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Land Force

The Land Force is the most numerous Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation varied in its weapons and methods of warfare, which is designed to repel the aggression of the enemy in continental theaters of military operations, protect territorial integrity and national interests of the Russian Federation.

The Land Force is entrusted with the following main tasks

In peacetime:

  • Maintaining combat potential, improving combat and mobilization readiness of troops to repel aggression of the local scale.
  • Ensuring readiness of troops to implementation of the activities of mobilization and operational deployment to repel the enemy aggression.
  • Preparation of control bodies and troops to conduct military operations in accordance with their intended use.
  • Stockpiling of weapons, military equipment and materials in the volumes, needed to solve the tasks facing the Army, and their maintenance in readiness for combat use.
  • Participation in peace support operations, conducted by the UN Security Council or in accordance with international obligations of the Russian Federation.
  • Participation in accident, technological and natural disaster recoveries.
  • Participation in implementation of activities on operational equipment of the country’s territory.

In the period of threat:

  • Build-up of composition and improving of combat and mobilization readiness of troops.
  • Strengthening the forces and means of combat duty and intelligence of the enemy forces’ actions.
  • Operational deployment of groupings of troops in the threatened areas, including the coalition ones, in accordance with the Treaty on Collective Security of the CIS.
  • Increasing of the volume of ongoing military assemblies on training citizens in the reserve.
  • Participation in some special events of territorial defence.
  • Preparation of weapons and military equipment for combat use, increasing the base of logistics and the capacity of repair.
  • Covering the national frontiers of the Russian Federation.
  • Preparation of the first defensive operations.

In wartime:

  • Performing the tasks according to the plan for strategic deployment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  • Localization (suppression) of possible military conflicts, repulse of the enemy’s aggression by means of groups of troops combat-ready in peacetime, if necessary – with complete mobilization of formations and military units.
  • Conduct, together with the other Services and Arms of the Armed Forces of Russia (with participation of the Armed Forces of the CIS member states that have signed the Collective Security Treaty), of defensive and counter-offensive operations to defeat the aggressor.
  • Participation in the repulsing the enemy’s aerospace attack, conducting airborne, amphibious and other joint operations of the Armed Forces’ Services.
  • Participation in conduct of territorial defence (protection and defence of critical military, state objects, and objects along communications, struggle against sabotage-and-intelligence and terrorist forces, as well as landing parties of the enemy, ensuring establishment and keeping martial law).

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