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Cognitive Dissonance is Killing Us

In the gap between our beliefs and our actions we lose sight of ourselves.
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Similarities in Systems

Writing and marketing are more similar than most people realize. If writers were not natural introverts they'd make excellent sales people :) - Dive in, see why:
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Be Afraid

Everyone feels afraid of something. And everyone feels some kind of unacknowledged, unspecified fear. Being 'fearless' doesn't mean being without fear. It means acknowledging and embracing our fear.
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I am adding this here because +Nina Trankova has totally nailed the need to clarify our perception.
Self-Expression Live Online

No draft, instantly resonating, collaborative by nature. It isn't any format practices in any professional characteristics. It's a new digitized creativity including many formats and skills in a new progressive process.

In the name of clarity, the nail here is the whole book "The Sniper Mind" by +David Amerland. That brings us to the conclusion about one of the characteristics of online expression: few is surfacing for in depth knowledge. For good and for bad.

#DigitalCommunication #Expression #Style #Format
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How Should You Live Your Life?

Admittedly, not an easy question to answer. I have provided some links. Dive in:
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Make Time To Recharge

It's as important as levelling up your skillset.
Unplug and Recharge
Unplug and Recharge
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The Incremental Steps That Lead to Loss of Democracy

I am working on a new book (that's all I can say at the moment) but you know i share what I find because I get really excited and think some stuff is too good not to share immediately. The diagram below is brief and needs some explanation. It is based on solid socio-neuroscientific research on what we find acceptable as social creatures that are not specifically empowered to run anything beyond our own lives.

Incremental over-reach from power that demands the steps below stems from (and leads to) autocratic, despotic roles in any kind of setting and any kind of scale.

To give you a small flavor, dehumanization (an outside enemy has to appear), co-exists with unaccountability and secrecy (because to the 'extraordinary' conditions we find ourselves in and what's at stake). They lead directly to each of the requirements/demands below them but those demands (and requirements) also precede them. A despot, for instance, cannot get to the moment where he hides all his activities behind a veil of secrecy "for the good of the State" without entitlement, opacity and blind loyalty that have been given beforehand and which now become requirements.

All of this is bidirectional. All of is it is incremental. The paradox is that because it is incremental resisting it seems like an over-reaction and, of course, once all this is in place, resisting takes more than a single individual can bring to bear.

Thoughts? (and hot damn! Right?)
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What You Believe

What you believe and who you believe are part of a complex mental dance of knowledge, perception and emotion. Dive in.
David Amerland on Google
David Amerland on Google
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Can You Control Your Reality?

Given that for most of us reality is a bounded data set with few variables the real question has to be why do we fail to get the outcomes we seek?
Control And Cognition
Control And Cognition
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This. Here. Today.

h/t +Omi Sido
Believing is a lens through which you can see what cannot be seen.

Believing creates a necessary context wherein seeing a thing is possible.

With that in mind, I can tell you that what you truly believe about yourself determines who you become.

Most people don’t realise their beliefs determine the rest of their life; what you believe today has real effects on tomorrow.

#transformation #evolution #beleive #gains #greatness #strive #life #lifeisagift #determination #live #laugh #smallpleasures #happyness #workhard #loveyourself #beyou #faith #freespirit #dreamchase #mind #peace #movement #lifestyle #livinggood #london #dontstop #inspiration #progress #journey #success
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