
The hockey world rallies to support Evander Kane after the death of his daughter in utero

NHL 昨日
Evander Kane, who has been absent from the Sharks lineup of late, revealed that he and his wife lost their unborn daughter at 26 weeks of pregnancy.

winger Evander Kane — who has been away from the team for more than two weeks — announced via Twitter on Thursday that he and his wife recently lost a child during pregnancy.

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A message from my family and I

3,833件の返信 4,910件のリツイート 47,336 いいね

An explanation as to Evander Kane's absence for among the very saddest of reasons. So sorry to hear.

2件の返信 56件のリツイート 479 いいね

The National Hockey League family offers its deepest condolences to Evander Kane and his family.

106件の返信 1,337件のリツイート 11,651 いいね

Our thoughts go out to you and your family ♥️

52件の返信 530件のリツイート 4,833 いいね

We are heartbroken for our teammate. Thoughts and prayers for and his family.

3件の返信 35件のリツイート 604 いいね
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We were deeply saddened by the news of Eva’s passing. Our heartfelt condolences to you and your family..The Savard’s ❤️

28件のリツイート 797 いいね
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Condolences from the Carcillo family ❤️

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We send our thoughts to you and your family in this difficult time.

1件の返信 4件のリツイート 140 いいね
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So sorry for your loss. Condolences to you and your family 🙏

2件の返信 10件のリツイート 626 いいね
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Sorry to hear for your loss. My condolances Shark fans are here to support you and your family. Take all the time you need.

5件のリツイート 78 いいね
返信先: さん

I am so sorry, Evander. You’ve got a lot of fans in Boston pulling for you and your family right now. Stay strong.

9件のリツイート 196 いいね
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Very heartbreaking. Sorry for your loss EK, the pain is a Very tough one. I lost a daughter like that too. You’re not alone. We all love you. ❤️god bless you and your family.

5件のリツイート 92 いいね
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So very sorry for your loss, Evander. My first born daughter Ava was born unexpectedly at 25 weeks and lived for 8 days. She’d be 10 now and the heartache never goes away. Hope you can find peace in your love and support for each other. You’ll always be Eva’s Daddy. Much ❤️.

4件の返信 6件のリツイート 165 いいね

Evander Kane will not play against the Panthers after announcing that he and his wife recently lost a child during pregnancy

4件の返信 23件のリツイート 99 いいね