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Pencil Portrait Drawings Contour Maps. To see more, larger sized art and information about Evgeni Koroliov, click the image, to take you to our site.
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The Stairs - 2

+Elizabeth Kearvell I was looking back through old posts tonight Elizabeth and discovered very sadly that Roger Agnes had passed away a year or so ago. We had a good many chat and shared a love of flowers and westies. It's a terrible thing that the work of so many people is being simply deleted soon.

April 2nd will be the last day of G+, I'll be here 'till the end, but if you want to find me elsewhere you can get in touch via my website or follow me on Instagram.

If you're looking for somewhere new, our new lifeboat is afloat:

#CelebrateCountdown a hashtag started by adventurer and friend - +Peter Quinton

#googleplussunsetting #gplussunsetting are hashtags created by +Ellie Kennard and while this isn't a sunset, it's a post in remembrance of what G+ once was, a place for people.


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Cave Creek Nepean (Woodhouse Canyon)

For fun. Woodhouse Creek enters a deep canyon through the long cave seen in this picture. A long exposure picks out color detail on the walls, including greenery where sun penetrates. This can become a raging torrent after rain in the catchment above.

More pics at:
[The web site has been rewritten pending the G+ close down, and ported to a secure domain. I would welcome any comments about the site as it develops over the next couple of weeks. I have turned comments 'on' at the site, as it attracts very little spam. ]

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#EU leaders agreed to postpone #Brexit day, imposing two new dates - April 12 and May 22 - that will determine the course of the #UK's departure. Leaders devised the new plan at a summit in Brussels on Thursday (Mar 21) after quickly rejecting U.K. Prime Minister #TheresaMay's request for an extension of the #Article50 negotiating period to June 30.

Both new dates in the EU plan come with conditions, but in either event the original March 29 deadline - the so-called cliff-edge by which #Britain would leave the bloc with or without a divorce agreement - was put off, if only for 2 weeks. #EU27 leaders said that if the U.K. parliament ratifies the #Brexitdeal before the March 29 deadline, Britain will have until May 22 to complete any technical steps, exit and begin a transition period. That is a day before the #EuropeanParliament election begins.

#WorldEconomy #Economy #Geopolitics #Diplomacy #Politics #ForeignPolicy #InternationalRelations #ForeignRelations #EconomicRelations #EconomicCooperation #UKEconomy #EuropeanUnion #BrexitDisruption #BrexitRisks #Europe
EU delays Brexit, gives UK new deadlines
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Nature has provided us with countless nutrients that help cure, heal, nourish and nurture our body. Here, take a look at 16 foods that have incredibly amazing healing properties.

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Hortensia – Hydrangea

This photo is part of a new blog on my website: Full screen flowers

CAMERA: Canon EOS 80D/650D
LENS: Canon EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II


#photography #flowers #floral #Spring #colorful #colors #Hortensia #Hydrangea
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Still falls the Rain

Title from the poem of the same name by Edith Sitwell

April 2nd will be the last day of G+, I'll be here 'till the end, but if you want to find me elsewhere you can get in touch via my website or follow me on Instagram.

#googleplussunsetting #gplussunsetting hashtags created by +Ellie Kennard

If you're looking for somewhere new, our new lifeboat is afloat:

#CelebrateCountdown a hashtag started by adventurer and friend - +Peter Quinton

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If your device supports 3D Touch, simply force-press on a grayed-out app to activate a context menu, and tap on the “Prioritize Download” option.
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Join us today for a Google+ farewell walk in Berlin

3pm, U-Bahnhof Hansaplatz, Berlin


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Fall of Giants Wadbilliga National Park
Celebration: countdown 5

A giant once stole three girls swimming in a pool at the top of these falls. One of the girls called all the birds in the sky to help free them, and a multitude of birds came and threw the giant's head to the ground. The giant's head may still be seen at the foot of these falls. Look closely, and you will see the tears falling from his eye.

The Giant was not alone. Look and see the other giants all around us. When they torment, remember the birds. Turn to the sky and call them with all your breath.

This is the Tuross River at the Wadbilliga near the sunken forests of the Duea. It drops about 200m (600') and is one of the most remote falls safely accessible to bushwalkers.

Image: I have processed a slightly wider image (for printing as one of the images in a 'brutal art' exhibition). This is a wider angle version. I chose a soft 'ink and watercolor' approach to pick out each of the rocks in the scene (working with a black and white image before washing color back into the image).

Celebrate: Thank you. To celebrate what we all achieved on G+, i am publishing the 50 most viewed posts in this collection (with 450m views) until shutdown. This is a reprocessed scene of this fall (5th most viewed).

#CelebrateCountdown (please feel free to use this hashtag to celebrate your own favorite posts)
This platform has been great for photographers and writers. For more Australian photography, please check out my friend +Chris Sutton. Or check the b&w of
+madelene jeffery, the Scottish rambles of +shonie Hutter or the adventures of +Monique Helfrich.

Looking for a different social media site (one without the hate speech)? Check out the artist/photographer/friends social media site at

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So This is Making America Great Again?
Check out which bases in foreign countries are being considered for school and child care cuts. Then look at the Alaskan air base with no room for a school with 240 children additional. These are political targets. In Arizona McSally reports there should not be any such cuts. But we know who she’s a big fan of.

Trump's border wall money may come at expense of schools for military kids
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We said goodbye to Google+ yesterday on the Google+ farewell walk in Berlin.


If you are on MeWe, most of us are there:
(make sure you answer the questions and your profile photos is a profile photo and not a slice of toast or you will simply be ignored)

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The number of universities in England with operating deficits in 2017-18 increased to 32, compared with 24 the year before and 10 in 2015-16. Across the UK, the number reporting deficits rose to 47, compared with 40 in 2016-17.

And who are those worst off?

Reading’s income, reported to the Higher Education Statistics Agency, was £317m against total expenditure of £348m.

Other universities in England with large budget deficits included London Metropolitan and Bradford, while Robert Gordon and Queen Margaret in Scotland also posted large deficits.

Soas University of London, seen as being in considerable financial difficulty, reported income of £92m but spending of nearly £95m.
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Desert Light

Google+ is closing in one week. Find other sites I am active on.
Be sure to follow my Flickr, IG, or Blog
IG: @wildernessphotographer
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Google+ Events and Birthdays removed from Google Calendar

To keep seeing your friends' birthdays make sure you have them in your Google Contacts!

See what's changed:

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The US unemployment rate is currently close to 4%, and the country has added jobs every month for a record 101 months in a row. Wage growth, which has lagged behind jobs growth since the recession, is finally, if slowly, picking up. US #GDP - the widest measure of economic health - is now about 3.4%, up from 1.8% in the first quarter of #Trump’s presidency. Trump says he’s truly Making America Great Again.

Republicans suffered a major defeat in the #midtermelections despite a strong economy. But midterms are often seen as a protest vote. When it comes to the general election - if the #economy continues on its current course - the Yale economist Ray Fair, Moody’s chief economist, Mark Zandi, and Luskin all believe Trump would win. Unless he is in prison.

#WorldEconomy #AmericanPolitics #POTUS45 #Politics #AmericanPoliticians #RepublicanParty #TrumpAdministration #PresidentialElection2020 #Republicans #DemocraticParty #Democrats #AmericanEconomy #EconomicOutlook #UnitedStates
Trump looks good for 2020, experts say, because 'economy is so damn strong'
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With spring well on its way, I thought I'd share with y'all this cozy transitional look. Layers are vital this time of year, but we can still start incorporating a few lighter colors that are fitting for the season!
Springtime Scarf
Springtime Scarf

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Reflections at Sunset in Florida

Be sure to follow my Flickr, IG, or Blog before G+ closes in two weeks
IG: @wildernessphotographer
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Zion Canyon and Looking up in the Trees

G+ is closing in 2 weeks :-( Be sure to follow my Flickr, IG, or Blog
IG: @wildernessphotographer
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