing and verifying credentials as well as optimizing other lifecycle costs.

Acrobatics Filled-50  Limber

Honest can be adapted to a variety of use cases and industries including Healthcare, Insurance, Government, Finance, and to a variety of medium to large scale organizational needs.


We pioneer payment, identity, and credential technologies that will power the next generation Web. We have been heavily involved in Web standards for over a decade, participate in cutting edge research and development, and contribute to the open source community. 
All of the software we engineer is heavily based on web standards, making our technology robust and extensible, and ensuring our customer relationships are based on quality of products and services rather than vendor lock-in. We have over a decade of extensive experience with web standards at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Internet Engineering Task Force including leadership roles in the Web Payments Interest Group as well the Verifiable Claims Task Force and the Credentials Community Group at the W3C.
Digital Bazaar is  deeply involved in the latest Web research and development standards groups including XHTML+RDFa, HTML5+RDFa, Semantic Web, OpenID Connect, and WebID.
Digital Bazaar also oversees technical development of core Web technologies across a wide variety of technology areas and has been a primary driving force in getting open identity and Linked Data technologies like JSON-LD and RDFa adopted at companies like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Facebook and agencies in the US Federal Government.

We have contributed to a number of open source projects including spearheading  PaySwarm. Monarch, and Forge. We believe in open source.


Contact us about leasing our products or our consulting services. We are open to partnerships that align with the work we already do or if it advances standards projects that we care about.

You may reach us by phone during normal business hours – Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm Eastern Standard Time and by e-mail anytime.

Phone: 1-540-961-4469

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Blacksburg, Virginia 24060 USA


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