Audience targeting

Reach people when and where it matters most.

People come to Twitter to discover what’s happening in the world, to share information instantly, and to connect with people and businesses around the globe. With hundreds of millions of users and more than 500 million Tweets sent each day, there’s a steady pulse of conversation where people talk about their lives, their needs, and their wants, and what they’re doing right now. Every single Tweet is a signal of intent that creates an incredible story of a consumer’s life and what their interests are, what they are doing, and what they’re searching for in their lives at that moment.



Twitter Ads generate 2X sales and penetration lifts.

Source: Oracle Datalogix CPG ROI Norms, Twitter vs. the Open Web, Feb 2016

There are patterns that emerge around human behavior. People tell us when they’re hungry. Or when they’re in a new life stage, like starting a family or buying a new home. Who people follow and the Tweets they engage with paint a rich story of what they are interested in, like a business or fashion icon.

As an advertiser, you only want to reach the right segment of the population — the people who care most about your brand and will be most receptive to your message. Targeting on Twitter lets you reach the right people based on their expressed interests so you will always have the ability to connect with your audience when and where it matters most.



increase in memory encoding from Twitter Video ads compared with online video norms.

Source: Neuro-Insight, Twitter video Sept. 2016

Ways to help you solve this challenge

Age or Gender Targeting

Reach people based on their age or gender.

@Username Targeting

Connect with people based on the people and brands they follow.

Interest Targeting

Reach people based on their interests.

Tailored Audiences

Target audiences created from your website visitor and/or CRM data. You may also import targeting groups from select web audience partners.

TV Targeting

Build upon your overall TV strategy by reaching users engaged with specific TV shows before, during, and after a telecast by network or by genre.

Event Targeting

Quickly and easily discover, plan for and activate events on Twitter. Get started by looking at the events calendar at and then visit your ads dashboard.