Safetrx is a vessel tracking smartphone application that fills a critical gap in the maritime situational awareness picture.



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Why Safetrx


Filling a critical gap in the maritime situational awareness picture

SafeTrx provides a means for non-SOLAS vessels to file Sail Plans. The system provides boat users who don't have or use AIS on board with a cheap, easy, automated and reliable means to keep the SAR authorities informed of their voyage plans and location. SafeTrx is the first data source that focuses on leisure craft users without AIS to contribute to the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) IMdatE maritime situational awareness picture.

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Shortens the uncertainty phase in overdue cases

At the core of SafeTrx is the Monitoring Console, a web-based interface for SAR authorities to rapidly assist in locating an overdue vessel. Position, speed and heading information obtained from the Smartphone’s GPS is transmitted periodically back to the SafeTrx server. With access to critical location data, boater, vessel and emergency contact information, SafeTrx shortens the uncertainty phase in an overdue case and reduces SAR response times as a result.

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Early Warning System

SafeTrx’s intelligent warning system activates timely alerts on overdue Sail Plans. A Sail Plan that exceeds its Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) triggers an escalation procedure which notifies the boater and their designated contacts ashore. SAR authorities are notified through the Monitoring Console alerting function and the system will also activate an email alert to the Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC) overseeing that area. The overdue escalation process is fully customised to follow the SAR authority’s existing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

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Efficient Resource Management

The success of a SAR incident response depends greatly on the ability to direct SAR resources as efficiently as possible. SafeTrx supports SAR authorities in meeting this challenge with a system capable of extracting all the relevant knowledge to sustain interoperability between the many agencies engaged in SAR operations. SAR operational support tools such as SitRep generation, temporary third-party console access and quick incident sharing allows for more efficient resource management and deployment.

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It is our hope that SafeTrx will give us the ability to efficiently track and locate persons in distress, even when they are not able to report their status by other means. This will greatly enhance our effort to achieve the ultimate goal that the Search and Rescue system of the Republic of Cyprus has set, which is no other than the zero loss of human lives.
Commodore Costas Fitiris
Cypriot Government’s Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC)
JRCC larnaca logo
SafeTrx gives rescue services access to data the skippers provide themselves as long as they are in range of a mobile network. In case of an emergency, the MRCC can use the stored data to support search missions. Sometimes the information we get on missing leisure boats is very poor. We are sure that SafeTrx can help to close this gap and will be of great support to locate people who need assistance, and it will minimise false alerts from family members that we often get if crews are overdue.
Udo Fox
Executive Director, German Maritime Search & Rescue Service
“We’re delighted to join sea rescue organisations worldwide in bringing SafeTrx to Finland. Offering SafeTrx to our volunteers, members and boating community enhances Finnish Lifeboat Institute’s marine search and rescue services, ultimately improving safety along Finland’s coastline and inland lakes. As a proven maritime safety platform, we are confident SafeTrx can help reduce the risk of maritime accidents and the loss of human lives at sea in Finland.”
Pertti Helaniemi
Vice Chairman of the Board, Finnish Lifeboat Institute
The Norwegian Sea Rescue Society has decided to enter into a cooperation with several other sea rescue organisations around the world in implementing the SafeTrx safety app for boaters. The excellent technology and the tight cooperation with other sea rescue organisations is key for us moving forwards with SafeTrx
Martin Fuhr Bolstad
CIO, Norwegian Sea Rescue Society
“Offering SafeTrx to our boating community enhances MRQ’s marine search and rescue services, ultimately improving safety along Queenslands 2,700km coastline. With tens of thousands of Sail Plans filed in Australia and other countries, the system is a proven solution in mobile vessel tracking.”
Keith Williams,
President, Marine Rescue Queensland
Safetrx is an international product with a solid reputation. It has been successfully used in other countries around the globe and we are excited to announce the launch of RSA SafeTrx. It is another tool that paddlers and small craft users can add to their safety equipment, which will help to take the search out of Search and Rescue.
Dr Cleeve Robertson
CEO, National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI)
This new SafeTrx App has the potential to get our resources on-scene as quickly as possible which will in turn save lives.
Ray Campbell
National Commodore, Australian Volunteer Coast Guard
The Coastguard welcomes any system that can contribute to the information gathering effort. RYA SafeTrx will help provide this information, meaning that valuable time is not lost.
Keith Oliver
Head Of Maritime Operations, Maritime & Coastguard Agency
MCA Logo
We are sure this application can play a significant role in improving safety in coastal waters.
Juan Luis Pedrosa
Director, Spanish Maritime Safety Agency
Salvamento Marítimo Logo
When we learned about SafeTrx and its enormous benefits, we knew we had to bring it to the UK.
Stuart Carruthers
Cruising Manager, Royal Yachting Association
RYA Logo

Why it's Best

the standard solution in the automated filling of sail plans

Cost Effective

More efficient resource management and deployment.

Cost Effective

Now the standard solution in the automated filling of Sail Plans in Spain, the UK, Ireland and Australia.

Easy to Use

Intuitive, user-friendly interfaces for trip set up.

Easy to Use
Fast Deployment

Configured and deployed in a number of weeks.

Fast Deployment
Fully Automated

Advanced computer server monitors and escalates overdue trips.

Fully Automated

Configured to the SAR authority’s existing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).



configurable overdue notification system

The SafeTrx overdue escalation process is customised to the SAR authority’s SOP.

  • Overdue alerts to the boater’s mobile phone in the form of timed local notifications
  • The SafeTrx server monitors the boat users journey and can further escalate an overdue trip by sending SMS messages to both the boater and emergency contacts.

Tools to Assess & Locate

SafeTrx displays real time data to help reduce the uncertainty phase in an overdue situation.

  • The SafeTrx Monitoring Console highlights the Sail Plan status and sounds an alarm on overdue trips
  • Full Sail Plan details include the ETA, the start, waypoint, the endpoint, the type of activity, number of people on board, vehicle registration, safety equipment, boater, vessel and emergency contact information.
  • Real time vessel tracking with position reports logged every kilometre (or every 5 minutes if stationary).

SAR Operational Support Tools

SafeTrx assists incident response Operators in directing SAR resources and communicating critical information.

  • SitRep collates all known information on the boater, their Sail Plan, and full vessel track history into a concise PDF document.
  • Allows SAR authorities to share critical information quickly with other SAR agencies by granting temporary 24 hour access of the Monitoring Console.
  • SURPIC provides surface picture capability for enhanced situational awareness.


Downloads Statistic


Average Trips per Month

Avg Statistic


Traffic Reports Recorded

Total Trs


Hours at Sea

Hours Statistic


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About SafeTrx

The solution is the first of its kind, providing a means for boaters to file a Sail Plan (SP) with the Coast Guard from a Smartphone. With a set of server side processes, the solution monitors the journey, alerts designated contacts should a journey exceed an ETA and provides a web-based user interface for the Coast Guard to rapidly assist in locating an overdue vessel. SafeTrx is an innovative tool aimed to complement the existing technology that assists in saving lives at sea.

8 West Consulting is the organisation responsible for the design and development of the SafeTrx solution. Delivering world class Enterprise IT solutions since 1998, 8 West Consulting focuses on architecture, consultancy & strategy, project management, web design & development, and mobile development.