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    RYA SafeTrx app

    The RYA SafeTrx app monitors your boat journeys and alerts emergency contacts should you fail to arrive on time.

    RYA SafeTrx app is an app for both Android and Apple iOS smartphones that allows you to track your journey (in UK territorial waters) on your phone.

    RYA SafeTrx app provides all recreational boat users, particularly dinghy cruisers, PWC users, RIB users, canoers, kayakers, wind and kite surfers and smaller boat users with an easily accessible and simple to use means that can inform HM Coastguard of their voyage plans and dynamic location in the event of distress.

    This app is freely available to anyone who wants to be safer afloat. It is free to download and there is no charge to use it.

    How does it work?

    You can enter your journey details directly from your smartphone and set off knowing that should you not arrive by the time given, a nominated emergency contact will be alerted and advised to initiate appropriate action.

    Where an emergency contact calls HM Coastguard about an overdue trip, they will have access to your location and SafeTrx trip data through a secure SafeTrx server.

    Since RYA SafeTrx periodically sends your location data back to our servers, HM Coastguard's response team can get help directly to you, and quickly.

    Whilst components of the GMDSS system remain the preferred means for communication and distress alerting, RYA SafeTrx app is a useful backup and particularly helpful for those on the many small craft that do not have the ability to fit or carry standard GMDSS equipment.

    RYA SafeTrx is an accessible tool that leisure craft users can use when going to sea.  It does not replace GMDSS, EPIRB, PLB or AIS.

    Watch the SafeTrx introduction video 

    RYA SafeTrx features

    RYA SafeTrx is more than a mobile vessel tracking application, it is also a practical tool that equips you with the knowledge to be safer at sea.

    These features are available within the latest version of the app:

    • Sail Plan mode records a starting point, a destination and an estimated time of arrival (ETA). It sends SMS messages to your emergency contact(s) if you exceed your ETA. To avoid a false alert, ensure that you end your trip on arrival at your destination or extend the trip ETA time. Please make sure that you end your trip in the app on arrival at your destination, just closing the app does not end the trip. Please also ensure you enter a valid mobile number for your emergency contacts.       

    • Quickly start recording using the Track Only mode to begin tracking at a touch of a button. Change the recording interval to save on battery consumption when your tracking is in progress. Choose from continuous, 10 minute or 30 recording intervals.  Review performance analytics after recording your track.


    • Find nearby ports, their locations and contact details.
    • Access VHF channel information for your planned route.
    • Get familiar with lifeboat station locations for your planned route.
    • Check UK Met Office sea area forecasts for your waypoints and destination.
    • Check daily tidal information through the UKHO Admiralty EasyTide service.

    Safety information and checklists

    • Check the ‘Safety Information’ section for guidelines on: Equipment for UK Pleasure Vessels, Life Saving Signals, Levels of Buoyancy in Personal Flotation Devices and SOLAS Regulations for Pleasure Craft.
    • Equipment and safety checklists for all types of craft helps you better prepare for going on the water. Set up your checklists directly from the app.
    • Review the various types of buoys as prescribed by IALA’s Aids to Navigation.


    • Find the nearest VHF channels while out on the water based on your current location.
    • Receive maritime safety messages and marine notices through the RYA SafeTrx app and SMS messages.
    • Activate an emergency call to 999 without an active trip. When in UK waters, the app will automatically determine your location and direct the call to the UK emergency services.

    Your profile and trip history

    • Manage your profile, vessel, checklist and emergency contact information within the app.
    • Keep a clean record of trips in ‘Trip History’ with the option to delete individual trips on the app.

     RYA SafeTrx app can be downloaded from:

    Google play (UK)

    Requires Android’s OS 4.2 and above

    App store(UK)

    Requires Apple’s iOS 8.0 and above (filter by "iPhone Only" in the App Store)

    Getting started

    I already have an RYA account, how do I get started?

    If you registered a RYA account before 26 April 2018, you can use your RYA account username and password to log into the RYA SafeTrx system.

    If you have registered a RYA account after 26 April 2018, you will need to register a RYA SafeTrx account using the following instructions:

    • Download the app from the UK Apple App Store or Google Play Store
    • Register a new account on the RYA SafeTrx app
    • Login to the app with your username and password
    • Register your boat and emergency contact details

    You can also register a SafeTrx account on the RYA SafeTrx website ( Your boat details and emergency contacts can be added on this website as well.

    If you are having any problems, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions section below.

    I don’t have a RYA account, how do I get started?

    • Download the RYA SafeTrx app from the UK Apple App Store and Google Play Store
    • Register a new account on the RYA SafeTrx app
    • Login to the app with your username and password
    • Register your boat and emergency contact details

    You can also register a SafeTrx account on the RYA SafeTrx website ( Your boat details and emergency contacts can be added on this website as well.

    If you are having any problems, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions section below.

    RYA SafeTrx website

    In addition to the features the app offers, users also have access to the RYA SafeTrx website - Here you can also manage your account, vessel details and emergency contacts, plus personalise checklists and review your trips.

    Useful information

    • Tell your emergency contact what you are doing and that they have been nominated. RYA SafeTrx gives you the option of sending your emergency contacts a SMS with your Sail Plan trip details after you start your trip and also after you closed your trip to let them know that you have arrived safely. The emergency contacts section in the app also gives you the option to send them a SMS to let them know that they have been nominated.
    • If you cannot close a Sail Plan or Track Only trip, call or SMS your emergency contact to tell them you have arrived safely.
    • If you cannot make contact with your emergency contact, HM Coastguard can be contacted over VHF or phone so that you can advise them that you have arrived safely.
    • Once a Sail Plan is started in the RYA SafeTrx app, the passage plan is logged on a central RYA SafeTrx server which automatically monitors your ETA.  Should you and your phone go overboard and the trip goes overdue, the RYA SafeTrx server will automatically send the SMS messages to your emergency contacts. Please see the question below “What happens if I fail to close my Sail Plan within the logged ETA?“ The RYA SafeTrx Sail Plan escalation SMS messages and timings are determined by the HM Coastguard and their Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
    • It’s important to consider the level of cellular coverage in the area you plan on sailing in and particularly at your destination. The RYA SafeTrx app does requires a mobile data connection to transmit location data in real time, and to start/stop Sail Plan and Track Only trips. As a guideline on mobile coverage, OFCOM have a mobile coverage checker app that may be useful when deciding to log a Sail Plan or not: Boats sailing to more remote areas that have intermittent reception should be GMDSS equipped in such instances.  By registering on the RYA SafeTrx database alone, you have the confidence of knowing that the HM Coastguard will be able to look at your information for the purposes of search and rescue if ever you need assistance.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I reset my password?

    You can reset your password by going to, entering your email address and clicking on the “I forgot my password” button. RYA SafeTrx will send you an e-mail containing a password reset link. Click on that link to reset your password.

    I am having a problem downloading, logging in or using the app, who should I contact?

    Please contact who will be able to assist you.

    I am having a problem registering at, who should I contact?

    Please contact who will be able to assist you.

    How much does the RYA SafeTrx system cost?

    The RYA SafeTrx app is free to download from Apple's App store and the Google Play store. Once downloaded, boaters can run unlimited free trips using the RYA SafeTrx app.

    Is the RYA SafeTrx app available for Windows smartphones?

    There are currently no plans to make the SafeTrx app available on the Microsoft Windows platform. It currently only holds 10% of the mobile market share in the UK. SafeTrx has therefore focused the app to serve the more dominant mobile platforms, Android and iPhone. SafeTrx continually monitor the mobile market share and if the Microsoft Windows platform gains a significant share, SafeTrx will consider adding this platform.

    Why can’t I use the RYA SafeTrx app on an Android tablet?

    The RYA SafeTrx Android application is not available on extra-large screens such as tablets devices. The app is primarily a smartphone application and is therefore designed to fit such screen sizes and take advantage of the native features on the phone. Unlike the iPad, specific tablet layouts are required on Android and as such do not scale the application to provide a sufficient user experience. 

    If you have an Android smartphone with an operating system of 4.2 and above, you will be able to install the RYA SafeTrx app from the Google Play store. Alternatively, if you have an iPhone with iOS 8.0 and above, please download the app from the App Store.

    What are the key components to the RYA SafeTrx system?
    • Android and iOS Smartphone applications.
    • RYA SafeTrx website for managing boater account details, trip details and performance analytics.

    The RYA SafeTrx app is free to download from Apple's App store and the Google Play store. Once downloaded, boaters can run unlimited free trips using the RYA SafeTrx app.

    Do I have to change the settings of my smartphone?

    Yes, Location services (under Privacy) have to be switched on to capture your position data. Also Mobile Data and Data Roaming have to be switched on in order to send the data to the central RYA SafeTrx system. Allowing the use of Contact information from your phone is advised for easy registration of Emergency contacts. Access to your camera or photo library if you want to save or update a photo of your craft. Please also accept Notifications to receive notification alerts from RYA SafeTrx.

    What permissions are required?


    Location Services – Location Services permissions are required in order to track your location in real time and display location based information within the app. The app uses location services when the app is running in the foreground and in the background to facilitate trip recording. Opting out of Location Services permissions means that trip recording and trip sharing will not be possible. Also access to information on nearby points of interest will not be available.

    Contacts - Permission is required for the app to access the contact/address book on the phone. This can be used to retrieve contact details to enter an emergency contact within SafeTrx to save the user from entering them manually and helps avoid incorrect number entry.

    SMS – Permission is required if the end user wants to send an SMS from within the app, for example, if the user wishes to send their Sail Plan to an emergency contact via SMS, share a link to their trip via SMS or notify them when their trip has ended.

    Phone - Permission is required if the end user wants to make an emergency call from within the SafeTrx application.

    Photo/Camera Usage - Permission is required for the app to use photos from the phones library or to use the camera function within the app. For example, to upload a vessel photo or to send an incident photo to the Coastguard where necessary.

    Device ID/Call Information – Allows the app to determine the phone number and device ID’s, whether a call is active and the number connected by a call.


    Push Notifications - Permission is required for the app to received push notifications from the app, for example, overdue Sail Plans notifications, low battery notifications and message centre messages.

    Location Services – Location Services permissions are required in order to track your location in real time and display location based information within the app. The app uses location services when the app is running in the foreground and in the background to facilitate trip recording. Opting out of Location Services permissions means that trip recording and trip sharing will not be possible. Also access to information on nearby points of interest will not be available.

    Photo/Camera Usage - Permission is required for the app to use photos from the phones library or to use the camera function within the app. For example, to upload a vessel photo or to send an incident photo to the Coastguard where necessary.

    Contacts - Permission is required for the app to access the contact/address book on the phone. This can be used to retrieve contact details to enter an emergency contact within SafeTrx to save the user from entering them manually and helps avoid incorrect number entry.

    Who has access to my Trip Plan details?

    Trip information is stored on a secure server hosted by the RYA. Only HM Coastguard and RYA have access to personal and trip data. The RYA SafeTrx privacy statement is available to review.

    How do I manage my account?

    You can view and edit your RYA SafeTrx account details at

    Within the RYA SafeTrx website you can:

    • Change your personal contact information 
    • Register, edit and view your vessel details
    • Personalise vessel Winter Storage and Season Start checklists
    • Set up and edit your emergency contacts 
    • View and delete your journey history 
    • View and share trip statistics on Facebook 
    • View Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Disclaimer policies

    Within the RYA SafeTrx mobile app, you can:

    • Change your personal contact information
    • Register, edit and view your vessel details
    • Set up personalised vessel Sail Plan checklists
    • Set up and edit your emergency contacts
    • View and delete your journey history
    • View Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Disclaimer policies
    When logged into the RYA SafeTrx website on my iPad, I'm having issues getting past the 'Terms & Conditions' screen

    Where you have an issue accepting or navigating past the ‘Terms and Conditions’ screen on the RYA SafeTrx website on your iPad, please check if you are using private browsing (Safari) or an incognito window (Chrome). If so, please switch private browsing off or open a new chrome window without incognito and try logging in again.

    Can I add more than one boat and emergency contact?

    Yes, you have the option to add more than one boat and emergency contact. You can select which ones to use at the start of each trip.

    Can I view my completed trips?

    You can access your trip history on the RYA SafeTrx website at and on the app under 'My Profile > Trip History'.

    On the RYA SafeTrx website, trips are listed by vessel name and the trip start time for each trip. Track Only mode trips are highlighted with an icon listed after the individual trip start time.

    The Trip History section under the ‘My Profile’ section on the RYA SafeTrx app allows you to view completed trips. SafeTrx allows the boater to playback these saved trips using the video playback feature. The SafeTrx mobile app allows the boater to delete individual trips on the app.

    What happens if I fail to close my Sail Plan within the logged ETA?

    If the trip plan is not closed then an automatic escalation process is triggered starting with a reminder and ending with an SMS message sent to the nominated emergency contacts. The full escalation process is as follows:

    Escalation level 1

    15 minutes before the ETA is due to expire, you will receive a notification advising you to extend or end your trip plan.

    Escalation level 2

    Failure to close the trip when the trip ETA expires sends another reminder alert that the trip is now overdue and it must be either closed or extended.

    Escalation level 3

    15 minutes after the ETA has expired you will receive a warning notification that a SMS will be sent to your emergency contact in 15 minutes should the trip remain overdue.

    Escalation level 4

    30 minutes after the ETA has expired and if the trip has not been ended or extended, a SMS is sent to your emergency contact. If your emergency contact is unable to contact you, they are then advised to contact HM Coastguard.

    What should I do if I don’t have a data connection to close my Sail Plan?

    It’s important to consider the level of internet coverage in the area you plan on sailing in. The RYA SafeTrx app does requires a network connection to transmit location data in real time, and to start/stop Sail Plan and Track Only trips. As a guideline on mobile coverage, OFCOM have a mobile coverage checker app that may be useful when deciding to log a Sail Plan or not: Boats sailing to more remote areas that have intermittent reception should be GMDSS equipped in such instances. By registering on the RYA SafeTrx database alone, you have the confidence of knowing that the HM Coastguard will be able to look at your information for the purposes of search and rescue if ever you need assistance.

    If you enter a passage plan using RYA SafeTrx and lose coverage, RYA SafeTrx will still send a SMS to your emergency contacts 30 minutes after the ETA has been exceeded. The emergency contact should then try to make contact with you. If you are arriving into an area of poor coverage, it's best to advise your emergency contact of this before making the trip. The emergency contact will need to raise the alarm if they deem it necessary. It’s also worth noting that if loss of coverage does occur and your trip is overdue, the HM Coastguard can be contacted over VHF or phone so that you can advise them that you have arrived safely. HM Coastguard can make a note of this on the SafeTrx Monitoring Console so that action is not taken.

    What happens if I need to amend my ETA en route?

    If you do not think that you will reach your destination within the ETA that you have set then you can change the ETA en route using the ‘Edit’ button on the trip progress screen.

    Is there a way for my friends and family to see my location?

    There are three ways to share your location with your friends and family:

    Share your current position: On the Home screen, tap the share icon at the right-hand side of the location coordinates. Choose the SMS, e-mail or social media service you prefer. A standard message with a url with your location on a map is generated. You can edit and send the message. The selected contacts can see your position on a webpage and can send this to others (without your permission).

    Share live location updates during your trip: If you have a Sail Plan or a Track Only trip in progress, you can share your location with friends and family on a live map, and allow them to track you while you’re on the water. Tap the Share icon on the Trip in Progress screen to share a url with your location on a live map. This can be shared via SMS, e-mail or a social media channel of your choice.

    Share a Trip history: When you have ended your trip, you can share the track with friends and family. From the sidebar menu, choose My Profile, then tap Trip History. Choose the track you wish to share. On the Trip Summary screen, tap the Share icon at the bottom of the screen at the left hand side. Choose the SMS, e-mail or social media service you prefer. An url is being sent with the completed track on a webpage, indicating your name and your vessel name, last known position, last position update, trip start time and that the trip has ended.

    How much of my information is displayed when sharing my location with friends and family?

    Share your current position: The name of the person sharing their location, the position coordinates, the date and time the position was recorded, and the GPS-accuracy are displayed on the webpage.

    Share live location updates during your trip: The name of the person sharing their trip, vessel name, last known position coordinates, last position update date and time, GPS-accuracy, trip start time, speed and heading are displayed on the webpage. Tap on the vessel icon on the map to view the position, speed, heading, timestamp and GPS accuracy for an individual location. If you have shared your trip with someone and you activate the ‘Divers Down’ feature, a location update is displayed on the shared webpage with a 'Divers Down' icon on the map. It will also indicate the position where the ‘Divers Down’ was deactivated.

    Share a Trip history: The name of the person sharing their trip, vessel name, last known position coordinates, last position update date and time, and trip start time are displayed on the RYA SafeTrx webpage. Tap on the vessel icon on the map to view the position, speed, heading, timestamp and GPS accuracy for an individual location. If during the trip you activated the ‘Divers Down’ feature, the location is displayed on the shared webpage with a 'Divers Down' icon on the map. It will also indicate the position where the ‘Divers Down’ was deactivated.

    Is sharing my location or trip with friends and family limited to just those that I share with?

    No, the RYA SafeTrx webpage with your location information is accessible to anyone that has the url. If your friends and family share the url (without your permission) their receivers can also see your location or trip.

    Can I stop sharing my trip with friends and family at any point?

    No, the RYA SafeTrx webpage with your location information is accessible to anyone that has the url. If your friends and family share the url (without your permission) their receivers can also see your location or trip.

    Can I create my own checklist items?

    Yes, you can create custom items per category and add them to your personalised checklists in two ways.

    On the RYA SafeTrx mobile app, you can create Sail Plan checklists. Go to the “My Profile” tab in the RYA SafeTrx mobile app. Choose ‘Vessels’ and once you choose the vessel, scroll down to “Manage Checklist’. Choose the checklist items that you wish to add. Click on the “Add” button, and click “Save” after having created one or more new items. Sail Plan checklists are added to your Sail Plan set up. 

    On the RYA SafeTrx Website, you can create Sail Plan, Winter Storage and Season Start checklists. Go to the “Vessels & Checklists” tab in the RYA SafeTrx boater website. Once you choose the vessel, check list type and boat type, scroll down to the end of the page to the heading “Add New Item”. Choose the category from the drop down list where the new item belongs to and then enter the item you wish to add. Click on the “Add” button, and click “Save” after having created one or more new items. Sail Plan checklists are sent to the app and added to your Sail Plan on departure.

    How much data will the RYA SafeTrx app consume?

    Data usage will vary according to the distance travelled and a number of factors such as the coverage, operating system, device type, mobile network used, Journey Logging etc. It also varies between Sail Plan mode and Track Only mode, and whether or not you’re moving or stationary. The following are approximations:

    Sail Plan Mode: Basing calculations on a 60 Km trip in Sail Plan Mode where the app is pinging every kilometre, the RYA SafeTrx app would use approximately 250KB of data (send & receive combined), including setting sail and ending the trip. Where the app is stationary for a period, for example, if they sat idle for 3 hours, the app sends a location update every 5 minutes. The RYA SafeTrx app would use approximately 750KB of data. 

    Track Only Mode: Basing calculations on a 5 Km trip in Track Only Mode where the app is recording a position every 10 metres and sending it to the server every 500 metres, the RYA SafeTrx app would use approximately 2MB of data. Based on a 6 hour trip, where the app is recording a position every 10 minutes, the RYA SafeTrx app would use approximately 167KB of data. Recording every 30 minutes would use approximately 55KB of data for a 6 hour trip.

    The app data is not even a fifth of this overall figure but due to the nature of the underlying protocols and various methods used by the carriers, it all adds to the raw data transmission. 

    How does the app handle loss of cell coverage?

    Where the RYA SafeTrx app experiences loss of cell coverage, it stores the trip location points on the smartphone. Once a signal becomes available again, it sends the backlog of stored trip information to the server and resumes posting trip information in real time.

    When does RYA SafeTrx send my position information to the server?

    Sail Plan Mode: RYA SafeTrx sends location information to the RYA SafeTrx server at regular intervals. When your smartphone battery power is >30% then the application will send a location report every 1 kilometre or every 5 minutes if you are stationary. When the battery level reaches 30% RYA SafeTrx changes the location reporting frequency from 1 kilometre to 2 kilometres to save power. When the battery level reaches 10% RYA SafeTrx will display a notification and will stop transmitting location updates. Location reporting will recommence when the smartphone starts charging and the battery level exceeds 10%. When the battery level increases to between 11% and 30%, location reporting is resumed at the 2 kilometre interval. When the battery level increases to over 30%, RYA SafeTrx increases the location reporting to every 1 kilometre.

    Track Only Mode: The boater can choose between 3 position recording intervals in Track Only mode.

    1. Continuous recording
    2. 10 minute recording
    3. 30 minute recording

    The recording interval can be adjusted while a track is in progress. The following describes the recording intervals when moving and stationary and how often it transmits a location to the server under certain battery conditions.


     If battery is between 10% and 100% If battery is less     than 10%
    Recording Interval       

    Records Position - When        Moving

    Records Position - When Stationary  How often
    does it    transmit to SafeTrx Server?
    Low Battery
     Continuous Continuous
    Has to move at least 10 metres before it records a  position Every 500          metres At 10%, it stops recording and displays a notification on the boaters phone. an SMS is sent to emergency contacts

     10 minutes Every 10 minutes Every 10 minutes Every 10 minutes At 10%, it stops recording and displays a notification on the boaters phone. an SMS is sent to emergency contacts
     30 minutes Every 30 minutes Every 30 minutes Every 30 minutes At 10%, it stops recording and displays a notification on the boaters phone. An SMS is sent to emergency contacts.


    How accurate are the location points transmitted from the phone?

    As the accuracy of latitude/longitude triangulations can vary, a margin for error will always exist. The monitoring website uses Horizontal Accuracy and other measurements to allow the operators to determine the best set of data to review. The smartphone application may provide you with information and assistance relevant to your current locations, as determined by the mobile device that you are using. However, the devices and the telecommunications systems that support them are inherently unreliable and there is a risk that there will be no connectivity between your mobile device and global positioning systems. We cannot guarantee uninterrupted connectivity between your mobile device and global positioning systems.

    What happens if the smartphone battery runs low?

    Sail Plan Mode: The RYA SafeTrx app uses a number of methods to determine position and these do consume battery power. However, the app monitors your phones battery in real time and adapts to declining battery levels. If the battery level falls below 30%, the location transmission interval is adjusted from 1km to 2km to save battery power. There is also a failsafe to ensure that if the battery falls to 10%, RYA SafeTrx suspends in order to preserve battery power for emergency calls. When your smartphone is plugged in to recharge, trip monitoring and sending location information is resumed by opening the app again.

    Track Only Mode: In Track Only Mode, if the battery falls to 10% while running a trip, RYA SafeTrx suspends recording in order to preserve battery power for emergency calls. When your smartphone is plugged in to recharge, trip monitoring is resumed by opening the app again.

    In both Sail Plan and Track Only modes, RYA SafeTrx sends the following SMS to advise your emergency contacts that the battery power has fallen below 10%:

    "This is a notification to inform you that (boater's name)'s phone battery is running low and RYA SafeTrx has suspended location reporting. Please make contact with (boater's name) to verify their trip status. SafeTrx will resume location reporting once the battery level goes above 10%".

    Please note that the battery levels reported on some smartphones are rounded down to the nearest 5%, therefore trip recording may be suspended when the battery level is between 10%-15%.

    How does HM Coastguard access the RYA SafeTrx system?

    HM Coastguard will be able to monitor trip plans through the RYA SafeTrx Monitoring Console.

    What do the performance analytics provide?

    RYA SafeTrx users who download the app will benefit from a feature unique to the RYA SafeTrx app; performance analytics. Track Only mode will enable you to analyse your speed and performance on the water whether you are racing or fine tuning whilst cruising. Please note, analytics will be provided on “Continuous Mode” only in Track Only mode.

    How do I make an emergency call from the app?

    An emergency call to 999 can be made from any screen in the RYA SafeTrx app. To initiate the call, you can either press the call icons on the home screen, menu or trip progress screen or hold your finger down anywhere on the screen for 3 seconds. This will present the Emergency Call screen. You will then need to press the red button labelled “Emergency” to initiate a call to 999. This will automatically dial 999.

    What happens when an emergency call is initiated?

    Once an emergency call is initiated and the user has an internet data connection, the app will send a location update to the RYA SafeTrx Monitoring Console.

    Who does an emergency call dial when initiated?


    When the Emergency call options are pressed on the SafeTrx mobile app, the app will determine the boater’s current location using location services on the device and will call a pre-defined number accordingly.

    If the boater’s location is in the UK, the Emergency Call dials the emergency services number, 999.

    If the boater’s location is in Ireland, the Emergency Call dials the emergency services number, 112.

    If, for whatever reason, the location cannot be determined or the boater is outside of the UK and Ireland, it defaults to the UK emergency services number, 999.


    Can I change my Sail Plan trip while running a trip?

    When a trip is in progress, boaters can amend the following using the ‘Edit’ button on the Trip Progress screen:

    • Estimated time of arrival at your end destination (ETA)
    • People on Board
    • Emergency Contacts
    • End Point
    • Waypoint
    Can I change my Track Only trip while running a trip?

    When a trip is in progress, the tracking interval can be adjusted (continuous recording, 10-minute recording or 30-minute recording).

    What do the icons on the map represent on the RYA SafeTrx app?
    Icon Category
      Lifeboat Station

    The RYA SafeTrx app contains useful location-based information that is displayed in the maps and ‘Nearby Information’ sections. When the end user taps any of the categories, the app will retrieve the location of the end user and display a list of point of interest around the end user's position.

    How does the SafeTrx app determine what nearby information to display?

    The SafeTrx app displays location-based information in the following way:

    • VHF Channels – displays VHF channel information within a 10 NM radius of your location or the nearest two VHF channels.
    • Lifeboat Stations – displays lifeboat information within a 25 NM radius of your location or the nearest two lifeboat stations.
    • Port Information – displays port information within a 10 NM radius of your location or the nearest two ports.
    • Divers Down locations - within a 10 NM radius of your location
    Can I use the RYA SafeTrx app when boating abroad?

    The RYA SafeTrx app will still track and transmit your location as long as you have a data connection and data roaming on when boating abroad. The transmission of location updates will still be sent to the RYA SafeTrx Monitoring Console. Likewise, if the end user goes overdue, the escalation scheme will be based on the RYA’s escalation scheme and the HM Coastguard will have access to the trip details, if required.

    When the Emergency call button is pressed on the RYA SafeTrx mobile app, the app will determine your current location using location services on the device and will call a pre-defined number accordingly. If you have an internet connection, the app will also send a location update to the RYA SafeTrx Monitoring Console so that the HM Coastguard can access your location if they need to respond.

    Depending on your location, the RYA SafeTrx app can call the following services:

    • If your location is in the UK, the Emergency Call dials the emergency services number, 999.
    • If your location is in Ireland, the Emergency Call dials the emergency services number, 112.
    • If your location is in Netherlands, the Emergency Call dials the Netherlands Coast Guard and an Assistance Call dials the Royal Netherlands Sea Rescue Institution (Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij).
    • If your location is in Spain, the Emergency Call dials the Salvamento Maritimo (Spanish Maritime Safety Agency).
    • If your location is in Germany, the Emergency Call and Assistance Call dials the MRCC Bremen.
    • If your location is in Finland, the Emergency Call dials the Finnish Border Guard and an Assistance Call dials the Finnish Lifeboat Institute.
    • If your location is in Norway, the Emergency Call dials the Coastal Radio Emergency number and an Assistance Call dials the Redningsselskapets (Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue).
    • All other countries, the Emergency Call dials the emergency services number, 999.

    If, for whatever reason, the location cannot be determined, it defaults to the UK emergency services number, 999. The app will always display the service that you are connecting to so that it’s clear to the user who they are calling.

    What is the 'Divers Down’ feature

    The RYA SafeTrx ‘Divers Down’ (Digital Flag Alpha) feature allows end users to notify other vessels within a 1-kilometre radius that there are divers active in the area. The ‘Divers Down’ flag will appear with the time activated in the maps so that other RYA SafeTrx end users can view the active diving zone when trip planning.

    How can I activate a ‘Divers Down’ flag?

    Create a Sail Plan and set your activity to 'Diving'. (Please note, only certain types of vessels have the category ‘diving’ as an activity option.) Once the Sail Plan trip is active, tap the 'Divers Down' button on the 'Trip in Progress' screen when divers have entered the water. The ‘Divers Down’ flag will appear in all maps with the original time activated. Tap the 'Divers Up' button when the divers are safely back on board. This will remove the ‘Divers Down’ flag from all maps.

    Can I view active diving zones on the map?

    The RYA SafeTrx maps will display the ‘Divers Down’ icon in the location where the flag was originally activated with a 1km radius circle drawn around the ‘Divers Down’ icon. This radius represents the ‘Divers Down’ geo-fenced zone. The Explorer and Sail Plan maps will refresh every 10 minutes with the dive vessel location updates and/or new ‘Divers Down’ activations. The in-app ‘Trip in Progress’ map will update the ‘Divers Down’ locations on each position update. When the ‘Divers Down’ has been deactivated, the ‘Divers Down’ flag will be removed from all mobile app maps and the shared webpage.

    What happens if other vessels enter into an active ‘Divers Down’ zone?

    The RYA SafeTrx maps will display the ‘Divers Down’ icon in the location where the flag was originally activated with a 1km radius circle drawn around the ‘Divers Down’ icon. This radius represents the ‘Divers Down’ geo-fenced zone. The Explorer and Sail Plan maps will refresh every 10 minutes with the dive vessel location updates and/or new ‘Divers Down’ activations. The in-app ‘Trip in Progress’ map will update the ‘Divers Down’ locations on each position update. When the ‘Divers Down’ has been deactivated, the ‘Divers Down’ flag will be removed from all mobile app maps and the shared webpage.

    Will the ‘Divers Down’ appear in the shared webpage?

    The RYA SafeTrx maps will display the ‘Divers Down’ icon in the location where the flag was originally activated with a 1km radius circle drawn around the ‘Divers Down’ icon. This radius represents the ‘Divers Down’ geo-fenced zone. The Explorer and Sail Plan maps will refresh every 10 minutes with the dive vessel location updates and/or new ‘Divers Down’ activations. The in-app ‘Trip in Progress’ map will update the ‘Divers Down’ locations on each position update. When the ‘Divers Down’ has been deactivated, the ‘Divers Down’ flag will be removed from all mobile app maps and the shared webpage.

    What happens if I forget to deactivate the ‘Divers Down’ flag?

    If the end user closes the Sail Plan trip with a ‘Divers Down’ still activated, the ‘Divers Down’ feature is automatically deactivated by the RYA SafeTrx server. The RYA SafeTrx app's Trip Summary screen will display the ‘Divers Up' icon on the last reported location to signify that the flag was deactivated on closing the trip. Likewise, if the Monitoring Console Operator needs to close a Sail Plan with an active ‘Divers Down’, the ‘Divers Down’ is automatically deactivated by the RYA SafeTrx server.

    What happens if I forget to deactivate the ‘Divers Down’ flag?

    If the end user closes the Sail Plan trip with a ‘Divers Down’ still activated, the ‘Divers Down’ feature is automatically deactivated by the RYA SafeTrx server. The RYA SafeTrx app's Trip Summary screen will display the ‘Divers Up' icon on the last reported location to signify that the flag was deactivated on closing the trip. Likewise, if the Monitoring Console Operator needs to close a Sail Plan with an active ‘Divers Down’, the ‘Divers Down’ is automatically deactivated by the RYA SafeTrx server.

    What is the ‘Incident Photo’ feature?

    The RYA SafeTrx ‘Incident Photo’ feature allows you to send a photo of an incident or sighting to the HM Coastguard. This could be a navigational hazard, a sunken vessel or possibly a photo to help the authorities assist you (or somebody else) in an emergency situation.

    How can I send an ‘Incident Photo’?

    The RYA SafeTrx ‘Call for Help’ distress screen includes the option to send a photo of an incident or sighting. Tapping the camera icon will give you the option of using the camera to capture a photo or use an existing photo from the phones photo library.

    You can take a photo with and without an active Sail Plan or Track Only trip. In addition, a photo of an incident or sighting can be sent without making an Emergency phone call.

    Please note, on the initial download or update of the RYA SafeTrx app, you will need to give access permissions to the RYA SafeTrx app for the camera and photo library in order to use this feature.

    What information does the ‘Incident Photo’ report?

    The RYA SafeTrx ‘Call for Help’ distress screen includes the option to send a photo of an incident or sighting. Tapping the camera icon will give you the option of using the camera to capture a photo or use an existing photo from the phones photo library.

    You can take a photo with and without an active Sail Plan or Track Only trip. In addition, a photo of an incident or sighting can be sent without making an Emergency phone call.

    Please note, on the initial download or update of the RYA SafeTrx app, you will need to give access permissions to the RYA SafeTrx app for the camera and photo library in order to use this feature.

    How can I send an ‘Incident Photo’?

    The data captured as part of the Incident Photo are:

    • Photo captured date/time
    • Photo GPS position

    RYA SafeTrx also sends the following data with the Incident Photo:

    • GPS position
    • GPS captured date/time
    • Speed
    • Heading
    • Horizontal Accuracy
    • SafeTrx App Version
    • Battery Level
    • Cellular Network Provider
    What information does the ‘Incident Photo’ report?

    The RYA SafeTrx ‘Call for Help’ distress screen includes the option to send a photo of an incident or sighting. Tapping the camera icon will give you the option of using the camera to capture a photo or use an existing photo from the phones photo library.

    You can take a photo with and without an active Sail Plan or Track Only trip. In addition, a photo of an incident or sighting can be sent without making an Emergency phone call.

    Please note, on the initial download or update of the RYA SafeTrx app, you will need to give access permissions to the RYA SafeTrx app for the camera and photo library in order to use this feature.

    Who can view the ‘Incident Photo’?

    The Incident Photo is sent to the Monitoring Console where the HM Coastguard have access to. Where deemed necessary, the Incident Photo and it’s data may be sent to third parties for the express purpose of rescuing lives and possessions at sea. At all times, we will respect and protect the privacy and confidentiality of this information.

    Will the ‘Incident Photo’ appear in the shared webpage?

    No, the ‘Incident Photo’ will not appear in the shared webpage. It is restricted to the RYA SafeTrx Monitoring Console.

    Can I view 'Incident Photos' that I’ve previously taken?

    Yes, you can view previous Incident Photos when taken as part of a trip only. From the sidebar menu, go to ‘My Profile>Trip History’ and choose the trip that the Incident Photo was captured on. Click on the camera icon on the map to view the Incident Photo and photo details.

    What does ‘Enter Flotilla Event Code’ mean on the Track Only screen?

    The SafeTrx Flotilla Event code allows your trip to be tracked as a participant in a race. Enter the event code supplied by the race organiser in the Flotilla Event Code field to show your live track on the publicly available Flotilla Event website for the race. If you are not an event participant this field can be ignored.

    How can I enter a Flotilla Event code?

    Select ‘Track Only’ mode on the RYA SafeTrx home screen. Tap on the ‘Enter Flotilla Event Code’ link and enter the event code supplied by the event organiser to you.

    Where do I get the Flotilla Event code?

    If the event organiser is using SafeTrx Flotilla Event for the race, they will provide the event code along with instructions to participants.

    Who can see my location if I enter a Flotilla Event code?

    If you enter a valid event code and press ‘Start’, the position will be shared on a publicly available SafeTrx Flotilla website.

    How much of my information is shared on the SafeTrx Flotilla website?

    Your vessel name, time of last recorded position, position co-ordinates, speed and your name are visible at the SafeTrx Flotilla website.

    What if I enter the incorrect ‘Flotilla Event code’?

    If you enter the incorrect event code, your position will not be shared on the publicly available website.

    What version is SafeTrx Flotilla available on?

    Only RYA SafeTrx Mariner app versions 2018.1.1 or greater for Android and app version 2018.2.0 or greater for iOS support the SafeTrx Flotilla Event functionality.

    Who can I contact if I am having problems?

    If you are having problems downloading, logging in or using the app, please contact who will be able to assist you.

    European SafeTrx User Group

    The establishment of a European SafeTrx User Group has allowed the development team to work directly with those that are providing life-saving services at sea.

    The RYA works closely with members of the User Group to directly influence the features and design of SafeTrx, with feedback facilitated through onsite workshops, conference calls and via a dedicated project management portal. Such cooperation and involvement with the User Group ensures the product remains relevant and always fit-for-purpose.

    Award winning

    The application has picked up a number of awards in the US and in Ireland.

    In the US, the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA) awarded SafeTrx the Silver Award of Distinction in the category for ‘Best Navigation/Maps on a Mobile App’ on behalf of the 2015 Communicator Awards. In addition, the SafeTrx website won Gold Award of Excellence for ‘Best Activist Website’.

    In Ireland, SafeTrx picked up the Innovation in Maritime Safety Award at the inaugural Maritime Industry Awards 2015. In 2017, SafeTrx was awarded the Excellence in Marine Technology Award at the Maritime Industry Awards.  

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